
Chapter 1

Disclaimer- Jamie is me, the author

Jamie's Pov

Earlier ~~~~

I was searching through my phone for a new app, cause I'm bored and there nothing else to do. When I saw this strange looking app, I tapped it. Nothing happened.

"Huh?" I tapped it again. 

Do you wanna go to a new world?   YES or NO    It spoke?!

I said yes not thinking it was gonna send me to a new world.

Present ~~~~~

I am now on the beach, on an island.....It takes me a few minutes to process this. I stand up and I'm not even in the clothes I was in before. I am now in a black tank top and blue jeans, and wet. 

"From the ocean, I guess." I began to walk along the shore when I notice a submarine. 

I stop and stare for a few minutes, that's when I see a polar bear near the sub. 

"Can this day get any weirder?" 

Let me give you a little backstory. Im a 21-year-old female with Tourette's syndrome, with a side of depression and anxiety.  That loves anime and video games.

~~~Back to the story~~~

On further inspection, I notice that is no ordinary submarine. I see a Jolly Roger on the...side of it.

"Oh my god." I try not to fangirl, but when the polar bear saw me, I fainted. Cause I knew exactly who he was.

Bepo's pov

I saw a girl on the beach just faint. I freak a little and go check on her. She has a pulse. But to make sure she is okay I bring her to captain. 

Law's pov

Bepo brought a girl to my infirmary and set her on a bed.

"She just fainted on the beach, I didn't know what to do, so I brought her here," Bepo said panicked.

"Calm down Bepo, and go finish your duties." 

"Yes, captain," Bepo said then left the room.

I checked to see if she had a pulse. Which she did so I check her other vitals.

Blood presser seems a bit high, the temperature is fine. Respiratory is also fine, so im just gonna wait till she wakes up.

Jamie's pov

I'm in a soft bed. My arms start to spasm. So I guess im still alive, I open my eyes to see myself in a nurse's office of some sort. I sit up and crack every joint in my body. 

"Don't do that."

That voice!

"I can't help it. I have Tourettes." Knowing who im talking to my tics go a bit crazy. As in a bunch of twitches and spasms. 

Law's pov

"Tourettes," I mumbled to myself. I went to my office and scanned my medical books. "From what I've just seen, it has to something with the brain,"  I said to myself grabbing a neurologist book. I went back to the infirmary and see that the girl is having an anxiety attack.

this is a onepiece fanfic

Yuki_Hanocreators' thoughts
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