
Chapter 5: Elysium 1

After this discussion with my parents, went up to bed but before that I started to ask sys which soul ring was best for me.

"Master, I recommend a feline-type creature with electrical attributes that will allow you to obtain a lion knight skill."

'Thank you Sys but by the way, I would like to ask you how to allow Faming and Eve to evolve their martial soul without it becoming my descendants'

"Master if you want to do that you just have to dilute a drop of your blood in water but in doing so they will develop their own bloodlines.

But at the same time there is a risk that their martial soul will not evolve in the direction you want.''

'Hey, sys what do you mean by not evolving in the direction I want'

"To put it simply, how they evolve will depend on how they view themselves, what type of soul rings they choose, and how others view them."

'I can understand for the first two conditions but the last one I can't understand why'

"Master you should know that each god on the douluo continent embodies a concept and each concept is born out of how creatures perceive the world.

So as a divine lineage it is closely related to conceptualization.

Hence their new bloodline will be at the level of a pseudo divine lineage but how it is acquired by such means will be affected by the perception of others towards them.

So my advice to you then if you want to do that is to wait until he gets their second soul ring and take them to fight in the arena to make a name for themselves and shape an image for themselves.

After that you can give them your blood when they absorb their fourth soul ring.''

'I think I understand. But hey, it only remains to know if they are ready to join the force that I want to create.

Well, sys can you create me two cultivation techniques that suit them.

So if they accept they will be able to cultivate from now on and especially Eve I don't want her to fall behind.

So please Sys I need these techniques for tomorrow'

''as you wish master''

'yes, I almost forgot, please start looking for a way to find individuals or talents who can become my allies.

Also set up a new project called Elysium, it will be the new one of the sanctuary that I intend to create. Well now I have to sleep'

After this discussion I went straight to bed without realizing that last night the douluo continent had changed giving birth to new characters thus becoming an AU.

Preparations for war are about to begin and each reincarnated will have to choose his companions for the holy war.

After a good night's sleep, I rushed to wake up and get ready as quickly as I could.

I was too excited to have my first subordinates. When I arrived in the living room I was surprised looking towards the dining room that my mother was not there.

It was just my dad having lunch and waving me over So after going to him I asked:" father why I don't see mum"

To this question my father just sighed and replied: "she ran to her store very early in the morning saying that she had left him alone for too long"

At this answer I also sighed while thinking 'despite her status as soul master and these incredible skills she has even chosen to become a seamstress.

But it's not so bad at least I have classy clothes and we don't have a problem with money the only problem is that I spent a lot of time designing clothes'

I quickly came out of my thoughts and started eating very quickly. Seeing this my father started to smile and talk to me.

"Xiao xing, you should eat a long time and if you go out come back quickly we will go to Star dou forest in 2 hours while your mother solves these problems.

And yes I forgot your friends are waiting for you outside"

Hearing this I just nodded while continuing to eat.

I didn't have to worry too much since the garden had been laid out to accommodate people.

After I finished eating I headed out to the garden to see Faming and Eve talking.

I walked over, waving to them as I spoke.

"Hi brother Faming and sister Eve I asked you to come today is to talk to you about a project.

We all grew up in the same village and I would like us to form a soul master team together I am ready to "

But before I could finish my sentence Faming replied " Xiao xing you have always helped me in the village and we are friends so I agree"

Hearing this I remembered that he was only children.

Then I turned to Eve who just smiled at me and nodded. Sending this I smiled back while saying

"As you agree I proclaim today the creation of Elysium. Then Faming will represent the earth, Eve the sea and I the stars"

After that I gave them the two cultivation techniques that Sys had created overnight telling them not to tell anyone and train well to reach level 10 in 3 months.

How good kids they nodded then I said goodbye and we parted ways.