

And oh the dude was handsome. Yea he was really breathtaking , but I can't even think of that. I was only swinging my body, waiting for his next question "I like you !" "Oh!" I finally made a sound"thank you!" That was all I could say "Do you mind for us to sit and talk!" I wanted to decline but seeing his eyes, looks like he was pleading, melted my heart away. "Okay!" My thoughts gave me a wicked grin. How could I allow my self to feel this way. I took another sip of the liquor. I could sense he was talking to me but I was busy drinking my heart out "What's your name" he asked filling his glass "Urmmm.... You don't need to know my name" I said without even thinking of how he felt "Well..... Its just your name"he said rolling his eyes away to meet the crowd. "And I said you don't need to know my name!" I said already pissed because his attitude towards it just gave me an itch. I stood to leave. Like who does he think he is. A hand grabbed me immediately and I turned, it was the same guy "Woaw woaw!!.... I'm deeply sorry if what I said really upset you" l looked at him with his sorry ass face and my shoulder dropped "well we need to call the bartender for more" he said with a smile. I returned the smile. Even though I knew I was feeling drunk, I don't care, Felicia and her boyfriend will take me home.

Onyibor_Phina · Fantasie
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5 Chs


"What a beautiful morning" kate stretched on the bed. Rubbing her palm on her eyes, she sat on the bed ,mumbled a short prayers. That was how she does every single mornings.... She thought about what happened the other day, a smile crossed her lips. "Hmmmm... He's cute anyway but nothing like this will repeat itself again" she thoughts within herself

"Like we should stop seeing" Felicia complained as she sat on Kate's bed

"Who would you stop seeing?" Kate asked curious

"Mike of course?"

"What for, or have you been seeing another guy behind my back and you too are having something serious?' Kate asked. She needs to ask because, she knew nothing serious was going on between Mike and Felicia since a year they met. But what troubles her mind was, since that year they started dating, does it mean she hasn't fallen for Mike or was she comfortably okay with whatever she was doing with Mike?.

"No I'm not seeing anybody, but something happened that night we went to club ... We had sex without condom unlike before and I just don't like what happened" Felicia explained

'Oh?" She stopped ,finding better words to use" you should not have allowed it at the initial stage"

"I didn't know what happened to me that day..... Maybe it was all because of the alcohol"Felicia admitted

"Okay, you see? The two of you are under the influence of alcohol" Kate turned towards Felicia" Since the two of you started this friends with benefit, haven't you fallen for him?,... Like since a year now both of you has been more than best friends, yet no love is attached there?" Kate asked Felicia

"No way, ..... Come on. How do you think I will settle for somebody without future"

"How do you think he will settle for somebody he takes to club every little times he felt bored?" Kate knew those words touched Felicia

She shrugged"Babe" pushing out words from her mouth even sounding like she was whispering"Both of us can never have future together..... He doesn't have a home, I'm nothing but his whore, which I'm not liking it again"

"Then switch to a reasonable man"

"Babe I have tried but nobody will be like him--"

Kate cuts in"but--" she paused, then continue"Are you sure you're not liking him?" Giving a wink on one corner of her face

"No, is just that I'm already used to him" Felicia said looking around

"Then stay away from him, so you can give another person chance to come in" kate said trying to make sure she was impacting something meaningful in her life

"That's the step I'm going to take" Felicia said but she was battling different thoughts on her head. How would she be able to stay away from him. What kind of nonsense life has she involved herself in or would she say the kind of man she got herself into. Plans of staying away from him would be a difficult one but she has to move on with the plan hence she would make the mistake she will regret in her entire life


Coming back from work after two days of the incident at club, she felt a car was stalking her. She walked faster because she was on a lonely part, anything can happen. She walked fast as her leg could carry her. She didn't know why somebody will kidnap her, she was only working in a very small company that was just trying to be heard at the public. The salary she earns was only to meet up with her needs and rent. She felt lucky when she was dating Emeka, she thoughts the relationship will lead to marriage. And she believed that marrying Emeka will make all her dreams come through. But all she wished for herself was all in vain. Thinking about her fate on that lonely road, she heard a car horn and it was from that car that was stalking her. She turned, maybe it wasn't a kidnapper. She saw a face peeped out from the window. Wait! The face looks familiar. She stopped and the car stopped. Behold the mysterious guy stepped out.

"What?" Short from words, like he was the least person she bet would appear here"where you stalking me??" She asked again. Looking around hoping nobody would see them together

"Easy dear" Smiling like he always does" I just came to see the lady that rejected the money she worked for" still smiling

She choked under her breath immediately"what do you mean?"

"Like you don't understand?... Oh, do you normally give a free sex to some guys or you did that on purpose?"

Tears has already formed on her eyes "is that how you judge people?" Trying to hide those tears because he was staring her on the eyes not even blinking but tears was speedly forming "For your information, I'm just coming back from work..... You saw me in that club because I was broken last week... My girlfriend took me to club to cheer me up and it happened that way, which i regret going to that club at the first place..... But here you are judging me as a core girl" Before she could finish, tears has already streamed down her cheeks. "Thank you" she left immediately, wiping her tears with the back of her palm. Not minding her makeup.

"How did I just messed what I planned to arrange.. Shit!" He cursed. Tighting his knuckle, He jumped into his car making a reverse to go back to his house. He wouldn't stop cursing himself. How could he make it up to her. How would he make her understand that he didn't mean those words. Would she give her the chance to talk to him again?.....
