
Don't Go Away l JK

A story about y/n who has lost her parent because of accident and she have lost her brother a few years ago and now she is orphan.Then. she will meet with mina,tzuyu and momo which will keep her happy but jungkook like to bully her and will it last to happy until yeri came up and ruin everything??? Read this book to know more about it.... It's also available in Wattpad!! https://my.w.tt/DcUOwyG3hZ

Lonelyst_kitty · Musik und Bands
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33 Chs

Chapter 20

suddenly a car coming unconsciously then tried to hit me,just a meter but someone pushed me away from that car but i got hit then i fainted


Jong-in POV

me:"y/n ahh gwenchana,yln please wake up "i shaked her body then slapped on her faced but she didn't even open her eyes then i saw her knee bleeding so much and her leg was swollen so i carry her to my car to take her to the hospital

in my car i hold her hand because i scared she might leave me again so i hold her hand tightly"y/n ahh jebal just in 5 more minutes we can reach the hospital so please don't leave me,opopa will always be with you jebal"i said while my tears flowing like a river



Nurse:"sir we will take her to the emergency room so you can wait outside until the doctor call you"

Me:"please save her"

Nurse:"we will try our best"

Then they go inside then i take her bag then i open her phone then i call to jungkook and tzuyu since they was her last caller id

*jungkook phone call

Jk:"hey y/n whats up are you and your brother doing well huh"

Me:"hel-llo is th-his jung-gkook"

jk:"yes its me, who are you why are you having y/n phone"

Me:"i'm y/n brother,she have got in an accident so please come to hospital **** now!"


~end call

~Tzuyu Phone Call

Me:"hello is this tzuyu"

Tzuyu:"yes i'm and who are you"

Me:"please come to hospital**** because y/n got into an accident"


After a few minutes everyone of them come to the hospital running to me asking her condition even i also don't know about her now

Jimin:"hyung how is she,is she okay.What did the doctor said"

Jungkook:"is she fine did you see her already"

Tzuyu:"did she awake "

Momo:"she is still alive right"

Rm:"how is she please answer to our question"

Tae:"yes please answer it now"

Me:"guy please calm even i also don't know what is going on in there she was in the emergency room for 2 hours still the doctors didn't come yet"

Jin:"how did the accident happen"

Me:"i don't remember but when i went to the park i saw a car coming so fast and trying to hit her it was like a plan not an unexpected accident and the way she was driving like she was pointing it to y/n"

Jungkook:"what are you trying to say"

Me:"it was plan by someone"

Suddenly y/n phone vibrated,there is a text from unknown

Unknown:"congrats y/n you have survive huh?just a little for you to see the hell but your lovely brother safe you but sokay i'm not going to gave up on you,Just wait one day i will get Jong-in back and i will kill you bitch"

Me:"who are you what and what you want from me and my brother"i text it like it was y/n the one

Unknown:"i want you to die and i want your brother

Me:"but why and tell me who are you"

Unknown:"ohh yeah about myself i will introduce it when we meet maybe,hahaha.Just wait we going to meet no matter what"

Me:"why the hell you're disturbing us,can't you just leave us alone and we will never disturb you"

Then suddenly the doctors came and ask "who is Kim y/n relatives or parents" the doctor ask

Me:"i'm kim y/n brother"

Doc:"okay we have to do some operation in her legs because there is some wound that can't be heal by medicine so we need to do that at her knee so if you agree we will continue to do the surgery"

Me:"ohh then if we do that she could be like normal right"

Doc:"yes but she couldn't walk using her left leg for a few weeks or months then it will be healed by the medicine we provide "

Me:"okay then i will agree for the surgery but when you're going to do the surgery"

Doc:"by tomorrow because today she have lost a lot of blood so she will be unconscious for an hour because we have put the drips so she will awake and you can go in to see her but don't make to much noise"

Me:"okay thanks doctor"

Then we go in to watch after her but she was still sleeping so i just sat the chair and the boys sat on the sofa

Suddenly i talk to her "always bad things happen after people see me,that day mom and dad saw me at airport and they got into an accident and now you"i said

Rm:"hyung its not your fault after all because everything happen for a reasons"

Me:"WAITT"everyone look at me confusedly

Sg:"what happen"

Me:"i have remember something"

Everyone:"what is it?"

Me:"the car that hit her and my parents are the same"


Me:"yess its true"

Then y/n phone have a unread message

Unknown:"you want to know why,its because i love him"

Unknown:"you and your parents try to make him forget about me after the break up and thats why she have totally forgot about me and didn't love me anymore"

I'm so shock when i read the message by any chance is it aereum is KIM AEREUM IS BACK?

To Be Continued...