
Doctor Chronos

Time is not on our side but is for one… Or is it? Dr. Sigma Mellis is a young quantum physicist that lives on a Space Station in orbit of the Moon, commonly known as the Lunar Space Station. She believed she had a breakthrough on discovering something revolutionary. Everyone around her believed she could achieve this dream... Making Time Travel a reality—Everyone except her father. Furthermore, his constant negative attitude about her life choices continues to sap her energy. Sigma is determined to make her old man believe that this dream of hers is attainable. The best revenge is one that proves all haters wrong—but how far is one willing to go in order to reach that goal?

JGTraveler · sci-fi
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20 Chs

3 - 2022

When I get home and everyone sees me, they try to treat me like an egg and things like that, but I'm not delicate. Instead, I spent time with the General, trying to find out everything about where he had been, what he had done, things like that.