
Dragon Ball: Legends

Dive into a Dragon Ball fanfic like never before with Karl, a reincarnator armed with world knowledge and a survival-oriented System. Unlike overpowered protagonists, Karl faces the challenge of navigating the Dragon Ball universe. As he grapples with the complexities, will his knowledge and System be enough to ensure his survival? Explore the twists and turns of Karl's journey in this unique take on the Dragon Ball saga.

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs


Karl took a quick movement backward and narrowed his eyes at the Saibaman. The Kamehameha had been deflected with a lot of effort and he smirked. 

His power was not something to be trifled with, He shrouded his arms with KI and shot forward, bursting through the air at an unprecedented pace. The Saibaman was taken aback as Karl's fist connected with it's stomach causing a shockwave that rippled through the air... Blood trailed out of it's mouth.

Karl wasn't going to think he was going to win just because he got a single hit on the Boss, No, The Boss had Weak regeneration which meant even if he was able to damage the boss a lot, each hit would be healing albeit slowly.

Regeneration was a factor that literally tossed the battle against his favor, Maybe if the Saibaman didn't have any regeneration, He would have been able to turn the tides by dismembering the beast of a creature but the fact was that the regeneration would help.

"Now I wish Saiyans had regeneration," Karl muttered, "Maybe I could have been abusing the Zenkai,"

Karl threw a spin kick at the face of the Saibaman but it raised it's hands to it's face and blocked it, Karl drew back his leg and shot the other leg forward with KI. 

The Saibaman seized Karl's foot with vigor and threw him to the ground, Karl balanced himself and planted his hands into the ground.

"You're really fast," Karl commented as he flipped backward and dodged the Saibaman's punch.

"Sai!" the Saibaman exclaimed as if complimenting Karl too, The Saibaman almost made Karl feel a little bit guilty about wanting to kill the boss but it was all to gain Experience points, If he could reach level 10, He would be able to select a Class... A class that would help him power up greatly.

Karl took a step back and the Saibaman used the opening to go in for an attack but he had purposely left an opening.

"Solar Flare!" Karl shouted.

A blinding white light suddenly came into view, blinding the Saibaman temporarily. 

"Here we go," Karl let out as he soared into the air and put his hands together, "I'm putting most of my power into this!"

The Saibaman rubbed it's eyes in an attempt to regain it's vision but to no avail, Everything was white... It was annoying.

Karl released a Kamehameha and it connected with the Saibaman, cracking the ground and creating a huge crater. 

The smoke cleared and revealed the Saibaman, it's lower body had been utterly destroyed and even Karl had to admit, It was a little disastrous.

Karl landed on the ground next to the crater and the Saibaman slowly turned it's head to him and let out a small mumble. It wouldn't live, It's regeneration couldn't keep up with the damage that had already been dealt and Karl sighed.

The Saibaman died shortly after, it's blood painting the crater that was serving as it's grave.

"Rest in peace," He said as he grabbed some sand from the ground and buried the Saibaman properly, He didn't see a large enough stone to use as a gravestone but he made sure the Saibaman was buried properly... like a warrior.


[Calculating Gains... Process Completed]

[Congratulations, Host has reached Level 11]

Karl smiled as he opened up his Status.

[Name: Karl

Age: 16

Level: 11 (99.99 XP until Level up)

Gender: Male

Breed: Saiyan

Bloodline: Low Class Saiyan

Passive Abilities:

Zenkai Boost (LV. 2/ Tap for more description)

Enhanced Strength (LV. 2/ Tap for more description)

KI Purification (LV. 2/ Tap for more description)

Reversal (LV. 1/Tap for more description)

Active Abilities:

KI Manipulation (LV. 2 / Tap for more description)


Aura Burst (LV. 2/ Tap for more description)


[Tap to choose class]


Kamehameha (LV. 5/ Tap for more description)

Solar Flare (LV. 3/ Tap for more description)

KI Armor (LV. 4/Tap for more description)

Health Points:

 2000 / 2000

K.I. Points:

 550 / 550

Numerical Measurement Of Battle Power:

Estimated Amount: 4000]

Karl sighed in relief and tapped the 'Tap To Choose Class' and a sudden energy filled his body, no it wasn't a single feeling of energy, It was multiple energies shrouding his body in a mysterious glow.

"According to what he said, I can choose another class at Level 30 but considering how after Level 10, It will be slower to level up, I wonder if I'll even be able to reach Level 30," Karl muttered as the glow intensified, covering his entire body and shooting into the air, shaking the planet in the process.

Several tabs appeared in front of him and he looked at all of them.

[Space Warrior] 

Karl tapped the Space warrior option, not because he wanted to pick it but rather he wanted to see the details of this specific Class.

[Space Warrior: This class grants the ability to resonate with space itself and draw energy from the very fabric of the Universe]

Karl sighed, It sounded great and all but he was sure that if he picked that specific affinity, There would be a great deal of drawbacks like absorbing too much energy could cause his body to explode.

"Nah, Too good to be true and that's not good," Karl muttered as he looked at the other tabs, "I'll go through all of them,"


Author's Note:

Alright Readers, Tell me what power you want Karl to have so I can include it in the next chapter.