
Move in with him ?

"yes we are dating , and we love each other..." replied yang Xi , clearly making use of her talent in acting

'Judging from her appearance she doesn't look like she is from high class family , though she is simple average girl , she is nice and polite and quite pretty too, I like the fact that she is not trying to fit in to impress me , she is just being herself.... that's a good thing....' Madam Lee thought for a while then said

" Ok , I will approve of you dating my Lee Feng but I have one condition..." Madam Lee said taking a little pause before actually stating her terms , yang Xi was looking at madam Lee intently , wondering what it could be ....

"You have to stay with my son and if you can last for one month then you can date him officially..." madam Lee finally stated her terms to which yang Xi sprang up from her seat and Lee Hong almost fell to the ground from where he was trying to eavesdrop their conversation...

"What ?!" Yang Xi and Lee Hong said in unison... shocked at Madam Lee's unexpected and unusual condition...

Lee Hong : "How's that possible ?!!!"

Yang Xi: "That's not possible!!"

Both of them cried in denial at the same time ....

Madam Lee looked at their troubled and shocked expressions...

Lee Hong, never have imagined that his mother would play such a trick , his original plan was to let yang Xi play girlfriend part along with his brother for short time in front of his mother to convince her that he is dating someone and yes he definitely has interest in girls and that would stop her from forcing him for marriage for now , but when Lee Hong foolishly told his mother in excitement about his brother has a girlfriend , Madam Lee demanded to meet Yang Xi first in person which was quite unexpected of her , Lee Hong was careless enough to think that its all going well ... ' it's even better that bro don't have to bother himself acting like a lover to this girl in front of anyone... bro will praise me for my meticulous plan for sure and might actually reward me with new sports car that I solved his problem single handedly without actually disturbing him...' that's what he has thought... but now that things turned out like this.. forget the reward he feared his brother might actually kill him for making things worse for him...!

And for yang Xi she couldn't believe Madam Lee would actually ask her to move in with her son , she has seen many scenes in a drama or movies where in this kind of situation where rich guy loves a poor or average girl then rich and wealthy mom tries to break two lovers apart... she had even thought that in the worst case scenario Madam Lee would give her packet of money and ask her to stay away from her son , she had at most expected that much and she was prepared for it but it was the complete opposite and absurd too.... ' Move in with him ?!! ' that line ringed in her head again and again ...

'does this Lee Feng guy has some kind of issue or something..?' She wondered...

Both yang Xi and Lee Hong looked at each other and then at Madam Lee who was already staring at both of them with inspecting gaze

"Is there any problem..?" Madam Lee asked with a raised brow

'Off course there is !! ' she said in her mind ...

but then tried to reason Madam Lee

"Actually I work in an entertainment field , it would not be good for both of us to move in together just like that ... also staying together before marriage is a bit ..." she said the last words in quite a low tone , Madam Lee smiled a bit at her expressions

"Either you live with him for a month or he has to marry the girl I chose for him... you decide ..."

"Mom that's not possible , brother won't agree ..."

" to what ? to live with his girlfriend or to get married to Miss Chu ?" Madam Lee asked him

' hell !! To both the options!!! whichever it is he won't spare my life this time for sure ...' he pitied his poor and unlucky self , whenever he tries to do something great ....things always takes turn for worse ...

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