

And oh the dude was handsome. Yea he was really breathtaking , but I can't even think of that. I was only swinging my body, waiting for his next question "I like you !" "Oh!" I finally made a sound"thank you!" That was all I could say "Do you mind for us to sit and talk!" I wanted to decline but seeing his eyes, looks like he was pleading, melted my heart away. "Okay!" My thoughts gave me a wicked grin. How could I allow my self to feel this way. I took another sip of the liquor. I could sense he was talking to me but I was busy drinking my heart out "What's your name" he asked filling his glass "Urmmm.... You don't need to know my name" I said without even thinking of how he felt "Well..... Its just your name"he said rolling his eyes away to meet the crowd. "And I said you don't need to know my name!" I said already pissed because his attitude towards it just gave me an itch. I stood to leave. Like who does he think he is. A hand grabbed me immediately and I turned, it was the same guy "Woaw woaw!!.... I'm deeply sorry if what I said really upset you" l looked at him with his sorry ass face and my shoulder dropped "well we need to call the bartender for more" he said with a smile. I returned the smile. Even though I knew I was feeling drunk, I don't care, Felicia and her boyfriend will take me home.

Onyibor_Phina · Fantasie
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5 Chs



Never seen a woman who rejects money. Even though we met in the club, there was something about her that was making me to like her even more. I know we had a one night stand but that,.... we did once,... I really wanted to repeat it with her.... But what's really wrong with me? A girl I met in the club and we did something..... What if she was a ghost anyway?..... And I didn't get her name too..... Three guys trooped in and distracted me..... Well they are my good friends.

"Man what's up?" Jide greeted and extended a hand shake. That was our normal greetings. We all shook hands together... "Man.... Why is your face like this"looking at me with a concern face . Now all there eyes where on me. We were best of friends and we care for each other. We've been friends since secondary school days. So its a long time friendship

"Guys something just happened" I pondered looking for the best words to choose. "Like I gave her money after the night and she rejected it" now my eyes seems popped out from the socket, assuming that never in my life would i believe that something like this could happen.

Lawrence laughed out loud. He has been like this, like he doesn't take things serious"okay.... Maybe you gave her money for peanuts" He smiled. "You know all this lagos girls doesn't need that kind of money" Wasn't surprised at all, his advice is somehow disgusting. But he's our friend for life.

"Law, it wasn't like that.... I gave her 50k---" they all rolled there eyes to each other as they all gasped. Ifeanyi almost choked, allowing the water he was drinking to pour all over his shirt. He's stingy with girls, I don't blame him for that.

"Eddy... You met her in a club and you offered such amount?" Ifeanyi asked

"But she refuse, that's what seems bothering eddy" Jide finally spoke, I don't know, but jide understood me sometimes. Everybody now kept still

"You see, another problem is that she didn't even tell me her name. Isn't that weird?" I asked. But they all glared at me in confusion

"Man.... Be happy. Me that folake my own girlfriend just gave bills this month because of that same thing you did with an unknown person, that even rejected your money too" They all laughed. He was trying to talk, we knew that he's not leaving that girl any soon.

"But eddy,... you are afraid that she might be a ghost?" Jide asked, but I just nod. "Well she's not a ghost. I knew her through Mike..... You know Mike lives in the same estate with me...."

"Is it that guy you shook hands with in the club?" Ifeanyi asked

"Yes" Jide responded. Now my face just lit a little

"Wait... Let it not be that you're trying to see that girl again.... A girl that almost took your 50k and you're already giving this face?.... Wait oo, law hasn't come out from his mess and you deliberately wants to jump in too?" Ifeanyi was just asking unnecessary questions. This his stingyness is getting into another level. But I was just smiling at him, I know Jide will show me how to meet with the girl again. I want to see her again....


Kate was back in the house. She went into the bathroom to take a warm bath, waiting patiently for Felicia to come back. After few minutes, the door opened gently and Felicia stepped in.

"Kate.... Kate..' She calls out, looking around to know where she was

"Yea I'm right behind you" she came out of the bathroom as she heard Felicia calling her name

"Babe I'm sorry for what I did yesterday.... I don't know what came over me"she was begging

"I came to have fun and forget what happened between me and Emeka, and you left me with a man?" rolled her eyed to meet with hers . She asked again "Why did that happen"

"Babe, I drank too much yesterday and it just happened" giving her the look that she was sorry

"Oh... I just turned to a whore last night, all thanks to you" she said walking away from her to put on something

Running along"jeezzz.... I'm so sorry.... but" she stopped"you could have called me, to come and take you home."

Kate halts"like what I did that time was a beep?" Getting furious but she doesn't want to explode"I called you remember?"

"I know but then I was trying to do something but you just end the call"

"You could have called back then!" Now she got to let it out.

Dropping her shoulders in defeat, she exhaled "I'm sorry" kate turned to continue what she was doing. Throughout the day Felicia tried to make her happy but kate wasn't that happy like that, it could all be because of the heart break.