
Dragon Ball - Timeless Saiyan

Reincarnated as Trunks Briefs

Nameless_Tea · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Behind the scenes

- Age 774 -

Inside a large spacious structure, a pool of blood covered the floor where a short, purple skinned youth was knelt down by force with hateful expression he looked towards the captor.

"I have to be honest, I didn't expect you rush into such an obvious trap" Haughtily sitting top of the throne, the figure soon fiddle with his crane while examining his nemesis.

After centuries his revenge came to fruition, leaning forward his sight soon connected with his right hand man who captured his adversary.

"What of the other?" From his memory there were two pests left who kept getting in his way, if he gotten the strong one he was sure weak would have been captured as well.

Devilish horns protruding over his forehead, two deep yellow eyes that excluded intense blood lust his presence was dominating and tyrannical, with a demonic sound he replied

"He was too weak sire" eerily smiling the giant expressed his regrets on not capturing, hearing this the purple skinned being let furious cry.

Licking his lips, the figure eye's returned towards the youth, soon he carefully observed him, almost as if he enjoyed his anguished pain.

"Pity these pest have enough life force to awaken the seed" tapping his crane, the figure soon rose from his throne, with a wide grin expression he approached towards the captor.

Raising his crane he soon struck down over and over to his hearts content, looking down he couldn't believe such a day to come, for eons he was chased, beaten broken. Decades of years planning brought this situation.

"Restrain him, squeeze his life force, drain to the last bit and when his about die, heal him do this again and again" With a hateful expression he soon looked over his servant.

"Have you identified the source of that blast" A year ago he surveyed the planet, what he left with was disappointment as not only were the life force below average its species were weak far too weak.

Yet that blast had the capacity to end his strongest servant which left him baffled with that power he could awaken the seed so why didn't he sense any presence that powerful even his Orb's eye didn't show any signs.

"Sire, the squadron found a body"

"hmm is that so," gesturing them to bring in the specimen, he soon glanced over the reports of the said blast.


Soon the body was delivered, A tall muscular man riddled with injuries but the most noteworthy was his missing left arm and his disfigured face.

"...that's quite surprising, his body is still intact" he was shocked that anything could survive in that blast he had expected some weapon but his instincts told him he was responsible for this. Even his right hand man, who was the strongest couldn't survive in those condition even with his support, only with the seed may it deter the threat.

'tsk' "Is seems resurrection is highly unlikely..." The figure examined the body, most of his body was scorched with intense heat it was a miracle that the body was left intact.

"Sire, is there an issue??"

"His soul has already passed to the afterlife, resurrecting him is not possible without repercussion.." as he examined the body he soon called a subordinate.

"Guli, take over this body for me!" The servant was reluctant on changing his body but under the pressure of the giant he transferred his soul into the corpse.

"kaahhh" The intense pain Guli was under was anything he had ever experience although he expected some kind of recoil but this was something beyond anything, he couldn't feel a thing.

Soon his body was enveloped in red aura slowing his injuries started to heal, his left hand started to regrow as cells started to burst out while his skin started gain his colours back, hair started to grow, his face and bone were rearranged under constant pain Guli soon recovered.

'_Bleengh' spatting out he soon realised his body was healed looking over his lord that was few steps away,

"This humble servant is eternally grateful towards his excellency...."

"enough!!... how do you feel" Using the old-magic he regenerated Guli's boy but he was sure that body couldn't have survived that explosion, while in thought Guli examined his new body.

'I feel stronger than my previous body' he marveled at his new found power not only did he get stronger, he was sure the chances of his position being risen was increased.

"Anyway, it seems like a bust..." he returned towards his thrones, after confirming that body was not that strong he was displeased not only did he waste time but used some of the life force,

He theorized that previous body owner might have focused all his energy into fatal points enough to keep him alive but it still doesn't explain the power that requires to survive that.

Only regeneration is possible,

'Is it like the Frost-Demons? I didn't expect some transformation in this species' looking at Guli he realised there might be some possibility that he might have had a transformation that increase his power level.

'No matter, It won't be a bother as long as he could use the seed, yes with that power the whole universe will be under his feet, Soon I will have it even the God of destruction will perish under his power'


Bulma was pacing back and forth in front the operation room,

After noticing Trunks wasn't at home she took flying shuttle towards the explosion, she realised that he would be fighting against the androids but still it was shocking witnessing the aftermath.

Lucky she found Trunks barely alive, but her heart dropped seeing his injuries she was sure they were life threatening.

Right now he were going under 7 hr surgery, she had some doctors that were experienced but she wasn't sure of his survival, as she was praying the doctor came out with slight smile,

"He'll live" these two word brought tears towards Bulma, even when her parents passed away for Trunks she acted strong without showing emotion, she forced herself to always keep working to remove these thoughts,

She couldn't imagine a life without her child, as tears streamed down her eyes she was relieved his was alive clamming herself,

"How is he?"

"His fine, no lasting injuries, with time and rehabilitation, he'll back on his feet" As doctor was sipping some coffee he wonder how that boy still alive, his injuries were fatal enough to any normal human 10 times over.

He didn't expect him to human at all, his physiology is way stronger and denser, no average 8 year old body looks like that,

"severe lacerations all over his body, 3rd degree burns, hairline fracture some signs of relocation of bone and mostly skull fracture, concussions.." Bulma soon realised the severity of the his situation, but the problems were internal bleeding and blood loss,

During this period, blood is hard to come by, even particular drugs were difficult and expensive to produce. It was due to the efforts of Golden warrior that conflicts were resolved and he was the bridge that connected a lot of communities sensing Bulma's state the doctor reassured her.

"Don't worry most of them will heal after some months, the only thing we're worried about his head injury....it may lead a state of prolonged unconsciousness,.."

"Prolonged unconsciousness? like coma"

"Yes, him going into coma is highly possible with his head injured, at minimum weeks to years."

"oh-h no"


It caused her to work under hours becoming even more of a workaholic, her sleeps started get shorter, more and more stress piled up.

She lost everyone she ever cared about, everyday she hoped he would wake up at times, Gohan was presumed he was dead after missing for few weeks.

Looking at Trunks face it reminded of the good old days, how she was in this position resolving her self she pushed herself on the machine.

After 8 months Trunks woke up.