
- Here lay a Human

Throughout the first week of paying off his debt Coldin learnt from Min what was normally served at the inn. This being a range of soups, sandwiches and some simple grilled meat dishes.

It didn't take Coldin long to get use to cooking the dishes and he also had a chance to serve some of his own recipes as a chefs special. Coldins own recipes were learnt during his journey so far and his favourite by far was a basic lamb skewer that had a few variations, lamb and garlic, lamb and peppers and finally lamb and cheese.

All the pieces of lamb he used was firstly spiced to give it a mouth tingling experience that worked well with the juices of the meat. Each of the variations gave a different twist to the simple dish and when a customer ordered them it came with a vegetable soup to create a somewhat balanced meal.

Min was surprised that something so simple could work so well and asked Coldin to teach her just in case there was a trick to making them.

On the second day of work Coldin was asked to come out of the inn by Lee so he could measure him.

"Now boy go ahead and revert to your normal size, you do this by taking of the bracelet or you can just send some spirit power into it as if your flipping a switch"

Coldin quickly did as asked and his body began to grow reaching back to his normal 3 meters tall height.

"Woh no wonder there boss wants you to do this job. Hold still and I'll get some measurements." Said Lee as he pulled out a tape measure and moved closer to Coldin.

"Erm Uncle Lee, boss wanted me to use my unrestrained size" said Coldin interrupting Lee before he got to work. Lee tilted his head confused.

The next second Coldin released the spirit power film that he normally encased himself in and started to shoot up once again.

His body was growing larger and larger. Lee looked at him, his jaw dropping as Coldin grew.

The guests in the inn looked out of the window and saw this sight and where stunned. They had been served by Coldin yesterday and knew his height to be relatively small even if his build was muscular.

Finally coldins height settled at 13 meters. His body easily towered over Lee who was wondering how the hell he was supposed to get his measurements now.

Noticing Lee confused and struggling to see how he could complete his task Coldin laid down on his back. "This should work right Uncle Lee?"

Still quiet Lee nodded and got too work. After collecting all the measurements Lee needed, the pair walked back inside the inn, of course after Coldin shrank down.

The guests looked at Coldin weirdly and he could only sigh. One of the guests that Coldin got to know yesterday walked up and asked him "lad are you a giant or something?"

Coldin laughed a bit "nope fully human as far as I know. My growth rate is just a bit out of wack"

The man nodded "yeah just a bit indeed, anyway why was old Lee measuring you?" A few of the other guests ears perked up to hear the answer.

"Well boss has an idea that could mean the inn would get to see more places than just one every three months." Said Coldin thinking how best to word it so there wouldn't be too much confusion.

Tilting his head the man asked once again "and what does that have to do with measuring you?" Then a flash of realisation shot through his eyes "ahh I see that would indeed be interesting, when does it start lad?"

"In about a weeks time Uncle Lee needs to make something for it to work, I think the boss said she'd tell the customers two days in advance."

The man nodded and moved back to his table after wishing Lee good luck due to knowing what the owner was like with time constraints.

Other than him the other guests didn't catch onto what the owner was planing but after hearing that it would be explained later they went back to eating or chatting idly.

Lee gave Coldin a brief goodbye before rushing away, the owner obviously made him scared of the consequences of not meeting the deadline.

Chuckling Coldin went back to work in the kitchen with Min, passing the smiling owner on the way.

Some brief filler before more interesting content.

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