
Bright Future Ahead, Passing With Flying Colors


Had to take a break yesterday but new chapter. Don't know how long this rate will stay for so enjoy!

I think I'll keep adding these little header tidbits as I have been enjoying them.


[ Shrek Academy, Spirit Beast Facility ]

The goal of the official students looking to pass the Advancement Exam was to demonstrate their abilities by choosing up to an a 1,000-year beast and beating it. The examiner would then rate how well they fought, giving a score.

It tested students on two grounds: First, they had to not overestimate their abilities by choosing too powerful of a beast. Second, they had to show tactical intelligence or a dominating power. And third, well... they had to win.

Xin Qing arrived while riding his sword. Although the distance to the facility was not long and thus it was uncalled for, he greatly missed the feeling of riding on a sword from his time as a cultivator. He had become somewhat reluctant to return to using Flickering Steps although it was slightly faster at his current level. Besides, as his sword grows stronger, his flight speed will become incomparably faster than even Flickering Steps.

As he retrieved his sword from under him, Xin Qing took the moment to admire it. He had killed many spirit beasts during his trips with Xuan Zi, causing it to evolve. Although it's appearance was the same, it was far stronger. In addition to this, his absorption of Ma Xiaotao's evil flames allowed his Yin to grow stronger, only a while away from becoming equal to his Yang.

At that time, he could forge a second sword with the element, keeping it within his Nine Eclipse Body Art and his Yang in his Dantian. This way, Yang would be internal and Yin would be external. One day, his body will be able to build a new sword constitution at the same level as the one in his last life, allowing him to dominate the continent.

Even then, he was only a Sword Emperor at the Complete Truth realm. Thinking of this, Xin Qing silently clenched his fist as he swore to ascend to become a Sword God in this lifetime.

Only a short while after this declaration did Xin Qing notice a gathering of youths, who he assumed would be taking the test with him. As he overheard that they were going to be fighting the beasts instead of each other, his eagerness immediately died down. He was tired of slapping beasts to death and wanted a fresh experience.

Ignoring his private feelings, he watched as the other students mingled when he saw Dai Huabin enter a confrontation with another student. Xin Qing raised his brows, knowing the narcissistic character of this fellow. He was likely swaggering about before someone stepped on his tail.

And not just anyone this time, it seemed. As Xin Qing observed the bloodthirsty expression on Yuhao's face, he gently sighed.

Although his team won over Yuhao's, Dai Huabin had ultimately lost in the two versus two. As a result, Huabin had developed a great distaste for Yuhao, who beat him despite being much weaker than himself in Spirit Level. In addition to the glares he was receiving constantly, it was no surprise why Dai Huabin targeted Yuhao.

Dai Huabin was about to issue a challenge to Yuhao when he felt a hand fall onto his shoulder. Now, if this was any other student they would turn to look who it was. However, Dai Huabin was much too familiar with this handprint, as it had been the source of countless injuries and restlessness nights as a freshman. No longer looking like the fierce tiger he was, he jumped like a scared kitten.

Sure enough, he heard Xin Qing's voice drawl out in a tone of innocent confusion, "Xiao Hua, I thought we had agreed that Yuhao was my toy. If you're bored, maybe I can play with you a bit?"

Huabin was not deceived by his tone as he knew the malicious intent laced behind the words. Although he was annoyed to be called 'Xiao Hua' by a junior, Xin Qing had indeed warned him not to mess with Yuhao, so he could only repent. Only a few surrounding kids were surprised to see Dai Huabin like this as most knew the dangers of Xin Qing, the reputed 'Sword Sadist.'

After running to the back of the line, Dai Huabin was looking at the ground, hiding a vicious look of rage. He could hear the students around him mocking him in loud whispers, calling him Xin Qing's servant or pet tiger. This had already been going on for some time after Xin Qing had one versus three'd Yuhao's team while Huabin was eliminated by the Level 19 Yuhao, despite his level advantage.

As he looked towards the ground in shame, his face had morphed into rage. 'I, Dai Huabin, am nobody's pet. Xin Qing, if I do not wish to live as your shadow, then I am left with no choice but destroy your light.' He waited under the shadows of a tree, his eyes shining with a dangerous light.

Xin Qing could feel his rage, but paid no mind to it at all. He only oddly smiled at Yuhao, looking into his eyes. Before anyone could speak, Xin Qing quickly drew his sword. Yuhao was caught off guard but couldn't think any further as he activated his eye ability. However, something strange occurred.

Yuhao was looking at the tip of the sword as it cut towards him when, suddenly, his God's Eye was briefly blinded by the trail of sword-light. When he recovered, he felt a heavy metal object tap his head lightly. Standing in front of him with a peaceful smile, Xin Qing had not actually struck out at all, only using the 4th Truth which was named Fixation.

Fixation caused the target to become-single minded as Xin Qing redirects their vision using Yang light distortion, more powerful than the original light distortion. As he tapped Yuhao's head, he said, "I was right, you're eyes have gotten better but... ," He paused in contemplation, "...you're focusing on the wrong things, Yuhao." Still playfully smiling, everyone was surprised by the unexpectedly graceful appearance of the ill-reputed 'Sword Sadist.'

Yuhao was momentarily dazed before gaining a firm expression on his face, thanking Xin Qing for the advice. Inside Yuhao's head, a floating grey orb watched in silence.

After that, all the students lined up to take the test. Nothing eventful happened as all the people who were expected to pass did so with flying colors. And Xin Qing paid no attention to anyone else as he did not bother with weaklings. Even those like Yuhao who were weak now, he only cared for after knowing their future strength.

When it was Xin Qing's turn, he chose the highest 1,000-year beast. A majestic-looking Flame Lion King walked out the colosseum doors. He marveled at the odds as one of his own rings was a Majestic Flame Lion. However, it only improved his swords sharpness, density, and fire conductivity. He suspected that only 100,000-year beasts would give him a spirit ability due to how innately powerful his martial spirit was.

After inquiring whether or not he could kill the beast, the examiner looked at him in contempt. Only those at Level 40+ would only be able to kill a 1,000 beast, and even they would have some difficulties. In contrast, the youth before him seemed to be completely indifferent and not at all in a fighting posture, demonstrating poor fundamentals.

He hid his disappointment with a smile as he nodded. Internally, he wanted this youth to understand the immensity of heaven. However, as Xin Qing released his four spirit rings and directly cut through the Flame Lion King in one strike, the examiner's jaw was on the floor.

After getting confirmation that he passed, he simply walked away, not caring for anyone. As he left the premises, he could hear the angry shouts of who he could only assume to be the Beastkeeper who was lamenting the loss of a tamed Flame Lion King.

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