

It seems Amory and Imani are stuck in a strange place. A grassy plains area… and they can’t remember anything? And who is Megumi?

GoingCloudClimbing · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

<p>"Hey. Heeeyy... wake up!" Somebody yelled straight into my ear. I opened my eyes, I was feeling unusually refre- "so you're finally awake!" <br/><br/>His blaring exclamation hurt my ears, I jumped back slightly. He sighed, "what're you bein' all scared for?" I ignored him, and judged my surroundings. Surrounding me was a big area of grassy plains, with trees scattered around. <br/><br/>Around the plains there was what seemed like... walls. They completely closed the area in, as if a giant dome was surrounding me, trapping me in. The dome looked... distorted, almost like a blurry wall of "space." There was somehow still light emitted, with no sun, like a strange alien sky.<br/><br/>Not that I even know what that means, this is just too strange... "W-Where is this?" I briefly stuttered asking the man in front of me.<br/><br/>"According to my calculations..." Calculations? What is that supposed to mean? "...This is the part where people join, and the death game starts!" <br/><br/>Asking this guy won't do me any good... Although my heart was racing, and my thoughts are all over the place, I felt more calm than I believed to be normal. It seems nobody else is around besides us, too?<br/><br/>With nothing else to do, I observed the person in front of me. He wore a suit and tie loosely on his neck, with dark tanned skin contrasting his blonde hair. He was very unkempt, his suit was wrinkled, along with his hair being messy. "Well whether we're gonna end up buddies or enemies," he looked at me suddenly, "my name is Imani, you?"<br/><br/>"I'm Amory." I sat down beside a tree, and watched Imani do various things to 'investigate the surroundings.' This included abusing trees, punching the ground, and charging into the mystery wall. <br/><br/>The first two things turned out roughly how you would expect, with his arms and legs taking his abuse pretty well. The wall, though...<br/><br/>It didn't seem to hurt him much, in fact it didn't even seem to really push him back, like a strong wind keeping you from moving. I'll have to check it out later…<br/><br/>But he really is something else, I don't know why anybody would willingly punch trees and dirt without hesitation... Other people... huh? Why can't I think of anybody...<br/><br/>Suddenly, I noticed a third person not so far away, I turned to Imani. "Hey-" but by the time I looked over he was gone, I looked back at the person. Somehow, he was already there. He's pretty quick... I walked over to talk to him, "a woman?"<br/><br/>"Yeah... I predict the next one will be a girl too."<br/><br/>"And that's because..."<br/><br/>"Of my instincts of course."<br/><br/>"Right." I guess we should focus on waking her up instead of talking... A slap wouldn't be good, don't have any wate- "HEEEEEYYYY!" My ears rang, I felt a headache coming on. <br/><br/>"Why the f... Why are you so loud?"<br/><br/>"It took you a whole like, five minutes to wake up, you know?! That's what being gentle got me." That was being gentle? Well yeah, I guess compared to this, it was.<br/><br/>"AHH!" A short, bloodcurdling scream rang in my ears. I quickly put up my hand to feel around in my earlobe, just had to make sure it wasn't bleeding. I looked down at the woman, she was breathing heavily.<br/><br/>"You okay?" Imani asked casually, unfazed.<br/><br/>"Y-Yes, I just heard a terrible sound in my dream... A terrible cry from a monster."<br/><br/>"Oh, that's too bad." He said that with no remorse... What a monster. He shrugged as if he knew what I was thinking. The woman started asking questions, so I let Imani answer them as I walked a few feet away, before deciding to pay some attention to her. <br/><br/>she looked... I'm not a very good judge of age so I couldn't tell, but she looked around middle-aged. Which is different, after all, Imani and I don't look to have that much of an age difference. Why are we even here?<br/><br/>But, no correlation with age, huh... Wait, what am I trying to find a correlation with? My mind feels weird... I can't think. I walked over the the strange substance(?) making up the walls. I lightly pressed my fingertips against it. There wasn't even a sensation of touching anything... Like it wasn't even a physical object?<br/><br/>Where? What? How... All of these questions ran through my head. But, I was unable to answer any of them. The more I think the less I understand... Why is this happening? Where- No, I shouldn't be worrying about this... I crouched down next to the wall, and tried to clear my mind when...</p>

I know I'm good at writing but please feed my ego anyway, thanks!!!

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