
Do I Love Him ?

Zooby_101 · Teenager
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Elle:" Do I Love Him ?

.Tomas:" Love who ? "

Elle :" O-oh M-my God did i say that aloud ? "

Tomas:" Y-yes ..... im sorry Elle ....

Elle:" Why are you sorry ?

Tomas:" i have put you in a stressfull mind and you cant even think straight because of me , i have confessed how i feel about you now our friendship wont stay the same i-im so sorry Elle * Light crys *

Elle : * Gasp * Oh My God P-please dont cry this is all my fault Tomas can i tell you the truth ? "

Tomas:" Yes ?"

Elle:" You are my bestfriend and i love you alot but i have never thought our friendship would go further than it actually is but i dont want you to feel bad about yourself just because i am not feeling the same way .. but all you need to know is i am not rejecting you ."

Tomas:" im not sad ..... im happy as long as i see your beautyfull smile and as long as your heart is happy -


Mike :" SHUT UP DYLAN !!!

Dylan:" NO !!!

Elle and Tomas :" Both of you shut up !!!

* Everyone exits the room and sits in the living room in a circle *

Elle :" Why are we in a circle ? What are we playing ?

IU:" Truth or Dare ?!

Elle :" Can i say something first ?

Everyone :" Yeh go on

Elle:" Dont ask Jin about his cooking experience because you will be listning to his story for 4 hours .

Jin :" Hey i have my passion for cooking so back off !

Everyone :" Hahah

Jin :" Lets play

Rose :" Mike , Truth or Dare

Mike :" Truth "

Rose:" Who is your crush

Mike :" Its a Gorgeous girl with the name of a beautyfull flower and a heart of Gold .

Elle:" Name of a flower??? Gorge- OMG ROOOOSE !!!!

Rose :" Wh-what ME ! * Blush *

Mike :" .... Yeh .... * Blush *


Rose and Mike : SHUT UP !!!

Dylan :" Damn .. okay lets carry on

IU :" Ummm ..... Elle , Truth or Dare ?

Elle : Truth .

IU:" Do you like Tomas ?

Elle :" I-i ...

Tomas :" She just thinks of me as a friend !!!

Elle :* In her head * Why Tomas ? Why ? Why do you always think about me ? All because of me you are hurting inside , you have to lie that you are happy !

Tomas: * In his head * " Elle im sorry .... but i will always love you and will do anything to keep you safe and happy ...

*They both stared at each other for some time until the doorbell rang startling everyone *

Everyone :" AHHH !!

IU :" OMG Who is it ?

Jin :" Oh its my delivery i ordered pizza

Everyone:" JIN !!!!

Jin:" Fine if your gonna shout at me dont eat then ...

Everyone :" WE LOVE YOU JIIIIIN !!!

* Everyone dug in and ate their food then made their way to their rooms to put on their swimsuits but Elle changed in a different room too Scared to be within Tomas's presence *

Jin :" Everyone Go to the pool im going to speak to Elle "

Everyone :" OKAYYYY. !!!

Tomas :" Im sorry Jin i keep making Elle sad and that really hurts my heart i-i will just say to her that i moved on and then Elle cam carry on being happy a-and-

Jin:" NO , * Sigh * Tomas ... She loves you but she just can find the space in her heart to put it and express it , You have been my friend for 13 years , i know you will keep my sister safe .. Now come on go to the pool have some FUUUUUUNN!!!

Tomas * Light smile * Okay, ... I love you man

Jin:" Hehe i love you too

* Tomas makes his way to the pool as Jin approches Elle who is sitting in her room quietly sobbing away *

Jin :" Elle sweetie ?

Elle :" Y-yes ?...

Jin:" Dont worry darling "

Elle :" How can i not worry .... im hurting Tomas .... God knows how much pain he is having i-im just so so stupid i-i -

Jin:" Elle Stop !!! Stop talking about yourself negativly , Tomas loves you so much he takes care of you and will keep you happy no matter what .... you know Tomas even said he will lie saying he has moved on just to keep you happy and Tomas doesnt lie but he would do it just for your happiness .

Elle: * Elle was starting to break into tears * I-im sorry Tomas .. im so so so sorry ....

Jin:" Come on my darling ... wipe your tears , wash your face , and come to the pool lets have some fun okay , just put this to the side and stay happy ... thats what will make Tomas happy ...

Elle :* Smile * I love you Jin ... i dont know what i would do without you .

Jin:" I love you too * Smile *

* They both hug for some time until Dylan comes in the room *


Jin:" Oh no ... he is drunk now !

Elle :" Great ! "

* Elle and Jin go to the pool carrying dylan aswell *

IU:" OMG what happened to him ?

Jin:" He got drunk ... wait weren't you lot with him ?

IU:" No he was here then he went to the kitchen to get water .

Elle :" Ohhh ... Jin ?

Jin :" What have you done Elle ..

Elle :" I may or may not have put soju in the water dispenser-

Jin:" ELLE !!! ... Now we have to get him sober !!!

Lisa :" Actually no just let him sleep .. lets all go inside its late anyways we have got school tomorrow.

Jin:" Actually Yeh lets go inside

* Everyone went inside took a shower ( BTW Elle has lots of showers not just one) and then made their way to their rooms but Elle couldnt find the courage to go inside where Tomas was already seated on the bed *

* Elle finally found the courage and went in*

* Opens door *

Tomas :* Shy * Hey

Elle :" H-hi ...

Tomas: U-um i will sleep on the floor if you want-

Elle :" No .... sleep on the bed you will hurt your back .

Tomas :" Why do you care so much about me ?

Elle :" Because you have kept me safe and happy my whole life and you can stop lying now !

Tomas :" L-lying wh-what are you t-talking about ... * Looks away *

Elle :" Tomas look at me , Jin told me everything , but please stay in my life i dont want to lose you ... i have already lost my parents now i only have jin and lisa also you but if you leave me then i dont know how i will stay happy , you know ... you are actually the only person in my life that has made me feel loved ... stay with me , dont leave me ...

* Sad smile *

Tomas:* Light crys * How can i leave you ... i love you so much ... so much that i will do anything to keep you happy .... i love you Elle ..

Elle:" Toma-

* Elle got cut off from Tomas kissing her , Elle was shocked and didnt expect this *

Elle :* In her head * Oh My God ... Tomas .... i dont know why i didnt push him away , but for some reason i gave in to the kiss ... it felt right ....

* Elle quickly pulled away from the kiss .... the two of them looking at each other with lust shining in their eyes *

Elle :* Whisper * ..... Tomas-

Tomas :* Smile * Dont say anything , come on lets go sleep now ..

Elle :* Shy Smile * Okayy ...

* Elle and Tomas fall asleep and keep their lovely future awaiting ... and a long day of school tomorrow ....*