
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime und Comics
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87 Chs

CH 56: Fluff With Bibi Dong

Being an orphan, Ah Li of course needed to take care of his own meals. So it wasn't exactly a hobby, but a necessary skill needed for survival. But since he had to do it anyway, he had taken his time to grow skilled at it too. He was a pretty good chief.

And if the look of absolute bliss on Bibi Dong's face as she ate the food handed to her had anything to say, that fact would be proven even more. Looking at how hungrily she devoured her food, barely managing to contain her manners and not look weird, the noiret couldn't help but chuckle.

He enjoyed looking at her enjoying herself. And it was even better that she was loving his food so much. Honestly, it was surprising how she could keep her table manners when she hadn't eaten for 6 years. If it was him, he would probably have dived into the food face first already.

"Here, you can have my share too." He chuckled, passing his dish to her. Not forgetting to pass on the hot sauce as well. Mouth full, she looked at him with surprise. She of all people knew Ah Li hated, despised somebody touching his food. It was something that would guarantee sending him into a violent mood.

So seeing him hand his food to her by himself was pretty surprising. And heartwarming. Bibi Dong was reminded once again about how much he cared about her. Yeah, he was that sensitive about food for her to believe his love when he offered it to her.

(A/N: He like me fr fr. I don't even share my food with my mom, and she's the person I love the most.)

Blushing slightly, she nodded with a smile. Making him chuckle as he wiped the hot sauce off of the corner of her lips :"I know you're hungry, but relax a bit. You might choke at this point." Nodding again, she went back to eating.

After finished her food, she leaned back on her chair. A look of fulfillment on her beautiful face as she hummed in satisfaction :"When was the last time I enjoyed a meal so much? That was delicious, Li'er. Thank you."

"Hahaha, you're welcome, Sister Goddess." He smiled, using his poison, yes, poison, to clean the dishes. A special corrosive poison that specifically targeted the stains and such only, leaving the dish itself completely unharmed and squeaky clean afterwards.

(A/N: Gets rid of 100% of the germs, order yours with a 15% discount.)

Ah Li :"By the way, wanna have some fun before going to the Extreme North?"

Bibi Dong :"What fun?"

Ah Li :"You know, fun. Going around, strolling around, eating snacks, maybe even buying some clothes. Women love that one. Things you couldn't do in your previous state."

Bibi Dong :"Should we? But we promised Daydream to go to the Extreme North as fast as possible."

Tian Meng :"Nah, it's okay, Bibi Dong. I've endured being some bastards' snack for thousands of years, waiting a few days or weeks really wouldn't matter."

Ah Li :"We don't need weeks. Only a day or two. Sister Goddess had really missed feeling alive, I could always see it. That's why I proposed the idea. So? What do you say?"

"Well, okay." Bibi Dong smiled, seeming to be happy about the idea :"I haven't had fun shopping in ages, so enjoying it isn't a bad idea at all." Storing the dishes, Ah Li smiled :"Fantastic! Then let's go right away! Heaven Duo City is right on the way to the Extreme North anyway, we can have fun there."

Bibi Dong :"Oh, are you going to use your Orbs?"

Tian Meng :"Orbs?"

Ah Li :"It's censored for my balls."

Tian Meng :"What?!"

Nightmare :"No, it's not. I'll tell you about it later."

Ah Li :"Yeah, Sister Goddess. But... you're going to need to go back to my Spiritual Sea for a bit."

"Oh..." She said, clearly not a fan of the idea. Bibi Dong had just gotten her body back, so she wanted to enjoy being actually alive some more. She didn't want to return to her previous state yet. And the sad look revealed that pretty well.

Ah Li couldn't help but chuckle. He was seeing some pretty emotional reactions from Bibi Dong, and all of them looked adorable to him. Smiling, he hooked his arms under her knee and back before picking her up. Surprised, she furrowed her eyebrows, but there was a smile :"What do you think you're doing, brat?"

"Since you don't wanna return to my Spiritual Sea, I'll just carry you myself then." He smirked teasingly, holding her bridal style as she rolled her eyes, but the smile gave away that she was enjoying it :"Cheeky brat. You're getting more and more daring by the day."

"Heh, can you blame me? I've got the most beautiful woman living with me. I would be a disappointment if I wasn't cheeky." He smirked, making her smile at the compliment, clearly pleased :"Cheeky little... alright already. Let's go."

Nodding, he activated his Orbs. Of course, only a little bit, and only the Soul Beast Age, not the Arachnid Age. Shocking Tian Meng who sensed the sudden changes :"W-what the heck?!" But nobody explained to the poor silkworm.

(A/N: When he used his Orbs, it's only the Soul Beast Age he has always been able to get, not the Arachnid Age, unless I say so. By the way, this is the current Soul Beast Age: 3,152,000-years (1,952,000+200,000+1,000,000) so not much better since it's still overpowered as heck. The first one is what he got from random Soul Beasts, along with the 9 Man Faced Demon Spiders that hadn't reached 1,000,000-year yet.)

He hit the road, but nothing could see him. He looked like a faint shadow that passed through the forest. Wanting to get to the Heaven Duo City as soon as possible, he didn't circle the Star Duo Great Forest, but simply went straight through it. At such speed that even 10,000-year Soul Beasts didn't see him when he passed right beside them.

"You having fun?" He smiled at the goddess in his arms. She looked beautiful, absolutely gorgeous in his arms. Supporting her hair with Soul Power, she prevented it from blowing everywhere. Looking up, she smiled at him :"Yeah, thanks. I know it wouldn't have taken long with your speed, but I really wanted to stay like this for a while."

Ah Li, smiling fondly :"I understand. Staying without a physical body, without being able to feel anything, must've been pretty hard. I'm enjoying this anyway, so just relax."

Bibi Dong :"Hm, thanks. So what should we do when we get there?"

Ah Li :"Have fun?"

Bibi Dong :"I know, I meant what kind of fun."

Ah Li, smiling and wiggling eyebrows :"We could have some great kind of fun."

Bibi Dong, slapping his chest :"Perverted brat. You know what I'm talking about."

Ah Li, chuckling :"Alright, alright. Well, I mostly wanted to leave it to you, so you would do things you've missed doing."

Bibi Dong :"Hmm, then let's go for a stroll first, see what we can do from there."

Ah Li :"Alright then, that's what we'll do."

Bibi Dong :"Oh, wait, but my identity. Heaven Duo City is the capital of the Heaven Duo Empire, there will definitely be people around who will recognize me."

Ah Li :"Oh, no problem. You can cover your face with a veil. I'll also use the Perception Manipulation of my Skull Bone so people won't pay too much attention to us."

Bibi Dong :"Oh, I guess you can do that, huh?"

Ah Li, smirking :"What? Didn't expect me to make good use of my Skull Bone like that?"

Bibi Dong, glaring :"No, I was too busy worrying about the wicked and gross things you were imagining of doing."

Ah Li, chuckling :"You know me so well, Sister Goddess."

Bibi Dong :"Huff, I really need to keep an eye on you."

Ah Li :"I don't think that's hard to do. Considering, you know, you live in my head and all."

Bibi Dong :"Fair point, but you know what I mean."

As they chatted lightly, talking about what they should do, what shops to go to, what snacks to eat, it didn't take long for them to reach Heaven Duo City. The guards didn't even notice them entering the city. Ah Li stopped only when he reached an empty alley.

"Alright, good job." She said, but he didn't let her down. Quirking an eyebrow, she looked up :"Li'er, aren't you planning to let me down?" But he grinned mischievously :"Why? I think you're just where you should be. In my arms."

Smirking, she sighed as she folded her arms, getting comfortable :"What, so you're planning to just carry me like this everywhere?" And he winked :"Would definitely do that."

Bibi Dong, amused :"Really now?"

Ah Li :"Yup."

Bibi Dong :"Just like this? While the streets are full of people?"

Ah Li :"Exactly."

Bibi Dong :"You wouldn't."

Ah Li :"Wanna bet?"

Bibi Dong :"Huh, you wouldn't do it."

"Alright, bet." He grinned widely, immediately taking a step towards the bustling streets. Seeing he really was about to, she laughed, quickly trying to get off :"Alright, alright, you made your point! Let me down, we can't go like this!"

"Aww, why not? You feeling shy?" He smirked, making her roll her eyes while he enjoyed her breast pressing against him :"As if. Let me down already, we can't walk like this in the middle of the street."

"Huff, fine." He pouted lightly, making her chuckle as he let her down. "Oh, wait a second." Seeing she didn't have any shoes, he kneeled in front of her and used his Arachnid Bracelets to help. Making his web envelope her pretty feet in a mixture of a few colors to make a nice and comfortable shoe.

"Thanks." The milf of a goddess smiled, appreciating the gesture. If only her breasts weren't too big to block her vision, she would have seen Ah Li's perverted grin. The view of her lower body right in front of his eyes and her breasts from below were the best things he could ask for. He had a hard time holding himself back from just diving face first between her legs right there and then. He couldn't help but lick his lips imagining her taste.

After making a pair of stiletto heels for her, at her request, he gently assisted her in wearing them. "There, all done." He smiled, getting up reluctantly and missing the view already. Obviously, he didn't show it.

As she let go of her lower dress, she checked them out with a smile :"Oh wow, thanks, Li'er. These are really pretty, and they're really comfortable too. They don't hurt my ankles at all." He smiled :"Glad to hear that. But are they comfortable? I mean, I don't think high heels are comfortable to begin with. They do look pretty though."

Bibi Dong, smiling :"Being pretty comes with a price. You can't expect to be both comfortable and look beautiful. But don't worry, being a Soul Master, these really don't irritate at all."

Ah Li :"Alright, I guess. But I don't think it's worth making walking that difficult."

Bibi Dong :"Li'er, let me teach you something. For women, anything is worth it as long as it makes us more beautiful. And besides, it isn't difficult walking with these when you get used to them."

Ah Li :"Sigh, you don't need to tell me that. My world's women were worse. And yes, I can see that. I wouldn't be able to even stand right if I wore those."

Bibi Dong :"It's one of the skills necessary for any woman to look pretty."

"Alright, understood." He deadpanned, before making a veil with his webs and handing it over :"Here, this can cover your lower face, and I've made sure it's comfortable."

"Thank you, my good boy." She smiled, putting on the veil that covered the lower half of her face. As Ah Li smiled, he reached a hand for her to take :"Now, how about we enjoy our date?" Making her chuckle, but take his hand :"Fine, let's."