
New clothes design

"So you are saying you just woke up in his house and found my brother unconscious."

Anya ask suspicious.She knew her brother was an ass but she doubt he stoop low as kidnapping plus by the sound of it they didn't even seem to be from the same universe.

When she heard that Chris as super power she got excited. First she hope it was genetic but gave up on the thought because she was positive no one else in the family have powers so she believed he was a mutant.

She wanted to see his power but Chris ignore her request so she only saw some of the girls demonstrate their.

Chris left the four girls at the beach house while Raven followed him to the sea.

"Aren't you going to ask the question on your mind." Chris said as he stared at the sea.

Raven hesitated but then said." You seem like a totally different person from what Anya describe. Are you really Chris Waals."

Chris shrugged.

"Well I guess I'm not and am at the same time. I have all his memories but also memories of a different life which surface a week ago."

Raven was shock when she heard what Chris said.She nodded seemingly understanding why he seem different.

" I'm going to test my powers." Chris said as he jumped in the sea.

Raven marvel at the speed he swam in the sea and an interest in what power he have came over her.

About two miles away from the island Chris resurface. He was amazed by how fast he was swimming and thought of aqua man.

He then dived deep down in the sea about 60 metre low but he didn't feel the water pressure while he could see perfectly fine.

Landing on the sea bed. He notice he could breathe and talk under water. Remembering environmental adaptation he nodded his head as he swam around the sea. He came upon a sunken submarine and did something awesome.

He swam beneath it and lift the submarine toward the surface of the sea. He then began to fly with the submarine in his arm.

He scream in excitement as he span around laughing.

Back to the island the four girls walk out in their bikini and saw Raven alone.

"Raven where his Chris" Anya ask but really she was froze. The three other girls beside her was also frozen as they look up.

Following they gaze she also frozen at the site of a man flying with a submarine.

"Damn he is as strong maybe stronger than me."Super the strongest one their said in which all nodded in agreement.

After playing around with the submarine he drop it back into sea causing a big wave.

He then kept testing his power.

His eyes shone bright blue as it shot blue laser into the sea.

Seeing steam coming from the spot he stop.

This continue for the rest of the day until night fell. After the initial shock the group calm down and began to enjoy the beach.

Walking out of the sea Chris had a smile on his face satisfied with the power he have right now.

He saw Diana cooking barbeque on a grill and his stomach growl. After dinner the group went inside an watch TV.

"So are you guys going to be something like a superhero group." Anya ask as she scoped out a spoon of chocolate ice.

The thought never ran through their mind before but agree later on that it best to do so.

Realizing that they planned to be the team Anya demanded to be the tech specialist of the team. Watching to many movies she wanted to work with this group of heroes.

Chris although reluctant agree to her proposal. He knew she was like a genius when it come to tech so he believe it better than getter someone else to do it.

The following week it was hell fit Chris. It was combat training.

He was sent to the floor flying by everyone except Raven and Anya that didn't participate.

Although he received many painful lesson the group were shocked by his learning rate.

He got almost all of wonder woman and Supergirl fighting techniques in three days.

He had finished getting the hand of controlling his powers although he still make mistakes and destroy his clothes.When thus happen his instructors even his sister would stand in daze watching his perfect body.

The group also work on getting new uniforms.

Super girl will now be wearing a black long tights with a black shirt that reach over her belly button and The S symbol in her chest in light grey.

Star fire wore a black short tight with a black tight shirt with a open near the chest area. The shirt was long sleeve as it top at her hand.

Wonder woman wore a similar out fit as super girl except the shirt reach in her tight and there was an opening at her chest. She had her golden wipe to her side while he sword to the opposite side of her waist.

She also have her sliver pair of bracelet.

Raven didn't want to change her clothes so she kept her cloak.

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