
Douluo dalu: God king

A person reincarnate in douluo dalu world and his journey towards God king

Villain116 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

chapter 4- Ray spirit

As ray opened his eyes, look around there is nothing only darkness. He felt something familiar to him behind. he saw a pair of eyes which looking at him and he felt connection to it and move forwards it. He came to a different space with full off Grasslands and so many beautiful flowers as he mesmerized for a minute. Suddenly a person come and give a hug to him. He felt somewhat familiar to him and that person give a kiss to him then he understood who this person is?

"Long time to see my dear Luna" said ray as he continued to kiss her.

"I missed you so much ray" said Luna as they talk each other for some time.

"Ray, I going to stay in spatial world and remember I won't help you in anything in first world so work hard" said Luna.

"Seriously pain in my a**, ok Luna I will work hard, Luna I don't know what happening whenever tang san saw me, he will get angry, alert and put serious expression. Do you know why?" said ray as he hopping to know.

"If you want to know you have to give 10 million points" said Luna as ray looked to her with blank expression.

"What! Luna are you serious? 10 million points it's just a small question" said ray.

"Hehe ray you forgot again didn't I told you that in first world everything is very difficult with the system for you to help, so work for yourself" said Luna.

"Money fat system" said ray as he kept his hands on his mouth and a chill pass through on his back. Luna smiles to him but for him it is look like a devil and inwardly cursing himself.

"Oh, it looks like you need punishment ray" said Luna

"No no-I was just kidding Luna you look beautiful" said ray but Luna place him on her lap as she slaps his buttocks with her hand.


"Ah Luna I am sorry"


"slap" ---

"Next time be careful ray, you got it right" said Luna with a cold tone as ray nodded his head with fear.

"By the way what is my spirit" said ray as rubbing his buttocks.

"Check your status"


Name: li ray

Spirit: ultimate darkness

Spirit power: level 10(innately full)

Spiritual power: spirit origin

Sprit rings: none

Bloodlines: special bloodline(sealed), unknown bloodline(sealed)

Techniques: yang god technique (level 1)

(Yin god technique)

Divine spiritual technique (level 1)

"Luna isn't my spirit is god level so, it should be level 20 and why I got darkness as my spirit? Do you want me to become a villain?" said ray.

"100 million points for answer to your question ray" said Luna.


"it's time for me go ray and I will be going and stay in spatial world" said Luna as he vanished and look around as sees su yuntao and others and on his right hand there is a small humanoid with light gray black color as He take it back.

"What is your spirit?" said Su Yuntao

"My spirit is 'darkness' can I check my spirit power?" said ray as his spirit power is level 8 because he used yang god technique to suppress his spirit power to level 8.

"Do you want to join spirit hall boy" said su yuntao

"no" said ray as he wants to join spirit hall, he decided not to join now. Old jack come and talk to su yuntao and ray and tang san looked each other, both left to their homes.

"Mother I am home" said ray.

"Ray, you came what is your spirit?" said Li Hua but suddenly she looks at him suspiciously and put a cold stare.

"My spirit is darkness mother" said ray as he felt something wrong.

"Oh! that's great ray then, who is that women ray?" said Li Hua as ray sweated on his back and not known what to talk.

"Mother I …I "as ray want to say something, a women came out as her black hair looks like a black sky in night with her eyes filled with stars as her whole face resembles a moon and she is Luna. Both see each other with cold eyes and ray body is full of cold fear. He did not want to talk so he stands there silently.

"Why don't we talk some time my dear sister" said Luna as she is holding her laugh seeing Ray situation.

"ok" as both went into spatial world and he sat on the ground removing his sweat.

"As I thought women are scary" said ray after some time both came out by laughing each other.

"How did they become close so quickly? Are all women like this?" thought ray as Li Hua come to and give a hug to him.

"My ray wants a 'harem' you are a hungry beast" said Li Hua and give a kiss to him as ray smiled shamelessly.

"Mother I am going to nouding academy so, can you stay in spatial world" said ray

"I will stay because I wants to stay with you forever" said Li Hua.


Tomorrow morning grandpa jack along with Ray and tang san travel to notting collage. Old jack signed because both are not even talking and seeing each other. All of them come to the gate of notting collage.

"Stop, who are you?" said a guard as old jack came and explained to them but guards laughed and insulted them. Ray and tang san get angry and beat them.

"that's eough" said a person as Ray immediately guessed who it is, that person is yu xiaogang.

"Master you have come, please save us from them" said a guard.

"Can you show me your certificates" said yu xiaogang as old jack give to him and he looked at us. He scolded both guards and told old jack to leave as he take us to collage. Ray left to dormitory leaving them. I saw a girl who beat all the students and come in front of me.

"It looks like you are strong let fight each other and my name is xiao wu rabbit spirit" said xiao wu.

"My name is Li ray and my is spirit darkness " said li ray as they fight each other and soon he defeats her.

"You are strong" said xiao wu as she pounted. He just smiled to her and patted her head he thought she was so cute.

"let's share our beds" said xiao wu.

"Are you sure? I am going to eat you bunny" said ray as she sticks out her tongue. They share same beds, both sleeps together.

After that tang San also came, he sees them together and felt something lost. He takes a bed and fell asleep.

"Mother don't leave me" said xiao wu as she hugged him tightly with crying, he sees her just patted her.

After we both get up, she blushed seeing this I just patted her head then we go to canteen. We met a person and he is yu xiaogang.

"So, you are Li ray come with me I want to talk to you" said yu xiaogang then I tell xiao wu to drom and wait for him. She also wanted to come with me, but I said no then I go with yu xiaogang to a room and I saw tang San there look like he accepted yu xiaogang as his master.

"Li ray as you see I am a researcher and I want you to be my disciple" said yu xiaogang.

"Sorry I don't need master and you are too weak" said Li ray.

"How dare you call my master like that" Shouted tang San but yu xiaogang stopped him and tell ray to go.

"Xiao wu sorry for late" as soon as I said she hugged me and she started blushing seeing how cute she was I patted her and we play together and sleep together as our relationship got closer as she doesn't want me to leave any minute.