
Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Observe how Ning Bai, big brother of Ning Rongrong aim to be at the top. ------------------------------------------------------ I don't know anything that you recognize all rights go to the author. The cover is not mine. --------------------------------------------------- This is my first time writing something and English is not even my second language so I will be thankful with the correction of grammar and orthography. Constructive comments are appreciated, plis avoid toxic comments.

picaco · Anime und Comics
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257 Chs

End of volume

With this Bai reaches godhood, becoming the first true Sword God. The final battle to accomplish it being easily won thanks to his previous life memories, having experimented the weakness that the other always lacked.

With this the volume end. The next volume would be the final! So near the end of this novel. The next volume would only have two battle so I suppose that it would be shorter than the last. This month, I will finish the novel.

Thanks for staying all this time reading this. Look forward to the final volume of this novel!