
Fuck of Reality

In this world a lot of good things and bad things happening but more bad stuff happened in this yg life especially for Kevin. Kevin a class 1 secondary school (HIGH SCHOOL) who lives with a mother who was divorced and lived with his father along with his brother and their mother. Although life feels unfair because he felt that the friends had her 2nd diao parents complete while he doesn't have it, kevin feels happy because she has friends and a good family menyanginya. as a student of a student of the demands of the times and the family sometimes often abused him in Add with a bully in his school friends to do some some students including kevin. One day after school Kevin hurry hurry to immediately return home in karenakan weather in Indonesia when it was entering the rainy season that is sometimes very annoying because it's hard to be active in karenakan rain. After got home as usual he came home and turned on the tv (television) because he knew that no one at home this time because the older brother and her mother were working alone, although kevin tdk feeling lonely since he accompanied his new smart phone jg and pc with internet access, 2 Mbps though not fast enough but he's feeling pretty for him doing his online gaming, read the manga and light novel online.

without felt was late afternoon and the novel he read on the website xxxxxxxx.com has been finished while kevin wanted to leave the website to shut it munculah the pop up survey performed by writer kevin directly kemabali to his seat and mebaca content the survey's "what is this? What kind of survey? Why not questions about about the novel he make? "think kevin felt strange with the survey questions that generally contains with the choice but the survey requires that fill out surveys with answers freely without restrictions.

"Pop " sound pop up that appears on the browser page. the first question.

Survey: "If you are on the move to another world, a world where there will be select? "

Kevin: "world Doulu dalu " answered kevin while thinking about the adventure and a system of Government that is in the world that resembles the system of Government and the clan is still growing with technology that is not too high, before memperrimbangkan with fine the answer which he had written and sent it.

"pop " sound pop up that appears to question the two " " said kevin.

Survey: "If you give the petition to get the cheat to live in the world you choose any cheat you want to get? (max. 5 cheat) "

HM ... the complicated options ... Basically all the cheat it will really help in life could even make the character into a powerful deity without having to experience the hard work but petulangannya will just not fun and make her tired, thought kevin if he became the character. After making a comparison of the thinking and kevin answered the survey.

Kevin: " 1. library of heaven with all the knowledge in the world the good treasure location or herbs that are useful for him. 2. Have the strongest Body in both physical endurance, energy, toxins and element. 3. Have a Helper System and training. 4. Have a helper and all treasures in the world Overlord so meet sepesifikasi. 5. Has the capability of Internal Magekyou Eyes Saringgan with all the Capabilities property uciha madara, Uciha Sisui, Uciha Obito, Uciha Itachi and Sasuke Uciha, and ninjutsu in naruto's world. "answers to 2 kevin for the survey.

"Hahahaha .... It's crazy if there really are in the world with the ability to cheat its way though the winding will overpower everything will be "Although kevin did not want boring will be but he is not stupid to DND must be struggled in doing something if he could do this request at the beginning of this survey only anyway think kevin.

"pop " question to the three in the beginning.

Survey: "If you go in the world you choose, whether you will choose to become main characters in accordance with the existing/cerita or novel you choose be yourself?

Kevin: "being the main character's" type kevin answer survey. Kevin contended that in the world of doulu dalu if he becomes another person and berenkarnasi itself then it will interfere with the plot of the story much and it will mess up the existing storyline, yes although kevin assumes the existing barrier to minimize later.

"pop " question to four.

Survey: "If you die you choose to die in a way like what?" "what the hell is this, why ask about how dead? " Kevin thought the author of the survey have been crazy or the author of a survey does not have new ideas by way of death for before he sent berenkafnasi. Kevin back thinking it might be nice if before the death he is enjoying heaven world, tp he is thinking how if her family know she died with a ladies touch with them will be very ashamed nntinya. death by traffic accident like in hit by truck kun was already being too ordinary, kevin continues to think if dead being struck by lightning she feared such novels kutifasi who die because of turbelensi the time of the Ascension of her soul will be torn and destroyed. Kevin thinks the idea to reduce the intensity of electricity but still deadly in other words stung to death by electrocution.

Kevin: "Death stung electric " type kevin in his pc.

"yup, it's finally done also ... Hah .... "kevin looking out the window and see the Sun has set on or turn on like to turn on the lights in his room while he was going meyalakan lights his hand accidentally dropped a glass of drinking water he keeps next to his PC. glasses of the drinking water fell on a pc or srhingga cause the flow of electricity that eventually make kevin's death. before kevin died he sees a computer screen because there are sound "pop " appears that reads "congratulations you're elected to berenkarnasi according to the contents of your survey ... 🤗 "," "shit " said kevin that upset survey that he wrote before his death, apparently directing to he if know that before he would choose the answer that most fun for her.

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