

Out in the mountain area, there lived a small family that had been living somewhat peacefully for the past two and a half years. The family consisted of a mother, Chi-Chi Son, and her children that were twins, Gohan and Gonan. The father of the family had yet to come in a few hours, though none of them knew this. The only thing that they knew was that the children had felt a familiar power level heading to Earth, and their father's friend, Krillin, had felt the same thing.

Chi-Chi had reluctantly watched as her children flew off in the direction of the power level, fearing the worst and that the young children wouldn't return to her safely. But, she had to have faith that they would be strong enough, or at the very least cunning enough to manage an escape from whatever was coming to Earth.

Soon enough, all of Earth's defences that could defend it against someone like Frieza had appeared, the Z-Fighters, including Vegeta, had landed,all gathered in one spot. Some of them hadn't seen each other in a while, so they had greeted their friends, but stayed somewhat serious, each one knowing how dire the situation could be.

Gohan pointed his finger to the sky, pointing towards Frieza's ship that had just broken through the atmosphere, gaining everyone's attention as they all stared at the ship in the air. None of them noticed two other power levels around the area, only one of them being familiar, though only vaguely. Everyone kept their distance from Frieza's ship, feeling another strong presence with the mighty tyrant, and eager to see what his first move would be.

The group watched as Frieza and his men stepped out of the ship, the men awaiting Frieza's orders. Only Piccolo could hear what was being said, none of it being too important. The point was, they were here in search of Goku, and they were going to kill everyone on this planet until they found it, most likely so they could sell this planet just like all of the others Frieza had his men conquer.

Just as his men set out to begin their reign of terror, a sudden ki blast came from a young woman towards the men's right, and the men were no more. Frieza looked towards the woman, expecting to see someone like Vegeta, or as he had hoped, Son Goku, but he was confused to see some mere girl standing there as her hand lowered itself.

"Is this the Saiyan you were talking about?" King Cold, the father of Frieza and the extra presence the Z-fighters had sensed, asked his son.

"No, he was a male, Son Goku. I'm not sure who this one is. No matter, she's just going to be another smudge on the ground." Frieza spoke cocklily without a care in the world.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Frieza." an unfeeling voice came out of the woman. The tyrant couldn't help himself as a grin slowly came upon his face.

"So I guess my name spreads around, doesn't it?" a proud-filled laugh left the half mechanical alien. The mechanical parts being constant reminders of his rival, Son Goku, who had left him on Namek for dead. Though, the tyrant couldn't blame Goku too much for parts of his destroyed body. After all, it was Frieza himself that had set the planet on a ticking time bomb.

"No, I just met you before on Namek. Ringing any bells? I was only a child then, but I still remember it clearly. Your mercilessness as you killed my friends, and as you fought my father, that Super Saiyan that you're looking for."

Frieza's eyes widened as he finally realized just who this was. This was one of Son Goku's brats, the female one. How she had grown so much, he didn't know, but all he knew was that there was an opportunity here, and he was going to take it.

"You're Son Goku's brat!"

"And she isn't alone." a young man with purple hair landed at an older Gonan's side.

"I'll let you take him, You need practice fighting someone other than me and you know who." the female spoke, taking a step back as if to give him space.

The Z-Fighters watched in awe as the purple haired teenager easily dealt with Frieza and his father, none of them besides Piccolo able to hear any conversation between any of them. No one knew what to think of these new appearances, especially since they had easily taken down Frieza, his father, and his men in less than fifteen minutes, and the only reason they had taken so long was because of the conversations that had started. Most of them flinched as the purple haired teenager turned towards them all, waving towards them to get their attention as the female kept her gaze far away from them.

"We're going to go meet up with Goku! You all can come if you want! We even brought snacks!" the teenager said as he flew up, the girl following, then they both flew off in a direction away from the Z-Fighters.

"They said they were going to meet up with dad?" Gohan said, though it sounded more like a question than anything.

"Yeah, they did.." Piccolo closed his eyes, deep in thought. He had heard what the girl had said, and had connected the dots to figure out that the girl was an older version of Gonan, but Gonan was just a few feet away from him. How could there be two? Regardless of this, he knew that this was Gonan, and decided to trust his instincts. "Let's follow them."

Gonan looked up at Piccolo, "Are you sure, Piccolo?"


And with this confirmation, the Z-Fighters all followed the two that had flown off. Soon, They all landed in an area that had been pretty barren with the exception of rocks, some of which seeming to resemble pillars.

"Goku will be arriving in three hours, until then," the teenager pulled out a capsule and threw it on the ground, revealing a mini fridge. "here are some drinks." He and the female he was with both took a drink, but the female had appeared to have been shaking the entire time, and they both backed off clear of the mini fridge to allow the others access to the drinks. The gang all got their own drink, with the exception of Piccolo, who had kept his eyes on the new characters in the group. He had no idea of the purple haired boy, but he knew that the female was Gonan, he just wasn't sure about the story behind the situation.

The older Gonan sat on a rock nearby the teenager, holding her soda in both of her hands, both of which trembling, making the liquid in the can ripple like crazy. Determined to figure out what was going on, he stepped towards the girl and spoke up.

"So what's going on? Who exactly are you, and how do you know where Goku's gonna land and when?" Piccolo demanded answered, noticing the girl stiffen up.

"It's complicated-" the teenaged beside her began, but was immediately interrupted by the Namekian.

"I asked her. She can speak for herself." He watched the interaction between the two as the older Gonan nodded towards her friend as if to tell him it was ok, then she stood up.

"Away from everyone else..." she then walked a bit aways from the rest of the group, making sure to stay out of earshot as Piccolo followed. "You already know who I am," she began, turning towards Piccolo, still avoiding looking at him. "So let's just get to the point... that kid I came here with, his name is Trunks. Vegeta and Bulma's kid who will be born in roughly two years, so you obviously can't tell anyone about him. He's good, been helping me with the threat that we came here to warn you about..."

"A threat? What kind of threat?" Piccolo asked, now intrigued and slightly concerned.

"First, for you to understand this better, me and Trunks came from about twenty years in the future. Secondly, in three years, a pair of androids are going to appear nine miles off of South City. Their goal was to kill dad, but he had already died a few months before due to a heart virus that had no cure at the time..." Future Gonan continued.

"Androids...? Heart Virus...?" Piccolo suddenly began to feel bad for the young adult female in front of him, knowing that she had to deal with these androids and her father's death and at such a young age.

"Yes, but on the bright side, I have the antidote for his disease with me. I plan to give it to him once he arrives and explain everything to him, too. The plan was to only explain this to father, but I knew you were going to hear anyway, and I know I can trust you with this information."

"Right. So if the androids were meant to kill Goku, and he was already dead before hand, what did they do instead?" Piccolo asked the obvious question for once, for no one else was there to ask it.

"They attack and destroy every city they run into, leaving no survivors. And unfortunately for me and Trunks, one of their hobbies is to chase us down in hopes of finally finishing us off."

"What about everyone else? I'm sure the others would help, as would I. What about Gohan?" Piccolo had to wonder about everyone else, though he had feared for the worst answer, but hoped for something more positive like they, or at the very least, he and Gohan were just back in their timeline. Unfortunately, none of his hopes had turned out to be true, and he figured this out as Gonan had flinched at hearing her brother's name.

"I... E-Everyone..." Gonan began, shaking once again, looking towards the ground at Piccolo's shoes, the closest she had gotten to actually looking at him the entire time she had been there. "Th-The androids... they killed you all in cold blood... The only one's that lived their attacks were Bulma, Trunks, Gohan and I, but..... Even... Even Gohan fell to them.... I-I killed him..."

A soft 'plop' sound was heard as a drop of liquid hit the ground. Soon, there was another plop sound, seeming as if Future Gonan was crying, but there was only one plop sound at a time. Realizing that his pupil was crying, he put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to cheer her up, "I'm sure you didn't kill Gohan-"

"What do you know?! You don't know what I've been through! I've watched every single one of you die, each death more brutal than the last! The only chance I had to save anyone was with Gohan, all I had to do was push a stupid button, yet I couldn't even do that!" Future Gonan snapped at him, finally looking up directly at his face. Piccolo was taken aback by this sudden outburst. He had known that the twins were prone to snapping when it came to a villain, but when they did that, the villain usually got beaten pretty badly. Knowing this, he wasn't entirely sure what to think of this, or more if he should brace himself.

"There's a reason I've been avoiding everyone.. Every time I look at one of you, l see the androids standing over your corpses. Either that or your graves." She looked towards Trunks, "Trunks barely knows the pain of loss. The most he's lost is his father, and Gohan. But he didn't even really get to meet his father, so it's hard for him to feel sad about it. Though, to be entirely honest, I'm not sure if meeting Vegeta as your father is a good idea..." an obvious attempt to change the subject.

"Right..." Piccolo didn't dare to say anything else, but he couldn't help but asking a question or two. "How did you get that-"

"The eyepatch? ... I don't want to talk about that."

"Of course... You know how much this will effect the-"

"I don't care about effecting the timeline. I know that this isn't exactly the best idea that we have, but it's the most we've got. History has to change, these androids have destroyed everything, and it's all just fun and games to them. I guess that's why it's been taking them so long to just wipe out the planet. They could do that easily enough with just one of them. Piccolo. we live in fear every day, never knowing if it's going to be the end, if we're just going to die and join our diseased loved ones. Trunks and I are trying our hardest, but it isn't enough. I'm not enough... But we believe that father is, if he just trains and doesn't die in the next three years, then I'm sure that some hope will shine on us. That's what we came here for." Future Gonan finally looked back to Piccolo after wiping away some tears that were still coming from her outburst.

"I understand..."

"In a couple of hours, we'll tell father the same thing, so he knows too. And so I can give him the antidote. I just hope he actually takes it when he gets sick... Anyway, we should get back to the others. They're obviously still apprehensive about Trunks and I, I'm sure it doesn't sit well with them that one of their strongest fighters is with someone they don't really know."

"So why don't you just tell them who you are? You already exist here, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. It's not like you're going to stop existing, right?" Piccolo asked.

"A barrage of questions, I guess... But I suppose there's no harm in telling them."

The two walked back to the others, both returning to their places while everyone stared. Krillin was the first to speak up, "So? Any answers to anything?"

"More than just the answers." Piccolo looked towards Future Gonan as if asking for permission to tell them at least a little bit. He received a nod and continued talking, "Long story short, they're time travelers from the future, and she's the future version of Gonan. Some androids come to destroy everything, killing all of us here. They've come to prevent that from happening."

"Time travelers? Really?" Gohan asked curiously and partially in awe.

"And that's me..?" Gonan looked to her future counterpart as she looked away, fearing that she'd hear something negative, that fear only growing further once Gohan's gaze was on her.

"Cool!" both children went over to the time travelers and asked them multiple questions, some involving time travel itself, and some involving their personal lives, and hoping to get some sort of answer about Trunks, none of them knowing who he was.

After the remaining two hours had passed, the group looked around, trying to catch sight of Goku, but none of them saw him. At least, not until a few minutes later, where they saw a saiyan pod break through the atmosphere and crash nearby them, but far enough away so that none of them had gotten hurt.

Excitedly, all of Goku's friends ran over to the crater that the pod had created and watched carefully as Goku stepped out of the pod. Gohan and Gonan smiled giddily and jumped into the crater, running to their father that they hadn't seen in two and a half years. Future Gonan only looked at him, not moving from her spot at the edge of the crater next to Trunks.

"Hey, you two, I missed you!" Goku greeted his children, picking them up in his arms as they hug him.

"You won't believe what happened! Frieza came to Earth and was going to attack everyone, but a future version of Gonan came with one of her friends and they defeated them, easily! They told us that you'd be here, too." Gohan explained what had happened excitedly, confusing Goku.

"Future version of Gonan?" Goku asked curiously. He received two nod as both twins pointed at Future Gonan, making her flinch and instantly become nervous as her father looked over in her direction. "Wonder what was so important for her to come back in time..."

"Trust me, Goku, it's important." Piccolo told his old rival, already knowing what the news was.

"We need to talk in private, Goku." Trunks spoke up.

"Uh, sure." Goku flew out of the crater, setting down his kids with his friends, then left the area with Trunks and Future Gonan.

Trunks then explained everything to Goku, how the androids came, how they killed everyone and how Goku was going to get a heart virus in a couple of years. Goku received the medicine, was shocked by the news he had received, and promised that he'd take the medicine when he got sick, and that he'd train along with everyone else in preparation for the androids.

Completing their mission, Trunks and Future Gonan bid everyone goodbye and left in the time machine back to their time.