
Awards Ceremony

The Finales finally began with Mark fighting Drew. Although this was the match between the top 2, everyone who had seen the previous matches knew that the difference in strength between the two was not small.

The results of the match had already been pretty much decided by everyone but that did not stop Drew from putting his all into the battle. Not only did he despise the red haired bastard for stealing his moment to shine, but the person had also injured his newly made friends. He obviously would not let it go so easily.

It did not take long for Mark to quickly suppress Drew. Although he found the battle quite taxing due to Drew's ever changing maneuvers, he barely broke much of a sweat. The two teens kept on exchanging blows and Mark continued to suppress Drew little by little. After more than 300 rounds, Drew sighed and admitted defeat.

Mark almost tripped as he heard Drew surrender. He had been getting really into the fight. Other than his older brothers and personal trainer, no one else had lasted so long in a match with him. He could not help but look at Drew weirdly.

"Why did you stop? I know you could have lasted much longer...and you were definitely not going all out." Drew froze for a second when he heard what mark said. He quickly calmed himself down and smirked.

"Don't think I did not want to whip that smug smile off your face prince. I just did not want the people watching us to know more than they needed to." Mark smiled slyly as he heard this, he had noticed from a long time ago that there were people watching the competition. It was not too hard to know who they were. Drew turned and looked Mark straight in the eye.

"That blue magic thing that you did...that a variant...right?" Mark smiled and nodded his head. Once Mark got the approval he did his best to hold his excitement.

People are either born with elemental energy or no elemental energy. This separates people into two factions but what some people don't know is that there is another faction. Variant and basic energy. Basic energy is your standard magic, fire, water, earth, air, light and dark. Their powers are still limited by what is considered possible. Variant energy is a mutation of what is normal. It is when elemental users break their limitations and become boundless to their origins.

an example of this is Solomon's Earth variant, metal or Mark's Fire variant, blue fire. As Mark thought of this he could not help but ask Mark one last question before he went down.

"You used your blue fire energy on Elijah but why not me? you could have easily destroyed me with it." Mark shook his head.

"It only has such an effect on other fire users and besides, it uses way too much mana, it might have helped in the beginning but I would have quickly lost after a while." Drew nodded as he heard this. He suddenly cursed at the fact that his opponent thought things too thoroughly. They quickly shook hand as Paulette came over to announce this year's championships. Everyone in the stadium clapped as mark raised his hand in triumphed.

The Tournament was finally over. {AN: It would have been over long ago if i was actually consistent in updating.....}

They took a recess to let of the participants recuperate. At this time, Don, his parent, Teacher Zen and many other families, flew straight to the resting center. Don's parents did not know how they felt when they saw that their "injured" and "fragile" children were already back on their feet and about to start another fight.

"What do you mean you stronger?! You only got a good hit on him cause I did a number on him first!" Elijah scoffed as he argued with Maryline.

"Ha! You barely laid a scratch on him! Don't think for as second that you helped me in any way!" Maryline huffed in reply. Elijah smirked.

"It been a while since we last tested our strength. Do you wanna go or something?!" Maryline smirked as she heard this.

"Anytime. anywhere." As soon as she said that, they both readied their stance as they jumped from their hospital beds. suddenly they felt a huge smack to their faces. Although it did not hurt much, he stopped their momentum as they fell from the ground. They turned around to see an angry mom with tears in her eyes and no shoes on. They could connect two and two and figure out that their mom and her scarily precise aim hit the two of them with her shoes.

They quickly prostrated themselves as they heard no end to their moms scolding. She only stopped when the staff reminded them about the ending ceremony. Betty sighed and reluctantly let them go. Alfred hugged the two before they left.

"Your mom and I are proud of you three. Don't ever forget that." The fire siblings were a little confused but once they heard Paulette calling back the competitors, they quickly forgot about it and when back to the tournament grounds. They met up with Drew and Vivian who tried their best to hold their laughter as they remembered the scene that just conspired.

"Congratulations to all those that it may concern. This was quite a successful year. not too small and not too big. in total, 97 of you passed my requirements. Now I will be calling your names from the lowest to the highest. As I said before, the top 10 of you will get something extra and I will be sure that it will exceed your expectations." The participants felt excited as they heard this. Those who had did especially well in the last test were more confident than the rest. As their names were called, many felt saddened as they did not make it. The saddest of them all was the person who had gotten 11th place. No one needed to see his face to know how he felt.

completely devastated.

"Finally the top 10 will stand on the stadium. number 10, Stephanie Myers." Suddenly, a beautiful blond girl separated from the crowed and went up stage. Maryline and crew froze as they saw this girl. She was so eye catching yet they had not noticed her. Elijah could not help to think that this girl was dangerous. After 3 more people came in, Vivian was suddenly called.

"Number 6 is Vivian" Paulette said as Vivian Lee coldly walked up to the stadium." She could not help but scoff when she heard Elijah's name next and saw him stand right beside her. Elijah could only laugh coldly when she saw how Vivian was acting. He could not understand how Maryline found her as an acceptable friend. After Elijah was a bald man with a young face...or maybe it's a just a teen with no hair. Next was Maryline in third, Drew became second and with no doubt in mind, Mark was first.

Everyone clapped as they saw the top 10 for this year but some were still waiting for another person. Those who had been here before knew that the principle would pick a person they deemed special to come and join the academy. Whether it be a wondering martial artist or a person who had failed one of the earlier tests but showed promise.

"And now, the final person...the special 98th new student is.... Taurask Finch" Elijah and Maryline almost tripped up as they heard this. Don who was standing being Paulette could not help but feel weird when he heard that name.

"Umm i go by Don if you don't mind..." Don said quietly.

"Oh yes. Don Finch." Paulette corrected. The top 10 looked at him oddly. 'Why is this kid here?' Even his siblings were a little confused. Mark looked especially interested as he stared at the little boy beside him. He could not help but wonder how the kid surpassed him in ranking.

The audience was also astonished. They were not dumb. 1 Finch, 2 Finch, 3 Finch? They stared at the applauding parents and could help but use their appraisal techniques to see their strength level. To their surprise their strength put together did not even go past F level. They quickly started to think of conspiracy theories of how these kids came to be. Their thought went from kidnapping and experimenting to children of mysterious martial artist and so on. Seeing the stares from afar, Teacher Zen quickly calmed down the Finch parents.

After the ceremony was over, Paulette invited the 11 participants to the back of the school. Principle Cruise came out of nowhere behind them and quickly integrated himself in the group. The kept walking until they finally reach a huge door. Principle Cruise smile as he stood in front of the door.

"Do you know what is in the other side of this door?" Everyone shook their heads. How would they know? Principle Cruise smiled.

"Our students call it the treasure cove. This is the rare chance in which you get see it. Inside is where the rewards we give to the worthy few are kept. Today you 11 are the worthy few. Now come in.." The children could not help but be excited when they heard this. They did not hesitate to go in for fear that if they hesitated for a second, they would be locked out.

"And here we are!" They opened their eyes in excitement only for their eyes to betray their expectation. Inside was just a hollow cave like room and there was nothing inside.

"Well isn't it lovely?" said the Principle

participants "....."

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