3 A brief history of the Elf’s

A brief history of the Elf's

On an planet name Lothlórien located in the north galaxy. It's a planet filled with luscious forests and plains. Filled to the brim with plenty of different native species.

But two races stand at the top of this planet. On one side a beautiful and peaceful but exceptionally powerful race known as the wood elf's. These elf's are very in tune with nature and life it's self, therefore they believe all life is sacred making them a very peaceful race.

They live large redwood forests the trees sometimes standing at over 150 ft tall. The biggest of them standing at 250 ft. This is where the high elf's live, The king and queen live at the top of said tree with their beautiful daughter.

The other of the two races are known as the Dark elf's these elf's are no way inferior to the Wood elf's be it beauty or power. But these are the opposite of the Wood elf's and are violent be nature. Because of their natural violent behaviour the believe in the survive of the fittest.

They live in the dark and deep caverns of planet Lothlórien. Due to getting little sun in their caverns the Darks elf's tend to be quite pale in skin colour. At the Deepest part of the caverns live the only the most powerful of darks elf's and only due to his immeasurable power he is named king, and lives at the bottom of the cavern with his wife and son.

Both races of elf's hold natural enmity towards each other. But recently have call a truce between tribes as they discovered something that shocked them to the core.

Their planet was about to die

Both races see this as a sign that their time is over and after millions of years of life on this planet that both races of elf's will come to an end with millions of years of history and different lifestyles going out as well.

But during the discussion between the two tribes. Two elf's have been continuously meeting in secret from everyone else as the have grown to love each other and it is forbidden for elf's of different races mating together. These two elf's are more commonly known as the Prince of the Dark elf's Ranger and Princess of the Wood elf's Lilly.

Over the course of their secret meetings Lilly has become pregnant with a child and a few months later she gave birth to our young hero a baby boy named Sylvar Darc.

Both parents can't bring themselves to allow their baby boy to die with their planet and their people.

So the hatched a plan to send their baby off world without anyone knowing as he carries genes of both races and they hope he can possibly restore a part of the elf race.

The planet they plan to send him to is a lower level planet near the edge of the north galaxy also known as Earth.

No Ones POV

In space we see a small greenish pod with what looks like white runes carved onto it. It seems to be leaving a big beautiful green planet as the pod flys away with see said green planet explode marking to no sound it the vacuum of space taking countless life's with it.

Back at the pod we see an adorable baby with a strange marking on his right arm almost looking like a common tattoo. The child is wrap in a small but comfortable blanket in his hands a small letter to who ever finds the boy in hope they take good care of him.

We can only hope that the planet the child is heading to is as peaceful as it seems

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