
Divine Heavenly Lord

  It was a sunny day in a wonderful world, with a golden sun hanging in the sky releasing the might of the morning sun    Giving everything under its light rays a touch of gold to it from its light, making it majestic, those that were under the light ray of the sun felt some magical power coming from the sun and it was refreshing their bodies filling them with strength as far as the plants on the earth, the seeds in the earth and the sand itself was feeling the wonderful power of the sun. The power coming from the sun was like a strong will giving life to everything in the world. After the sun started releasing this power to the world a calm and peaceful breeze started blowing in the world and the awesome thing that happened was that this peaceful wind was sweeping the power coming from the sun into every single place that the light ray could not enter. The wind was increasing the places where the power of the sun could enter no matter how dark the place was or how tough the thing might be. As long as the thing could feel the air, be it living or non-living things they were all receiving the power from the sun that was directed to them by the wind. The scenario of the world was beyond words. The buildings of the world look like what were made out of the finest jade in the world.   The world was like paradise with magnificent plants with every fruit on a tree giving off special air making one want to eat the fruits just from seeing it alone.  Helping themselves to see how wonderful this special-looking fruit is, what it will taste like, and how beneficial the fruits are after eating. They were different flying creatures in the sky fly to some trees to take some fruit for themselves for food. The World was filled with magnificence and tranquility. The peaceful nature will make one thinks that this world was always peaceful with no difficult period to face at all like a perfect world with no injustice and everyone could live without having fear of a war coming to take loved ones from them and ruining their life  Is there any world without war, without the struggle of survival, and without taking the side of someone close to you over some stranger? Welcome to a world called Eden where magic and immortality exist. From the beginning of the world there magicians and cultivators everywhere. With these two schools of thought focus on their different field of practice.

HeavenOasis · Fantasie
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53 Chs

Chapter 42 Ten Thousand Battle 4 D13 Battling 3

Everyone was dumbfounded why the boy in a dark blue robe would not do anything to obstruct the attack he was receiving, he did not attack to counter the attack from the other boy and he did not try to dodge the attack that was launched at him.

Many in the battle arena felt that he was fear-stricken from the attack of the young boy so he could not do anything to stop it, he was captured by fear and couldn't move. That he was too confident in taking the young man down earlier but now the table had turned unexpectedly and there was no turning back, he had to face it.

"Kaka…. Boom" while everyone was lost in thought about what was happening and thinking it was the end for the boy in the dark blue robe since he was unable to dodge the attack of the fiery bird and did nothing to counter the attack they thought, it was already over there was nothing he could do about it, but they heard a sound like an explosion came from within the fire.

Everyone was astonished their eyes had never left the battle platform of the D13 contestant but they all felt the battle had ended before, but as soon as they heard the sound they saw the fire moving backward it was being pushed by a force field. When everyone look closely they saw a wall, was being built from a little stone that was floating in front of the young man that was in a dark blue robe they saw particles of stone fall off from the wall that was set to fight the fire, the shocking thing was that the wall build from the little stone was transparent but it was a break and also like a glass.

"Hey....Waw…." shouts of joy filled the arena everyone in the battle arena was there to have fun and enjoy the moment and to have that type of pleasure was to see an interesting battle and the battle should be at its peak of the event. That was what they were experiencing the battle they thought will be ending with no interesting event was get more interesting every single moment the table keeps changing which keep the spectator excited.

The fire bounced off to six feet away from the young boy in a dark blue robe after it bounced off, the boy in the dark blue robe started making some hand seals everyone could see the pressure on his face they could tell that he was under pressure from the fire attack from the fiery bird but he was not the only one under pressure, the other boy was under pressure too from using the fiery bird to keep breaking layers of the wall that was being set layers after layers. When everyone saw the hand seals of the boy in the dark blue robe they say no attack they were all wondering where was the attack he launched but they did not crack their brain too much before they notice the other young boy formed hand seals quickly before everyone eyes they saw a fire burning his legs.

"What is happening why is, he attacking himself" Everyone was shocked they felt things were wrong why the boy with the fiery bird, would be burning himself when he supposed to direct his full attack on the young boy in a dark blue robe to get him down quick but he was there attack himself.

"Kaka…Boom" While everyone was lost in thought and wondering why the young boy with the fiery bird was attacking himself they heard another explosion sound and they saw brick-like glass falling from his legs the brick-like glass was from the foot of the boy going up to his ankles and it would still be going upward if the young boy had not destroyed it with his attack.

The boy with the fiery bird gave the boy in the dark blue robe a serious look and started moving on the battle platform he felt that if he should keep standing in place then the boy in the dark blue robe will be able to release another tricky attack like the one he launched not quite long, if he did accomplish it well and trap him in place then he would be able to knock him out easily.

As soon as the boy with the fiery bird started moving the boy in a dark blue robe did not stand in place he followed him quickly not giving him the chance to create too much distance between them. Numerous attack was launched by the two of them.

The boy in the dark blue robe transformed the little stone that was floating before him, which was generating the walls to shield the fire coming from the fiery bird in an axe the axe was crystal like and as it was formed before everyone could observe it and appreciate its beauty it launched a swift attack toward the fiery bird that was busy trying to break the wall. The attack landed on the fiery bird the bird was sent flying about ten feet from where it was before with a painful cry following it, everyone could tell that the attack accomplish what it was sent for.


"It's a guardian creature". Everyone was surprised they were guessing what the little stone that was floating before the boy in the dark blue robe was but it was at this point that they realize.

"He could transform his guardian creature into a weapon that is good" One by one people were talking among themselves and started appreciating the talent of the young boy in a dark blue robe they felt his act of earlier was not all empty he had the power to back it up.

Before they shake the feeling of surprise they were experiencing from the action of the boy in the dark blue robe they saw the fiery bird that was sent away by the attack of the axe was also transforming and before the eyes of everyone it transform into a fiery spear with black smoke coming from the tip of the spear.