
Double Dragon!

Anime & Comics
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Two individuals have been reincarnated as Twin Gohan in the Dragon Ball world. As they face challenges and develop unique abilities, they must navigate through world of martial arts, villainous foes, and mystical adventures. Together, they will learn to harness their powers and leave their mark in a universe where strength rules all. Yes this is AI generated

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Chapter 1Prologue


All i see is darkness.

'Where am i? Who am i? Why is this memory keeps coming?

Where is this memory coming from.

I am scared, please someone. Help me'

And then i feel someone holding my hand.

'It feels warm..... I like it' I keep on holding on to it and finally. We see some light and we are.... Born?

"Congratulations miss and mister son. You have a twins!" A cheerfull voice was heard and everything is blurry.

Well i guess i am gonna go to sleep


Alright few months have passed and i know where and who am i right now.

I am Son Chiyo, the twin sister of Son Gohan from dragonball Z.

'Welp, life is good but death sounds better at this point'

I mean being reborn in a world where mass murder is happening every tuesday is not fun

And my brother Gohan is also a reincarnator like me.

And he keep on doing that weird thing with his leg- ouch! "Cwan ywou nwot?!" I said while slurring a little bit.

Baby mouth is really annoying

"Sowwy!" He said and keep on doing the thing.

He raise his legs up and down over and over again until he is tired. He said that it is healthy for a baby to start doing legs exercise because it will help him learn to walk faster

After a few minutes he is finally done with his legs exercise and now he start punching the air

"Ywou rweally gwonna dwo twis?" I ask my brother.

"Dyo wat?"



I nodded at him.

"Weyll i dwon't want to dyie when the canyon start, so yes" and he keep punching.

"Swo ywou tyhink ywou can bweat Radwitz by Pwunching air?"

"Fwirst air, And twen water, twen sand, twen rwocks, twen steel. It's all abwout the prwocess" he said. I still think it's pointless. I mean what kind of improvement will you get by punching air as a baby anyway.

I mean Raditz is gonna come when we are only 4 years old. There is no way we can beat him

But when i said that to my brother he said "i am not trying to beat him. I am trying to help Goku and Piccolo beat him. Even if it's just an extra punch to the gut if that can help them. Then this is all gonna be worth it" of course with his slurred word aswell.

*Sigh guess I am gonna start exercising too

A few months have passed and we both have learned to do more things than just shiting and crying.

If i have to say the most painfull part about being a baby is having to shit yourself every few hours. And also someone else changing your diaper.

Well thank God it all end now.

We are both on the forest right now, i am currently sitting on a rock and trying to read as much book as i can.

"Ha!" And my brother of course using all of his newfound mobilty to fight.

Of course we don't tell Chichi about it. I mean we are not stupid.

"Ha!" He finished his shadow fighting and he comes back to get some water.

"Question. Do you have to say HA! everytime you punch?"


"Then why do it?"

"Because it looks cool"

"It's annoying is what it is"

"Woman wouldn't know the joy of fighting"

"Oh now my gender is a problem?"

"I take it back. *You* wouldn't know the joy of fighting"


"Heh" he then pick a towel and walk over to the river.

"You're just gonna read that book?" He look back and ask me.

"Yes, i am planning to live a normal life in here you see. Even though it's practically impossible" i grumbled the last part. Why? Why did I have to be reincarnated here?

"Would be pretty hard to do if the planet blows up"

"That's yours and father's job. Not me"

"You know you are just as responsible of this planet safety as i do"

"Oh i am not the one named Son Gohan here mister, so no it's your job"

"Chiyo. I am serious, what if i can't fight the future threat? What if dad can't fight the future threat? Who is gonna protect earth next?"


"What if he can't?"


"He is not even borned yet"

"Then Piccolo, i don't know! I don't care! Is it too much to ask for me to have a normal life like a normal person?! Why is this suddenly become my responsibilty to protect earth?!" I scream letting my frustration comes out.

"Because you have the power to do it!" He scream back at me.

"You have power. You can become strong. Stronger than anyone, stronger than any human in this planet" his voice become softer and calmer after every sentence

"It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak"

"Then it is your duty. I want nothing to do with it" i pick up my books and walk back home.

Gohan Pov.

*Sigh, looks like Chiyo is mad at me.

'well i guess i am in the wrong aswell. I am forcing my point of view on her, if she want to be normal. Then i can only support her' i think about it more and dip myself in the river

'aaaaah this is what it meant to be alive. Much better then the life i used to have' in the past i used to be a normal worker. Doing nothing but work, living paycheck to paycheck.

It's not fun.

But this is fun,

I know it's dangerous. I know that i might die from all of the dangerous thing that will happen in this world.

But frankly. I am not afraid.

Not because i am brave or anything but because i know more about the power up that i can get instantly.

Like the fushion dance. I can just do that with Chiyo and i am sure Raditz won't be a problem.

Super saiyan? Simple. Dragon ball.

Saiyan can become super saiyan if they have enough S-cell and power to do so.

And having a lot of S-cell is going to help me to get stronger faster.

So i am gonna use the dragonball to wish for me to have a lot of S-cell.

Wait. Not just me, Chiyo and Goku need that aswell.

Cell? Majin Buu? Easy. The Super saiyan God ritual.

I know that it need a lot of saiyan to work and they need to be pure hearted aswell. But maybe i can make Nappa and Raditz become pure hearted and we can make Super Saiyan God

But all of that would be null IF my base form is weak.

"Maybe i can ask for a gravity chamber to Bulma for my next Birthday" hehe yeah right. She doesn't even know i exist yet.

"Graaaaagh!" I hear a sound coming from near me and see a T-rex Falling down.

"Heh, must be dad" I close my eyes and just enjoy the river.

But suddenly a fish want to try it's luck and swallow me

It close it mouth thinking that he just got a quick meal.

But a few second later he realize that his mouth are empty.

And then Bam! I Dropkick the Fish out of the river

"Well that was very rude" being strong have it's perks.

Such as not having to deal with this kind of thing.

"I am just gonna give that fish to mom." And i keep on enjoying my bath


"Goku! Do you know where Gohan is?" Chichi said to Goku with a concerned tone.

"He said that he is gonna train a little. Why?"

"What do you mean why?! It's lunch time! Can you find him and bring him home?" He nodded and call the nimbus. And then he fly away

"*Sigh. Why are the men on my house such a meathead? Always fighting, always training. Can't i have a normal family for a second?" Chichi grumbled while walking back home.

"Well atleast Gohan still keep up with his study and Chiyo is a good girl." She nod at herself and open the door.

'well. But i wouldn't trade them for anything else' she sees Chiyo reading books.

Chiyo is in a red dress with black belt on the middle shaped like a bowtie and she have a straight black hair.

Chichi came towards her with a smile and scoop her in her arms.

"Ah! Mom! I am reading!" She flail around on Chichi's arms but Chichi does not let go.

"Hmm you're such a good girl Chiyo. Always reading and drawing like a proper kid. I hope your brother will be like you as well but he is too much like your father" she hug her child tighter and Chiyo just gave up trying to fight her.

a few minute later Goku come home with Gohan and the kid is holding a giant fish on top of his head

"Hi mom! Hi sis!" The kid said

"Gohan! Where were you? Didn't I say to not go to the forest alone? It's dangerous out there!" She scold the child but he just laugh awkwardly.

"Hehehe sorry mom, but hey i caught this big fish while i am swimming in the river. Maybe you can add it to the lunch?" He said and put down the giant fish.

Goku pat his head with a smile and he smile back.

"*Sigh fine. But after lunch you're gonna go straight to studying mister. I don't want you to get left behind by your sister" Chichi said and she try to take the fish to the kitchen but Gohan got to it faster and pick it up.

"Let me get it for you mom!" He said and he bolted out to the kitchen.

"That kid is just like me" Goku said and Chichi shake her head and walk to the the kitchen.

"Where should i put it mom?" Gohan ask Chichi. It's rather funny to see a little child carrying a giant fish on top of his head.

"Just put it there" she pointed at some basket

"Okay!" He put the fish down on the basket and he run away.

He run away to the living room and see Goku and Chiyo together.

"What are you doing there" Gohan said coming closer to Chiyo

"Drawing" Chiyo said. Gohan look closer and see that she is currently drawing tanjiro from Kimetsu no yaiba

"Cool. You're planning to sell that?" Gohan said

"You can sell drawings?" Goku said not knowing that there is someone that like drawings.

"Well not only drawings but story too. But i am sure she can make a good, Original story aswell. I mean she is very creative after all" Gohan said with a very noticable Sarcasm.

"Gee thanks for the vote of confident Brother. I'll make sure to mention you when i became famous"

"Nah you keep your popularity for yourself. I don't like fame"

"More reason for me to mention you then"

"Tch" he just clicked his tongue knowing that he can't swear in the house.

"Hey dad, can you train me from now?" Gohan suddenly said and Goku looks surprised but rather excited.

"Sure! But you need to ask your mom for that." Goku said and Gohan looks Dissapointed.

"Well that might be a problem" he muttered but decide to just ask Chichi later at lunch


Another year have passed and now, both Gohan and Chiyo is 4 years old.

The sons family is having a lunch right now and since there is three saiyan in that house, the ammount of food needed to feed them is quite a lot.

"Oh yeah Chichi, mind if i take Gohan and Chiyo after this? I am planning to meet with master Roshi and the others so i am going to introduce our child to them" Gohan and Chiyo stop eating and look at each other after what their father said.

They both nodded knowing what day is it.

"Sure but Gohan haven't study at all these day. I am worried that he will be left behind by Chiyo"

"Don't worry mom! I am gonna study all day tommorow so. Can i go please?" He did the ultimate puppy eyes technique.

But that doesn't have any use on Chichi whatsoever

"Yeah mom, we are just going over the basic preschool material anyway, i am sure brother can learn it quickly. Can we go please?" Well if one puppy eyes doesn't work what about two? Chiyo thought.

She is starting to waver a bit at the two adorable creature that is her childrens.

"Come on Chichi, it's been so long since i have met them. Pleaseee~" and Goku do it as well. Now she have no chance but to let them go.

"Fine! Stop looking at me like that. Gosh you guys always act like this." The triple puppy eyes combo have been used on her before.

Mainly for asking permission on Gohan's training

Why did Chiyo help with Gohan's training permission? Because Gohan said "The more i train the less danger you and everyone on earth will be in" so she help with that.

It's not like she doesn't train either. Some time she will follow her brother to train as well and they will try to fight goku together.

Of course they both lose. They are 4.

And the Fushion dance. They aren't able to do it just yet but atleast they tried.

"Great! I can't wait to meet them!" Goku said cheerfully and he continue eating the food.


"Weeeeeeee!!" Gohan said while flying and having a race with his father.

Unlike in the series they didn't get to the kame house by riding nimbus cloud. No they fly and race there.

Of course Goku is holding back a lot since Gohan and Chiyo is still a child but it still rather exciting.

Gohan and Chiyo has been training to control their Ki since birth.

Well Gohan does, Chiyo only started when she finally see some improvement in Gohan.

Like the fact that he can make a ball of light coming out of his hand while being 2 years old.

Why did she wait until then? Because she said "why would i try to get something that i know is impossible to get? When you manage to show me your Ki then i will start training mine" so she thought that she need to have a matured enough body to be able to use her Ki.

And she is right. A few month after Gohan unlocked his Ki, she unlocked hers aswell

Gohan is still pretty salty about it because He spent 2 years trying to get that Ki and she get it in under a year.

"Eat my dust!" Chiyo said while speeding up from Gohan.

"Oh you're on!" He speed up as well.

"Ahahaha Wait up kids!" And Goku is speeding up trying to get them both.


"I win!" Chiyo said after first coming to the kame house

"Congratulation on winning the race. The prize? Is dissapointment" Gohan said landing near her in second.

"I think your sadness is a good enough prize for me"

"And i think you, are acting like a brat"

"Oh you wanna get beaten by a brat?"

"I don't remember you ever win against me"

"I just did"

"Small tricks" they keep on bantering with one another until Goku came too.

"Alright you two, stop fighting. We are here" Goku finally stop the two banter and people start to comes out of the house.

"Goku! It has been so long! How have you been? And what's with the kids? You are taking a babysitting job now?" Krillin said looking at his bestfriend for the first time in years.

"Ahahahaha good to see you as well krilin. And no they are my kids!"

"Your kids?!" They all begin to look at them like they are some kind of world anomaly.

"Hi, my name is Son Gohan. Nice to meet you" Gohan said and do a little bow to them.

"Hi, i am Chiyo. Nice to meet you" Chiyo said and she bowed as well.

"Wow, they are very polite. You sure they are your kid?" Bulma said inspecting

"Yeah Chichi is the one teaching them that. She said something about going to college? I don't know but if that make her happy. Then it's fine"

"I think she just want a normal child. Chiyo can provide that" Gohan said to his father.

"Yes, you can train as much as you want with dad. I'll be home and stay out of danger" Chiyo said

"You coming here is dangerous" Gohan muttered knowing what would happen today.

And sure enough after a few minutes Goku sense someone strong approaching.

A few minutes later someone comes and everyone square up.

"It's really you Kakarot! All grown up eh? You looks just like our father. Now there is something i want to ask you Kakarot, not really a big thing but kind of noticeable.

WHY IS THERE STILL A LIVING BEING HERE?!" Raditz said and Goku is looking really confused on who is this guy talking to.

"There is no one named Kakarot here! If you meant trouble then leave!" Goku said and now Raditz is the one getting confused.

"Kakarot, you're not serious are you? You don't recognize me? I am your brother!"

"What?!" Everyone look at him as if he is crazy.

"Wait second. Is that?" Krilin finally notice something.

"A tail?!" He see the belt on raditz hips and turns out that it's not a belt at all

"Damn he really is your brother huh Goku?" Krilin said to Goku and he look at the tail.

"From the tail..... Seems like it" Goku

"Hey Kakarot! I am asking you! Why had you not finished your mission yet?!"

"I am not Kakarot! My name is Goku! Son Goku!"

"Goku? The hell kind of name is that? You're Kakarot!"

"I am not!"

"You Are!"

"Can you two stop screaming?!" Gohan finally have had enough of them.

"Hmm?" Raditz is now looking at the two kids and try to scan their power level.

"90 and 15. Not bad, still better than yours when you're a baby" Raditz said to Goku.

"Are they your Kids?"


"You are really bad at lying. They even have a saiyan tail, of course they are your kids"

"Wait up!" Gohan said suddenly.

"How much power level do i have you said?"


"Yeaaah! Suck that canon me!" He did a little celebration dance but he get smacked on the head by Chiyo

'He really is an idiot' Chiyo thought


I am boooooored. So i am making this.

My other fanfic? Yeah that can wait. I already make a few words on them but it's not finished yet. Who knows when they will be finished.

I always like dragonball. Funfact, the first fanfic that i ever create is a dragonball Fanfic.

But of course it ended up as a garbage since i know nothing about story telling.

Anywaaaay i think that's that.

See you later!

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