
Dragon Ball Z: The Rise of Dakon

Not Dropped

Kachlin · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Under a weird-looking tree, there were boys and three girls sitting as the tree was burning continuously.

"Dakon, What do you suppose we do now as the inhabitants of this planet have been killed we should go back to planet Vegeta"

Gula said as Rota, Nion, Tarro, and Lettus nodded their heads agreeing with Gula.

Dakon looked sad as they said that.

"What is it?"

Gula asked Dakon.

"Planet Vegeta was destroyed after we left"

Dakon said.

"Why and Who?

Everyone asked Dakon.

"I don't know why, but it was Frieza who destroyed Planet Vegeta. There are four more Saiyans left"

Dakon said.

"Who are they?

Tarro asked.

"Kakkarot, Raditz, Nappa, and Prince Vegeta"

Dakon said.

"The Prince is alive"

Lettus said with a face full of anger.

"Why are you so angry after hearing his name?"

Nion asked.

"7 years ago, I became 3 years old at the time I had a brother, and his name was Broly he was born with a power level of 10,600. King Vegeta was angry that Broly was stronger than his son, so he banished him along with my father Paragus and my father gave me to the king in an attempt to persuade him to let Broly stay and serve him but it was futile"

Lettus said, gloomy.

"What, Broly had a brother?"

Dakon Muttered under his breath.

[Ki Creation ticket expires in 2 hours]

Dakon upon hearing that used the Ki Creation ticket.

[Verse Ki Created]

(Verse Ki)

Created by: Dakon

Component Ki: Dragon Ki, Omni Ki, Angel Ki, G. O. D Ki, Evil Ki, Legendary Ki, Demonic Ki, Chaos Ki, God Ki, Majin Ki

Buff: Able to create Dragons and make wishes, Can erase anything in existence, Very Calm and powerful, Can get stronger with the more damage you take, Extremely Dark and potent, Like an extra limb, Forms multipliers are higher, get stronger rapidly throughout a fight, Super Condensed, Can't be absorbed, canceled, destroyed, etc., Divine, Can absorb others Ki and Convert it to his own.


Suddenly a crimson-red calm aura enveloped Dakon.

"What is happening?"

Nion asked while being pushed away by Dakon's aura.

[Name: Dakon

Age: 10 years old

Bloodline: Ancient legendary Saiyan

Unique Ki: Verse

Power Level: 950 million( +250Million)

Suppressed Power level: 80Million

Techniques: Mastered Ki control, ki sense, ki destroyer, Galactic flash, Omega burst, divine heal, etc.

SSJ Forms: f-SSJ, Ikari, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJ4

{f-SSJ: Tap into the power of a Super Saiyan multiplying power ×60}

{Ikari: Harness the power of a great ape multiplying power ×120}

{SSJ: Become enveloped in a golden fiery aura multiplying base power ×300}

{SSJ2: Become engulfed in a golden fiery aura releasing electricity multiplying base bower ×650}

{SSJ3:Release planet-shattering power multiplying base power ×1500}

{SSJ4:Unleash the potential of a great ape multiplying base power times ×28,000}(Original Multiplier is 20,000)

[Unlocked Form: The Path of the Nine Sages]

{The Path-Release the potential of the Verse to release solar shattering power multiplying base power times ×150,000}

Dakon's aura subsided after a few minutes.

"Everyone ready for the space pods we are going to earth"

Dakon said.

Afraid of Dakon everyone readied their space pods.

Dakon got in his space pod and launched off the planet toward the earth creating a sonic boom.

(|Three years later |)

[Name: Dakon

Age: 13 years old

Bloodline: Ancient legendary Saiyan

Unique Ki: Verse

Power Level: 1.2 Billion

Suppressed Power level: 120 Million

Techniques: Mastered Ki control, ki sense, ki destroyer, Galactic flash, Omega burst, divine heal, etc.

SSJ Forms: f-SSJ, Ikari, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJ4, The Path

{f-SSJ: Tap into the power of a Super Saiyan multiplying power ×60}

{Ikari: Harness the power of a great ape multiplying power ×120}

{SSJ: Become enveloped in a golden fiery aura multiplying base power ×300}

{SSJ2: Become engulfed in a golden fiery aura releasing electricity multiplying base bower ×650}

{SSJ3:Release planet-shattering power multiplying base power ×1500}

{SSJ4:Unleash the potential of a great ape multiplying base power times ×28,000}(Original Multiplier is 20,000)

{The Path-Release the potential of the Verse to release solar shattering power multiplying base power times ×150,000}

Six space pods crash land on Kami's lookout.

Out of the space pods came Dakon, Gula, Tarro, Rota, Lettus, and Nion.

Kami and Mr. Popo were shocked.

"Green dude power level 400, Black creature power level 300"

Tarro laughed as he scanned them.

"Lettus kill them"

Dakon said.

Lettus points his finger at Mr. Popo and a purple thin beam rushed out piercing his heart and killing him.

"Mr. Popo noooo"

Kami shouted.

"Don't worry old man you will soon be with him"

Tarro said as he fired a Ki Blast toward Kami.

Suddenly, a light appeared, and from it came a hand that caught Tarro's Ki blast and crushed it.

When the light cleared standing there was none other than the Supreme Kai and the Grand Kai's son.

"Shin and Kibito"

Dakon said surprised.


|Dakon pl-1.2 Billion

|Shin pl-530 Million

|Kibito pl-490 Million

|Lettus pl-23 Million

|Tarro pl-21 Million

|Gula pl-20 Million

|Nion pl-19.5 Million

|Rota pl-19 Million


Tarro seeing someone who appeared out of nowhere and crushed his attack with one hand made him very angry.

Tarro rushed toward the Supreme Kai who evades his jab and one-shots him to the ground.

"We are not here to fight, I am here because I sensed the forbidden ki used by the Majins."

Shin said, looking at Dakon.

"Tell me why you have the same ki as a Majin?"

Shin asked, Dakon.

"Mortal answer the Supreme Kai's questi..."

Suddenly a ki blast hit Kibito in the back making him severely injured.

"Tarro power level 1,050,000,000"

Dakon said.

Supreme Kai seeing this was angry so he powered up.

"I said we are not here to fight"

Supreme Kai roared with anger.

"Supreme Kai power level 1.048 Billion"

Dakon said.

Supreme Kai was enveloped in God ki.


It has been a few minutes yet the battle between the two of the most powerful people in the universe still wages on.

With each blow, a tremor was felt throughout the world.

Suddenly the Supreme Kai was sent flying through dozens of mountains.

Tarro grabbed Shin by the neck and threw him to the moon.

Tarro then powers up a massive attack and releases it toward the body of the Supreme Kai carrying him into the moon.

Tarro shouted.

"Hell zone obliterate"



An explosion that lasted for 6 seconds erupted destroying the moon.

Tarro laughed before passing out from his injuries and falls back to the base form.

Rota was about to go get Tarro when suddenly a strong force grabbed her and flung her back.

"I did not say you could move"

Dakon said, with murderous intent.

"What's wrong?"

Gula asked.

Dakon appeared in space where there was once a moon but now there is only space rubble.

Dakon looked around and sees the nearly-dead Supreme Kai, Shin.

Dakon rushed over toward Shin and heals him with his technique of divine healing.

Dakon then grabs Shin and appears back on Kami's lookout.

Dakon sees Rota holding Tarro in her arms.

"I said to not move"

Dakon said, while slowly walking towards her.

"But I love him"

Rota said.

"Rule 23 of the subject laws, no one under my command shall fall in love"

Nion said.

"You Bitch"

Rota said.

Dakon instantaneously appeared in front of Rota with his hand stretched forward.

"Omni Haki"

Dakon said.

Rota screamed as her very existence is being wiped out of existence.

"Rule 3 of the subject laws, those who have broken more than 5 laws will get wiped from existence"

Gula said.