
麻烦 Trouble

With his slender, long finger he plucked a chord, a single note being played. The sound was metallic, but not in the way expected. The strings gave a sensational sound, one that was unlike any other. He strummed another, until a tune was played. With a smile he gently laid his pale hand over the instrument, it's front cool to the touch. He wore red robes that looked to be made from expensive quality, his long black hair pulled tightly in a ponytail. Watching him, it almost seemed as if he wasn't a real man. He looked like a picture, ones prized possession. It was odd that he was stationed out in the middle of a grassy field late at night, but worse, the fact that you were watching him. He was acknowledged as China's most beautiful warrior. Killing with brutal grace was something he had always been known for, yet you had no clue about him. The small village you came from was never caught up with the larger ones status. You also weren't aware that because of his popularity, and skill in combat, he could sense your eyes on him. He stood with unintentional elegance, slowly turning towards you. You felt your heart nearly come to a halt. The moonlight glinted off his tattered robes and sleek black hair, eyes sharp but inviting. You couldn't move.

He looked as if he had just come from battle, the blood from a small gash on his shoulder being swept away as it began to rain. He clutched his sword gently, his posture admirable. Nothing was spoken between the two of you, yet you couldn't help but feel frightened. He leaned down to pick up his instrument. A guqin. It was a colorful and cultivated, yet simple in a tasteful way. A mix of gold, red, black, and brown filled your eyes as you were unable to tear them away from his guqin. Finally, he reacted, chuckling ever so slightly. It was a low sound, but had a certain tinge to it that made you want to hear more. His voice was the same.

"And what do you believe you are doing here, watching me this late at night young lady?"

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