
Doctor Who - Season 17

The Fourteenth Doctor and Kathy face their last days together, new faces join alongside a new Doctor, and a deadly mystery spreads around the universe.

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22 Chs

Episode 1 - The Detonation

A loud beeping sound is heard from the control center inside a spaceship.

Suddenly, a door opens, into the control center, where many Sontarans stand controlling the ship.

One Sontaran removes its helmet and says "General Kall, how far are we?".

General Kall says "A couple of minutes sir-".

Another Sontaran says "Commander Irvor! We're about to reach the atmosphere!".

Commander Irvor smiles "Excellent! General Mask, find us somewhere...where we will be undisturbed!".

Outside in a forest, the Sontaran ship starts to land.

A ramp then lowers down, and a door opens.

Sontarans start to march out of the spaceship.

Commander Irvor then walks out and smiles "Earth, the perfect battlefield! General Mask, take a small team and search the surrounding area, we do not want any company! General Kall, set up a perimeter, the Sontaran Plan must be executed!".

General Mask and General Kall both say "Yes sir!".

Commander Irvor stands watching as many of the Sontarans start to get to work.

Commander Irvor then nods "Not even The Doctor can stop what we have planned! This Earth is going to perish under the hands of The Sontaran Empire! SONTA-HA! SONTA-HA!".

All the other Sontarans around the commander join in with the chant "SONTA-HA, SONTA-HA, SONTA-HA!".

All the Sontarans stand in the forest cheering.

(Title Sequence)

Connor Swindells - The 14th Doctor

Aiysha Hart - Kathy Yates

Hetti Bywater - Kristen Wright

Outside, near a cabin, a girl sits on a chair smiling at the forest surrounding her.

A man then steps out and says "Kristen, sweetie? You want a drink or anything?".

Kristen smiles "No thanks Dad, just admiring the view".

The man smiles "It's...pretty remarkable".

Kristen looks up at her dad.

Another voice then shouts "David? David? Does she want a drink?".

David sighs "No Linda!".

Linda then shouts back "What did you say?".

Kristen then laughs.

David smiles at Kristen "I'll be back in a minute".

David walks back into the cabin.

Kristen sits on her own looking back out at the cabin.

Suddenly, a police box falls out of the sky.

Kristen beams her eyes onto it, staring in shock.

The police box then crashes into the forest nearby.

Kristen stands up and shouts "DAD! MOM!".

David then shouts back "Hold on a moment".

Kristen says "I don't think this can wait".

Linda then shouts back "I can't hear you, darling".

Kristen then sighs and she walks down the steps to the road and she runs off towards where the police box crashed.

Deeper into the forest, the Tardis sits in the middle of three broken trees.

Smoke bursts through cracks that are all over the exterior of the Tardis.

Kristen then steps out from the forest, staring at the Tardis.

Kristen looks over, unsure of what to do.

Kristen goes to reach over to the door handle until the door then opens slowly, it creaks.

The 15th Doctor then walks out of the Tardis, he is still wearing the 14th Doctor's outfit, but it's damaged.

The Doctor smiles "Hello there, you look human, good! Must be Earth, see! I knew I could do it".

Kathy then steps out of the Tardis, she looks confused and exhausted.

Kristen says "Who the hell are you people? This box just fell out of the sky!".

Kathy nods "Long story".

The Doctor smiles "Very long, in fact-".

The Doctor stands there thinking for a moment.

The Doctor then says "I thought I could think of a joke to go after that, but I couldn't think of one".

Kathy turns to the Doctor "Doctor, listen! You are confused, you're very hyper! Can we just calm down for two minutes, please?".

The Doctor nods at her "Yes! Right! You're right...sorry! Let me just remember how to faint-".

The Doctor's eyes then close and he falls to the floor unconscious.

Kathy stares in shock "DOCTOR!".

Kristen stands there dazed and confused.

Kristen shouts "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!".

Kathy says "No time for the psychic paper or anything like that! Damn! Okay! My name is Kathy Yates, this is The Doctor, we're time travelers, that box! Is a time machine, me and The Doctor travel in time and space. The Doctor is an alien, he can change his body when he's dying, and he's just changed...and I don't know what to do, but I think he just needs to lay down and rest...can we take him anywhere nearby? A bed?".

Kristen says "Time travel? Oh god-".

Kathy shouts "PLEASE! FOCUS!".

Kristen nods "Sorry! Yeah, I have a cabin nearby!".

Kathy smiles "Great, you get the legs, I'll get his arms".

As Kathy and Kristen pick The Doctor up, they then hear a noise coming from above.

As Kathy and Kristen look up, they see the Sontaran ship landing nearby to them.

Kathy then says "I know that ship...what is it-".

Kristen shakes her head "What do you mean! What is that!".

Kathy sighs "Not good, come on! Let's go!".

A few moments later, General Mask then steps out of the forest with a small group of Sontarans.

General Mask looks over at the Tardis and he licks his lips.

General Mask then grabs his radio and says "Commander Irvor! I have located something extraordinary!".

Commander Irvor then responds "What is it, General Mask?".

General Mask then says "A Tardis and it must belong to The Doctor".

Back at the Sontaran Camp, Commander Irvor stands there smiling "The Doctor? Excellent, The Doctor will watch as we destroy his precious Earth and his precious humans! And he will die among them! We will kill one of our greatest enemies!".

Back at the cabin, The Doctor lies in a bed sleeping.

Kathy stands at his bedside, tears are in her eyes.

Kristen smiles at her "My mum just put the kettle on".

Kathy says "We can't stay, you know that right? That spaceship didn't land too far away...whatever they are, they'll find us".

David then walks into the room "I still cannot believe you were stuck out there for so long".

Kathy stares at him "Yeah...that's why The Doctor is hurt".

Kristen looks at Kathy "You said they'll find us? What could possibly be on that ship?".

Kathy looks at Kristen nervously "You really should take your family and get as far away from here as possible".

David looks at her "Listen, whatever plane landed over there-".

Kristen says "Dad! It was not a plane!".

In the other room, Linda stands in the kitchen making cups of tea.

Linda then looks up, and out of the window, where she then sees Sontarans marching towards them.

Linda then screams "Oh my god! David!".

Kathy, Kristen, and David run over into the kitchen and they all stare in shock.

David says "What are they?".

Kathy looks over in horror "Sontarans!".

Kristen shakes her head "What?".

Kathy screams "YOU NEED TO RUN!".

The Sontarans start to open fire on the cabin. The windows smash, and glass sprays everywhere.

Linda screams.

Everyone ducks for cover.

General Mask then shouts "FOR THE GLORY OF SONTAR!".

Kathy looks up at Kristen "Get your family into one of the bedrooms, hide! And do not make a sound".

Kristen nods at her "Okay".

Kristen takes David and Linda's hands and she runs into the other room with them.

Kathy then looks over at the bedroom door, where the Doctor is.

Inside the bedroom, Kathy runs up to the Doctor's bed.

Kathy stands there nervously "Oh, what do I do!?".

Kathy then looks around the room "Think like the Doctor-".

Kathy starts to notice all the electrical wires across the entire room and she smiles "Think like the Doctor".

Kathy then puts her hand into The Doctor's old jacket, pulling out the 14th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver.

Kathy then shouts "KRISTEN! DON'T TOUCH THE WALLS!"

Kathy points the Sonic Screwdriver at the electrical wires, and she sonics them.

Outside, Genereal Mask then grabs onto the cabin door, touching the metal handle.

Suddenly, an electrical impulse electrocutes all of them.

General Mask screams, as do the other Sontarans.

They all fall to the ground unconscious.

Kathy steps out of the bedroom and she smiles.

Kristen, David, and Linda then walk over to her.

Kristen says "Did you kill them?".

Kathy shakes her head "Stunned them, I reckon we have about ten minutes".

Kathy looks over at a bookshelf and says "David, can you help me-".

Linda says "What're you doing?".

Kathy sighs "The Sontarans, if they find the Doctor, they'll shoot him, they'll kill him. We can hide his bedroom door, block it off with the bookshelf, and then we are going to find that Sontaran spaceship, and we are sending it back to wherever it came from!".

David smiles at her, and the two of them push the bookshelf, blocking off The Doctor's door.

Walking through the forest, Kathy stands at the front of the group.

Kristen steps forward, towards Kathy.

Kristen says "So, this is your everyday life?".

Kathy nods "I suppose it's my every other day life".

Kristen smirks "So it's not all danger?".

Kathy then stops walking and looks at Kristen "I've seen some incredible stuff with The Doctor, things that have changed my perspective of the entire universe. So no, it's not all danger".

Kathy starts walking again, Kristen then goes "How long have you and The Doctor been together?".

Kathy laughs "Well, that's also a strange story. I suppose, I've been with him for a while now. Well, his other face, this Doctor...this face. I don't even know who he is".

Kristen says "Yet, you're doing all of this just to save him?".

Kathy nods at her "The Doctor, he is worth saving, I'd give my life just to save him".

Kristen says "That's quite a strong statement".

Kathy scoffs "A universe without that man, that's something you wouldn't wanna see".

David then says "Sorry to but in, but you mentioned you had met these Sontar-".

Kathy nods at him "Sontatans?".

David smirks "Right, yes! You've met them before? Any guidance? Tips?".

Kathy stops, turns around to them, and says "Yes! So! They're Sontarans, they come from another planet called Sontar, they probably won't be the happiest to see me and The Doctor, as the last time we saw them, we caused a bomb to detonate on their planet, but, The Sontarans they are pretty fearless warriors, and I mean they find it a privilege to die in battle, it's a happiness to them! But Sontarans have one weakness! A probe vent on the back of their neck, you give that a hit! And they'll go down, it won't kill them, just sorta knocks them out for a bit...any questions?".

Everyone stands there nervously.

Linda says "Well-".

Kathy turns back around and says "Nothing? Good! Come on, that spaceship shouldn't be too far now!".

Back at the Sontaran Camp, Commander Irvor stands there looking around the forest around him.

General Kall walks over to him "Commander, still no response from General Mask, would you like me to send a rescue team?".

Commander Irvor looks at him and says "No! If our soldiers have failed us then they should accept their defeat, we are still here, is the weapon almost ready?".

General Kall, turns around, seeing a bomb being planted into the ground and he says "Almost sir".

Commander Irvor nods "Good, as soon as it is ready, we will destroy this planet! Make sure the detonation control is in my control room for me to activate when we are ready!".

General Kall puts his hands on his helmet and says "Sir, if I may?".

Commander Irvor then nods "You may".

General Kall removes his helmet and says "Are you worried about the Doctor?".

Commander Irvor smirks "Our kind has a lot of history with the Doctor, and he may have beaten us many times, but we do not back down, the Doctor is of no threat to me!".

Back in the Doctor's bedroom, The Doctor's eyes open.

The Doctor sits up from the bed and groans.

The Doctor then looks down at himself, still wearing The 14th Doctor's ripped clothes.

The Doctor then looks up at a wardrobe in the bedroom.

The Doctor looks through the wardrobe.

The Doctor then picks up a light brown T-Shirt and a dark brown jacket.

The Doctor then opens a drawer, pulls out a black pair of jeans, and on the floor, The Doctor sees some black boots.

The Doctor smiles "Perfect".

As minutes go by, The Doctor then turns around, he is wearing his new outfit.

The Doctor then says "Wait...Kathy!".

Back in the forest, Kathy kneels down behind a big log.

Linda, David, and Kristen stand with her.

Kathy looks over at the Sontaran Camp.

Kristen stares in shock "There's loads of them".

Kathy nods at her "There is! You need to get out of here with your family, you'll be safe if you head back the same way we came".

Kristen shakes her head "I am not leaving you".

David says "Kristen, we shouldn't be here, come on-".

Suddenly, General Mask appears with his group of Sontarans, they hold their guns up at them.

General Mask says "Hands up, humans!".

Kathy puts her hand up, and she turns around, looking at him "Now what?".

General Mask smirks "You can talk to my Commander!".

Walking into the Sontaran Camp, Kathy walks at the front, behind her is Kristen, David, and Linda.

Commander Irvor looks at General Mask and says "What is the meaning of this?".

General Mask says "These humans fought back, rendered un unconscious, but I believe that they are working with the Doctor!".

Commander Irvor looks at Kathy "The Doctor? Is this true?".

Kathy nods at him "Yeah! And I've met you guys before, Sontarans! Now, I demand to know, what is going on!".

Commander Irvor smiles "I like your bravery, you'd have made a good Sontaran soldier, but as you're going to die anyway, I shall tell you. We are planting a bomb, big enough to detonate and destroy this whole planet, taking humanity, and the Doctor out of existence! Once my soldiers have returned to the ship, I will detonate it with the controller onboard when we get to a safer distance. And we will watch as this planet burns!".

Kristen stares in shock "You can't!".

Commander Irvor says "And why not?".

A voice then says "Because I am here".

The Doctor then walks out.

Commander Irvor stares at him "And who the hell might you be?!".

The Doctor looks him in the eyes and says "Me? I'm The Doctor!".

Kathy smiles "Doctor!".

The Doctor smiles at Kathy "Nice to see you again, thank you for leaving me by the way".

Kathy laughs "It was a tactical decision, I'd have come back".

The Doctor nods at her, he then turns to Commander Irvor and says "Right then, hello! I'm The Doctor by the way, newly regenerated, so sorry if I act a little strange".

Commander Irvor "It doesn't matter anymore Doctor, the Sontaran plan has succeeded! This planet will burn under Sontaran power!".

The Doctor looks at him "And that's something you're proud of? Being Commander Irvor, the destroyer of Earth?".

Commander Irvor laughs "A title I fight quite pleasing".

The Doctor sighs "So go!".

Commander Irvor stares at the Doctor "What?".

The Doctor nods "I said go, leave! Detonate the bomb".

Kristen looks at Kathy "Did he just say-".

Kathy shakes her "Doctor!".

The Doctor says "I said go!".

Commander Irvor nods "So we will! Genereal Mask, Genereal Kall...load everyone up, we are going! And Earth will fall!".

As The Sontarans start marching back into their ship, The Doctor and everyone stand watching.

Kathy turns to The Doctor "What the hell are you doing?".

The Doctor smiles at her "Asking them nicely to leave".

Kristen says "What about the bomb?".

The Doctor smiles at her "Nice to meet you, I'm The Doctor".

Kristen stares at him.

The Sontaran Ship hovers in the sky, it then starts to move towards the sky, ascending out of Earth's atmosphere.

Onboard the Sontaran Ship, Commander Irvor stands in the control center holding the detonator.

General Mask and General Kall stand with him.

Commander Irvor says "And on the day! Earth fell, in the hands of the Sontaran empire! SONTA-HA! SONTA-HA".

All the Sontarans join in "SONTA-HA! SONTA-HA! SONTA-HA! SONTA-HA! SONTA-HA!".

Commander Irvor then presses the detonator.

Back on Earth, as The Doctor, Kathy, Kristen, David, and Linda stand watching, a massive explosion goes off in the sky.

Kathy stares in shock.

Kristen says "What happened?".

The Doctor says "Well, whilst you lot were too busy getting yourselves kidnapped, I went and took the bomb and placed it in their ship, unfortunately, Sontarans are one of the most difficult races to try and convince to just leave".

Kathy turns her head, looks at The Doctor, and smiles "I'm glad you're awake again".

The Doctor laughs "Me too".

Deeper in the forest, The Doctor steps out of the forest and looks up at the Tardis.

The Tardis is a darker blue, but the paint has faded marks on it.

The windows are grey, with the same coloured window panes.

The Doctor puts his hand on the Tardis handle and opens the door, where a bright blue glow appears on his face.

The Doctor smiles.

Back at the cabin, Kristen stands with Kathy.

David and Linda sit on chairs watching them.

Suddenly, the Tardis starts to materialise.

Kristen stares in shock, but she then smiles.

Kathy smiles and says "It's changed".

The Doctor then steps out and he says "Here she is, a brand new spanking beautiful Tardis! Ready to explore the wonders of the universe".

Kathy smiles at The Doctor "Back to it then, huh?".

The Doctor puts his hand out "Come on Kathy Yates, let's go see what else is out there in the universe".

Kathy takes The Doctor's hand, and she smiles. Kathy then turns her head, looking at Kristen. Kathy looks at The Doctor and says "What about Kristen?".

The Doctor says "What about her?".

Kathy smirks "Could she come?".

The Doctor looks at Kristen "Is that something you'd want?".

Kristen nods excitedly "Yes! Definitely, I wouldn't get in the way".

The Doctor nods at her "I don't mind, we'll meet you inside, and give you a chance to say goodbye".

The Doctor and Kathy step into the Tardis.

David and Linda then walk over to Kristen.

David sighs "Do you have to go?".

Kristen says "Dad, this is what I've been searching for, a purpose, something to do in my life. This is what I'm meant to do".

Linda looks at her nervously "Are we gonna see you again?".

Kristen laughs "Yes! You will!".

Linda leans in, hugging Kristen.

David nods at Kristen "You be careful!".

Kristen nods at him in tears "I will".

Kristen then turns around, looking at the Tardis.

Kristen then pushes the Tardis door open.

As Kristen steps inside the console room, she steps on a dark grey marble floor, with stairs leading up to the console.

The walls are black, with neon blue roundels around the room.

Kristen walks up to the console, where The Doctor and Kathy stand.

Kristen shakes her head in shock "It's...bigger on the inside".

The Doctor smiles "Haven't heard that in a long time".

Kristen laughs at him.

The console then makes a strange noise, until, a new Sonic Screwdriver emerges.

The Doctor smiles "Hey! A new one!".

Kathy then pulls out The 14th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver out of her pocket and says "What about this one?".

The Doctor smiles "Keep it, as a memory".

Kathy smiles at him "Thank you".

The Doctor then moves over to the console, he pulls the throttle.

The time rotor starts to move up and down.

The Doctor then says "Anywhere in time and space...where do you wanna go?".

Kathy nods at Kristen and says "I'll let you choose first".

Kristen then looks up at The Doctor and she says "I wanna see...something awesome!".

The Doctor smiles.

In the vortex, the Tardis flies through.

Also Starring:

Unknown - Linda Wright

Unknown - David Wright

Dan Starkey - General Mask

Anthony O'Donnell - General Kall

Christopher Ryan - Commander Irvor

Next Time - The Hidden Secrets of Collosaur - Arriving on a far distant planet, The Doctor takes his two companions to one of the largest pyramids in the universe. As the three of them enter the pyramid, they meet some archaeologists. But the pyramids hold some scary prophecies.