Axel reincarnated as Goku's android version created by Dr. gero in main timeline. The story takes place in 799 after year cell killed Trunks in Age 788 and stole the time machine from home to go back to past cannon timeline.
In year 2050, Axel was born. Axel lived a miserable life after his parents died in plane crash when he was around 10. His aunt took responsibly for him. But in reality she was only after his parents money that they left behind for him. As he was underage and wasn't allowed to inherit his legacy from his parents at young age, his aunt spent the money freely on herself and only gave Axel bare minimum for living and Education.
Axel most of the time ate junk food for cheap price, he had a laptop where he watched movies, anime and read manga and novels. He was big fan of Dragon ball. He always wished that he could go to anime like dragon ball where he can get strong and live freely unlike his current life where he was bullied by kids at school regularly until he left the school. He learned to earn money from home through internet from where he earned his living.
Axel lived his 3 years at home as a closed in weeb. And at the age of 17, he died of heart attack because of his unhealthy body and continuous consumption of junk food.
Before death, the only thoughts were in his mind were 'Am I really going to die here like this?' 'I wish I could become strong enough to live my life freely in my next life and go to different places for adventures' Before he closed his eyes, never to open them again.
In the vast boundless void. Axel's soul floated aimlessly in astral form.
"Huh? where am I? didn't I die?" Axel observed his surroundings and to his surprise he was floating in void or nothingness, all around him was Darkness he couldn't see anything. He wasn't panicked or scared of this as he lost his emotions from his human body and his soul was calm with perfect memories of his entire life.
After a few minutes, he saw a white humanoid figure materialized in from of him.
"Hello there child" said white figure.
"Who?" Axel said in calm tone.
"It does not matter who I am. but what matters is that why I came here. Before you, your mother died, who had huge amount of karma. She could choose to use it however she wants but she only used it to see your future, your life and so she decided to transfer all her karma to her son, you. And she went to heaven with her husband. I came here to ask you about how would you like to spend her and now your karma?" White figure said in indifferent tone.
Axel was sure if he was in my previous body he would have started to cry but in astral form he could only feel grateful to her. Then he decided to accept the gift that his parents left for him.
"Can I reincarnate in fictional world? like the novels I read in my previous life" Axel asked.
"Sure, you can."
Axel was immediately interested in it. and said "I would like to reincarnate in Dragon ball world." Axel replied
"Alright it can be done and what would you like to do with remaining karma?"
"You can use the remaining karma to give me some perks that might be useful to me in my next life." Axel said.
"Alright, I'll be Reincarnating you now." White figure waved his hand and I was sent into a space crack that was formed out of it.
Year 799, Main Timeline.
On planet earth, After the destruction caused by androids and their defeat, earth was slowly recovering, as it is only been a few years since then.
The Hero Trunks who killed the evil androids was killed a year ago mysteriously. He was from capsule corp. After his death, the only member of brief family Bulma was left who helped the earth to restore back to what it was before the androids. She helped them selflessly but deep down her heart was broken. Her family, her friends died and after everything her son also died. So she decided to help earth civilization and to bust her mind in something else.
Away from West City. In a cave in Northern Mountain near the ruins of North City. Dr gero's Lab was built, hidden from everyone.
In most underground base, the same underground floor where cell was created by Dr. gero. The was another nutrition tank away from the where cell was located. A young naked teen was floating inside nutrition water when the young teen suddenly opened his eyes, he instinctively waved his hand fast and strong enough to destroy the glass of tank. After the glass was broken, the teen took off breathing pipe from his mouth. After taking it off he then looked at his surroundings and then his own self. Then he checked the memories that were planted inside his mind.
(Axel P.O.V)
I looked at my face from the glass near me. I looked exactly like goku in his teen with the hair style of super saiyan but black hair. According to the memories or data whatever gero planted inside my brain. I was formed by the S-cells (mutated cells) of Goku after he was in namek fighting freeza. So, that is the case for my hair style and I looked like Hero from Dragon ball Hero.
The data planted in my mind was all about Goku's techniques like Kamehameha, Instant transmission, turtle school martial arts and some other technique like ki control and ki Sense. Other gibberish was about killing goku which I discarded. I had been planted with energy generator like the other androids as well and my power level is 2 billion in base form. Then I checked my other memories that were planted to me by the one who reincarnated me. I said 'Status' inwardly.
Name: Axel
Age: 17
Bloodline: Saiyan
Unique Ability: Zenkai
Skills: Kamehameha, energy blast, Instant transmission, Turtle school martial arts, Ki control, Ki Sense, Kaiokin, Spirit bomb, ...
Power Level: 2 Billion
Reincarnation pack open [y/n]
I opened the Reincarnation pack.
Natural Magic talent
Materialization magic
Then the information and experience about these technique came to my mind. 'These gifts are good, I won't have to ask dragon for magic talent anymore.' I was happy with the things I got, I then checked other functions of system.
I was satisfied with it then I materialized clothes for myself. It was Kai's costume full black with white shoes and two fake potara earrings. I don't want to use the real one, who knows, someone might do the same shit with me like the elder supreme kai.
After wearing my clothes, I collected all the documents, researchs and other materials from gero's Lab in my inventory, I also collected android 13 and his gang members, they were still off inside incubator. after cleaning the whole lab I flew outside cave where lab was and destroyed it with energy blast.
I remained there and started ki Sense to scan the whole planet. There weren't any strong people. The most powerful had 1000 Power level. I was confused as to why there is only one level above the normal human level. I ignored that power level looked for any life signs. I found many life signs at the west only. There weren't many living in the whole planet left as well.
'Did I came to another timeline?' I thought and flew to the direction west.
After getting used to flying I quickened my pace and reached a bustling city where many were constructing building everywhere and other side of city was futuristic.
I observed from the above and looked for a restaurant as I was hungry. I quickly located one. And stealthily landed in allyway.
I already knew how it looked from gero's Lab where I found some. I went inside restaurant building.
I took seat at an empty table. A waitress came to me and asked with a smile " Sir what would you like to eat?"
I replied to her "Give me each one dish you have here" The waitress was stunned at first then thought I was joking to her as it was too much for a teenager like me. "Sir are you sure about that you can eat all that?"
"Yes, pretty sure and don't worry I have enough money for all that." As I threw a bag full of zeni in it.
The waitress after seeing the money immediately went to take my order. After half hour of wait, many dishes started to come at my table. I ate food continuously and because of me being a saiyan, I ate like a big pig non stop without any break. As the more dishes came I kept on eating.
As this was going on, the attention ofmany other customers as well as chefs was on me. Everyone was surprised by how much I ate easily.
After 2 hours of eating, I was stuffed. I gave them money and left. The food in dragon ball universe really was the best I have ever eaten. Well it not like I ever ate anything good beside junk food in my previous life. I strolled the only remaining city of human kind and while eating food from different stalls I also found out what year I was in and which timeline. According to people, Evil machines attacked the humans 20 years ago. And a 2 years ago a hero from capsule corporation named trunks defeated those machines and bought peace to the world but he was killed a year ago as well and no one knows how.
After analyzing the information, I found out that I should be in the main timeline of dragon ball universe. As cell killed Trunks in that timeline and went to the past.
I then teleported to the only power level of 1000 on this planet. My view immediately changed. I was standing in front of a black person. And the place where I was in looked to be some white place and the black thing was watering plants that were growing on mud that was placed there. He stopped when I arrived and observed me.
"I can't feel your presence just like those androids created by gero." He said warily.
"Well yes, I am kind of a bio clone of Son Goku created by gero and I mean no harm to you. And as to why you can't feel my energy level is probably because of energy generator inside me like the other androids." I replied calmingly.
He was surprised at first then said " Well you do look like Goku from his young age. Then why have you come here? there isn't anything for you to do here."
I scratched back of my head and said "Uh, I just came here because this was only place where someone's power level was above average in this planet."
Poop thought a bit before nodding "Alright, I'm mr popo, assistant of earth guardian but currently the seat of kami is empty" he said and stretched his to shake it.
I shake hand with him and replied "And I'm Axel" I smiled.
"So, what would you like to do now?" Popo said.
"Umm, I don't know, how about you suggest me someone who can fight me as I have only knowledge about fighting not experience. " I said.
"You do realize that there isn't any remaining person alive who can fight you on earth. And I can't do anything about it either. I'm just waiting for someone to become earth kami that's all." Popo replied.
"Then how about letting me use hyperbolic time chamber when I need to use it? it's a simple request" I said.
"Yes you can use time chamber, it was made to use anyway. And how do you know about time chamber anyway?" Popo said this time suspiciously.
"Well I have some son Goku's memories as well so i knew about it from there" I lied to him. but the lie was pretty reasonable which he bought quite easily and nodded in understanding.
'Well i need gravity machine for myself and time machine to leave this god forsaken timeline. wait I already gave a function of dimensional Travel in my system. I can travel from there but I still need gravity machine for myself. Looks like I need to go visit bulma, I might as well learn science from this world. If I only learn to fight in this world then I would be wasting too much of my potential as I'm not a fighting freak like other saiyan and magic and science from db universe is a must' I thought and said goodbye to popo "I will come back for time chamber again mr popo" I shouted while flying and waving my hand at him. He also quietly waved his hand.