
Divine Heavenly Lord

  It was a sunny day in a wonderful world, with a golden sun hanging in the sky releasing the might of the morning sun    Giving everything under its light rays a touch of gold to it from its light, making it majestic, those that were under the light ray of the sun felt some magical power coming from the sun and it was refreshing their bodies filling them with strength as far as the plants on the earth, the seeds in the earth and the sand itself was feeling the wonderful power of the sun. The power coming from the sun was like a strong will giving life to everything in the world. After the sun started releasing this power to the world a calm and peaceful breeze started blowing in the world and the awesome thing that happened was that this peaceful wind was sweeping the power coming from the sun into every single place that the light ray could not enter. The wind was increasing the places where the power of the sun could enter no matter how dark the place was or how tough the thing might be. As long as the thing could feel the air, be it living or non-living things they were all receiving the power from the sun that was directed to them by the wind. The scenario of the world was beyond words. The buildings of the world look like what were made out of the finest jade in the world.   The world was like paradise with magnificent plants with every fruit on a tree giving off special air making one want to eat the fruits just from seeing it alone.  Helping themselves to see how wonderful this special-looking fruit is, what it will taste like, and how beneficial the fruits are after eating. They were different flying creatures in the sky fly to some trees to take some fruit for themselves for food. The World was filled with magnificence and tranquility. The peaceful nature will make one thinks that this world was always peaceful with no difficult period to face at all like a perfect world with no injustice and everyone could live without having fear of a war coming to take loved ones from them and ruining their life  Is there any world without war, without the struggle of survival, and without taking the side of someone close to you over some stranger? Welcome to a world called Eden where magic and immortality exist. From the beginning of the world there magicians and cultivators everywhere. With these two schools of thought focus on their different field of practice.

HeavenOasis · Fantasie
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53 Chs

Chapter 5 Welcome To Samsara

"Welcome to Samsara". General Eighteen roared with laughter as he welcome them to Samsara he was filled with joy at the arrival of the people that were present before him.


"Is it the same with reincarnation that we have heard in our world". Everyone in the room was confused with various questions filling their heads they did not know when they began to murmur some of their thought out loud.

The nine people that were in the hall before Oliver stepped into the room they were people from one big family and from notable backgrounds. So they all thought that they had a lot of information about where they were but they were confused because what they know about the place was sounding quite different from what they were expecting.

"Samsara! Yes it is the same you much have heard about Samsara, no matter how different the story might be for each of you so long it is talking about reincarnating or coming to life again".

General Eighteen said and stopped for a moment looking at the surprised expression on the faces of the people that in the room with him and the way burning to hear more about what he had to say about Samsara.

"Samsara it's a world on its own which have the power to make the impossible, possible and it is connected to your worlds so whoever has the qualification to be given a second chance to live after their death they will be sent here and will be giving the opportunity to live again, understand".

General Eighteen would stop from time to time to ask the people in the room if they understand him to see if they are following up with what he was saying. He was trying his best to carry everyone in the room along he won't be repeating any word he had said to them.

"I know you are all wondering how come you could enter Samsara which is said to be the place where dead people that deserved a second chance get sent to.

"Am I dead then how come I can still feel my flesh and I still had the clothes I was wearing?

"I know the nine of you are not lost like my little friend Oliver" General Eighteen Said pointing at the nine people in the room he smiled at Oliver when mention him but every time he looked at Oliver, Oliver always felt a tingling in his heart like he had gotten himself in trouble already before he could even get to know a lot about where he was.

"No, none of you is dead but you are sound and alive in full flesh".

"Samsara is not only for the dead waiting for a second chance to live but also a world where humans and any other magical creature stay and live comfortably".

"We the citizens of Samsara live a good life here. You reason you all came here alive is because of the Samsara stone of trial".

"The Samsara stone of trial is been sent out once every hundred years and whosoever is able to get it will be able to enter our world any time the stone is shattered".

"The thing is that it is also lifesaving to save people from disparate situations, so major families and some big shot with some intelligence will spend a lot of resources to acquire the stone to save either them or someone from their younger generation".

"I know that the nine of you family bought the stone from a reliable source of ours so let's get to the main point of the matter here ".

"For those of you that are not here for the trial and would like to use the Samsara teleportation formation get teleported into anywhere in your world step out. You must have the resources to pay for the teleportation fee".

As soon as the words came out of General Eighteen's mouth, six of the ten people in the room walk forward from where they were standing with a joyful smile on their faces it was like they were granted amnesty. With the Way General Eighteen was acting, they thought they must have got the information wrong from their families that told them the rules would not be imposed on them if they have the resources to pay for the fee but once they agreed to the rules to stay for the trial they don't know what will have to them.

General Eighteen took the storage bag they offered him without bothering to check what was inside the storage bag from the six people.

The six people that decided to leave were four males and two females remaining three males and one female in the room decide not to leave but stay behind for the trial.

General Eighteen wave his hand and the six people were sent out of the room but what shocked everyone that was left in the room was that as he wave his hand to send them out of the room a power was released upon the six-person and immediately they went blank and they could not remember a thing about what happened before they were sent disappearing from the room.

"Some pieces of useless trash that don't know heaven's blessing when one is been placed in their front of them, the main useless ones are the notable figures in their families that sent them here just to escape some calamity if the problem is still waiting for them out there. What will them since they are not strong enough to ace it now".

"Don't be afraid, we don't kill that easily and since you are here to stay, let me tell a secret.

"If we could give a second chance to people that are not citizens of Samsara then what about our own what will happen to them". General Eighteen said with an easy smile on his face.

"Welcome to Samsara first level know as one hell do your best to survive there is a lot of benefits than you can imagine".