
A Talk with Xuexue

ZhengFan: Hay there, Old man. Remember me ?

Said ZhengFan as he waved his hands using only the middle and index fingers, while bending the other fingers at the second knuckle, and with the palm facing the individuals in front of him.

Mu Zhuoyun: Han…? What!

ZhengFan: Don't you remember? Your soon to be son-in-law. Eat more prunes and dates, those are helpful in Memory boost.

Said ZhengFan with a mischievous smile. He looked at Ningxue who still had her small smile on her face while looking at him.

Mu Zhuoyun: Y-You---

ZhengFan: Well jokes aside, that offer of yours is not very tempting. On top of that, there is a score to settle. So If that's all, I refuse.

Principal Zhe: Student Mo Zheng Fan! Not only is he an honorary 'Director' of the school, but he's also the Current Chairman of Mu Family. With the support of him and his family your magic abilities will grow by leaps and bounds!

ZhengFan: I'm well aware of his status Principal Zhe, but I'm not interested in some little resources. Those might help to advance someone easier then others but that's not enough to convince me to work for Mu Family.

Mu Zhuoyun: Listen kid! Talent will only take you so far. It is necessary to have to reach greater height, but not the absolute truth. Without a prominent background you can only imagine that. As for my daughter's hand in marriage, forget about it. I'm not giving her to you.

ZhengFan: I'm not asking for it anyway. When the time comes I'll take her away from under your nose. About that background thing, I can provide myself the things I'll need…. wait! let's have a bet! Choose a time and a person to represent you who's on a level 1 novice tier right now. Give him every bit of resources you can and let him have a magic duel with me. The loser gets to do what the winner says.

Mu He: Big brother! He is trying to provoke you. Don't listen to him. We'll directly have him expelled from insulting you as the school's honored guest. Let's see how cocky he can get!

Principal Zhu: It's merely some debating going on here, there's no reason for expulsion. No one shall expel my student without my approval!.

Mu Zhuoyun: OK! Yu Ang is my foster son. He is at the same age as you, I shall let my foster son duel with you. If you win, I'll owe you a favor and fulfill any one request.

ZhengFan: Good then what's the time.

Hearing that someone interjected.

Miss Tang yue: The magic Council's rules state that mages under the age of 18 aren't allowed to duel! So if you must duel with other, than will be two years later.

Mu Zhuoyun: So be it then! You shell realize how foolish you are being right now in 2 years time!

He looked at Ningxue and said " Let's go." And started walking out of the school.

Ningxue gave one last smile to ZhengFan and walked behind her father. Zhengfan Also returned the gesture and winked before she turned over.

Xiao Hon: Brother Fan, I have heard Yu Any's on a different level from Mu Bai.

(whispered)ZhengFan: You thought I went all out just now, well think again!

Xiao Hon was lost for words for a moment then had a big smile.

Like that the exam continued and ended before evening. The next semester will start on September

*Two days later*

In the woods at night a boy was sitting in the open while looking at the sky. He was remembering the memory this beautiful place holds for him and his sweetheart when they were little.

*Memories of the past*

__An adorable little girl with white hear was sitting behind a tree hugging her knees while eyes closed. A cute boy with silver hair came from the side and set beside her. He placed his hand on her head and asked

Zhengfan: Why are you hiding here? Everyone is searching for you. You shouldn't worry your father.

Ningxue: I don't want to be a part of that family they are bad people, really bad. Last week I heard some elders plotting bad things against father.

Hearing Zhengfan voice she Instinctively hugged him tightly and said with tears at the corner of her eyes.

Zhengfan hugged her back and waited for her to calm down.

Ningxue: Please will you take me away from here.

ZhengFan: Don't worry when we are old enough, I'll take you away from Mu's with me.

Ningxue: Promise?

Said the little angel with an adorable face.

Zhengfan: I promise!! Rest for a bit I'm here

Getting her promise she gave him a kiss on the cheeks and stayed in the hug. Zhengfan kept petting her head to make her feel happy.

They stayed like that for an hour or two then went back to their home__

*Back to the present*


Enjoining the scenery of the city lighting with a soft, muffled crackling sound like that made by the movement of dry leaves made it more beautiful.

A moment later, sounds of footsteps could be heard. The sound got closer and closer, until a voice was heard.

????: I knew you would be here!

Zhengfan: Humph! I'm angry, I don't want to talk.

???: ' W-What ! What did I do wrong? Is it because I didn't came yesterday and he was probably waiting for me??.. Ahh Ningxue how could you be so Careless!! '

Ningxue got nervous hearing him say he is angry, and tried to think of a solution.

She set on her knees in front of him and said while holding her ears with both hands.

Thinking hard about the possible reason but failed in doing so, she simple hold her ears and tried to ask for forgiveness.

Ningxue: Sorry!! I would have came yesterday if I could sneak away, but father and uncle was having talk and I had to stay in the discussion. I'm really sorry!!

Her nervousness increased as she tried to shot an arrow in the dark, hopping the guess she made was the one he was angry about.

Realize her worries ZhengFan pulled her toward himself in a hug and said.

Zhengfan: No! It wasn't about that, it's about you not sharing your problems with me. You think I can't tell you were trying to control your emotions when you first saw me in the exams.

He kept stroking her back gently to remove her worries.

She had a sudden realization as she said while stutters

Ningxue: S-Sorry… I'm re-really so-rry…..*inhaled* I have an innate talent of natural born spirit element. Because of that Mu Family's hereditary Ice Bow is passed to me to cultivate, it also increase cultivation speed…. My body isn't strong enough to handling the incredible power of spirit element which is constantly increasing, because of that I have to cultivate most of the time to keep up with the increase in power and avoid being freeze to death--

She stopped for a bit and tightened her hug and said with teary eyes " It h-hurts so much when ever I h-have strong e-emotions making It an… e-endless cy-cle of p-pain, I-I didn't wanted to make you worry more then I already had.*inhaled**exhaled* Who could have thought my powers would potentially freeze me to death if I neglect my training or couldn't keep up with the power inside me"

ZhengFan: You shouldn't hide such things from me, OK? And about that problem of yours, will you trust me on this? I'll help you with it and it won't ever hurt again.

She nodded and buried her head in his chest.

Zhengfan went into her soul realm and started the process of connecting her with the 'Source' which would store the excessive energy created by her spirit element, Improve her control over the 'Bow' as well as the basic abilities the holder receive of having inactive "Source shard".

The process took 3 and half an hour, It was half past midnight. Ningxue, who was tightly hugging ZhengFan opened her eyes and said " I missed this feeling… feeling happy, Zhengfan I love you." Saying that she leaned toward his face and gave him a kiss on the lips. He returned the gesture with equal passion.

*Mm mm*

Zhengfan : I know you more the anyone, I'll know even if you don't say sweetheart..

Ningxue: *Hamana* let's stay like that for the night. I already made an excuse of cultivation for 2 days, no body is allowed to enter in my room, or cause any disturbance.

Zhengfan had a mischievous smile as he pinched her cheeks.

Zhengfan: Hahahaha that's so like you. 2 days huh! Don't worry when you'll go back you'll reach level 3 novice tier.

Ningxue: But I just reached level 2 recently. Even with Mu's resources and my abnormal speed its still not enough time.

Zhengfan: You know why you feel different? I awakened this very useful ability of mine in my first awakening. Its very useful for bypassing, Storing energy and nullifying things and I put a small shard in you which is Inactive, making a temporary connection. Let me show you its passive effects.

He raised his index finger which glowed before he placed it on her temple. When she saw the passive effects of an inactive shard, she was speechless. She loosen her hug, moved her right hand toward his face and placed it on his cheeks.

Ningxue: Please tell me you kept it a secret!!

She said with a worried tone.

Zhengfan: Uh-huh only my sweetheart knows.

Ningxue: You should have used it to also keep XinXia safe. She doesn't have any think to defend herself with.

Zhengfan: Already done it months ago, but she doesn't know about it yet.

Ningxue: When are you going to tell her?

Zhengfan: She'll automatically know with her first awakening.

Ningxue: Um.. Ok! Does your fire element is actually that strong?

Zhengfan: Yes! I was holding back in the exams, Miss Tang Yue taught me how to control the damage output. My guess is, it's because of the already presence of "Source spark" because my lightning affinity at base level is weaker.

Ningxue: OK…. Wait! What?

She said with visible shock as she realized what he said.

Zhengfan: Yes!! I seems to awaken two elements, but! Don't you worry I didn't mentioned it to anyone.

Said Zhengfan with an innocent face.

Ningxue: *Pouting* I. Am. Not. Included. In. That. "Anyone". You didn't told me that!. Besides its not a simple talent and we don't even know its actual limitations.

Zhengfan: What!! That's the first time we talked after the awakening, besides even XinXia doesn't know!!

Ningxue: Really!!

Said with a suspicious tone!

Zhengfan: Yes.. She only knows about lightning as she had seen me Casting spell, but not about the fire. So technically she only know about one.

Ningxue: OK… But, you are going to compensate for that, for that next two days you are spending time together with me.

Zhengfan: OK, I don't have an issue with that request of yours. Now back to the topic.. Wait let's go to my dorm XinXia might be waiting for me, its already passed midnight. We'll talk as we walk.

Ningxue: OK. So the reason of your Fire element to be stronger then my Ice is this thing?

Zheng: Yeah. But for the confirmation, I'll have to observe the second awakening. About your Ice affinity, the spirit grade element giving you an increase in power by 3.1 times of normal and your overall "Ice" spell's output should be around 4.09 times of normal (1.32*3.1) by adding the increased potency of your base power of Ice element. The difference with my Fire is that I don't have a Spirit element yet my base power is round about 2.9 to 3.4, its hard to measure but I'm sure its more then '3.1'. So on base power/ potency, my Fire element is stronger then yours but your damage output was already more then mine, Now with the 'shard' your base power would have increased. Can you not use "Ice spirit" and fire a level 2 spell at me. I'll try to gauge its output level.

Ningxue: Hmmm, you sure I never tried that before.

Zhengfan: Don't worry, remember I also have that 'Shard' which is in 'Active state' making it a 'spark' even if you fail to stop spirit effect, I can simply absorb that.

Ningxue: Ahh. It's not like I forgot, it's just- it's…

Ningxue tried to justify her worries, But couldn't complete the sentence because of embarrassment.

Zhengfan: Ooh yeah! Just admit you can't help yourself to think straight, or not be distracted in my presence.

Said in a mischievous tone

Ningxue: *Whispered* fool.

She started gathering star path for the spell and casted Novice tier level 2 Ice Spread: Solidify, the temperature dropped by a little in the area of effect and a straight path is freezing very quickly in the direction of Zhengfan.

Seeing that she couldn't stop the effect of Ice spirit. He gathered 'Source' on his right hand and waved in front of him, the coming spell disappeared without a trace.

After that they started walking back to his dorm.

Ningxue: When will I be able to do that?

Said Ningxue with a stars in her eyes as she knows how strong that spell of her was and how easily it neutralized.

Zhengfan: After the 'Shard' in you becomes 'Spark' and you have enough control.

Ningxue: I can't wait, so you were able to gauge the increase?

Zhengfan: Yeah! Your Base power increased from 1.32 to 3.1 and the spirit element effect also increased from 3.1 to 3.67. Making that level 2 spell of yours total output to be more the 5 times stronger the a basic novice tier level 3, in other words your power right now is a little more the half of what a normal mid-tier level 1 mage possess. Pretty strong don't you think?.

Ningxue became speechless as she became almost Invincible in the Novice tier and even more speechless as she remember his words that when she'll go back in 2 days she'll reach level 3. Meaning for her level 3 means, damage output little more then of a normal level 1 mid-tier mage.

Ningxue: Ha-ha And I thought, I already had a ridiculously abnormal talent. Now what this will make me!!

Laughed Ningxue in a disbelief.

Zhengfan: This is nothing, your Natural born spirit grade element will Upgrade faster then before as well as your base power, I don't know if the later has any upper limit. It might reach close to 4 when you're at high-tier, the increase in potency will be slow according to my experience. Mine is round about '3.4 for Fire' and '2.68 for Lightning' from the start and no increase at all.

As they were walking while having their interesting talk, they reach the dorm, Zhengfan opened the lock and walking in side behind him was Ningxue. As he looked ahead after entering through the door, a girl was sitting on a wheelchair in front of the door trying to stay awake. As she heard the door being closed, her sleepiness faded away as she looked up.

Zhengfan saw her waiting for him as he thought, went close to her. He lift her up from the chair in his arms and said in a soft voice.

Zhengfan: Sorry for making you wait here my little angel. I was with your big Sis, and she'll be with us for the next 2 days. You can play with her in the morning. For now have some sleep.

XinXia: Umu. Good Night!

She nodded her head lightly and snuggled on his chest.

Zhengfan: Ningxue follow me

Zheng fan walked to his bedroom, lay XinXia down on the bed on his right side, himself in the middle and Ningxue on his left side.

Ningxue: Will you teach me how to lower the damage output? It has gotten too strong to create unwanted suspicious.

Zhengfan: For now sleep, and don't think about those things.

Ningxue nodded and soon fall asleep and Zhengfan went into his half meditation state.

If your have any question regarding this chapter or power scale, ask in the comment I try to answer as soon as possible.

Have fun! ~(^з^)~

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