

Chapter 3

Joe West POV

The smell of the fresh cup of coffee couldn't mask the smell of the hospital, he hated that smell always had it reminded him of work always visiting the victims of heinous crimes patential murder victims, rape victims, he met most of them here and now he was looking at his most recent victim of one of the most disturbing crimes he's seen in a while. Looking across at Theodore Allen he couldn't help but feel a string of emotions roll over his body pity, anger, sadness, and joy. He knew Theo from Iris's school being younger brothers of Iris's best friend Barry which is why this was just so… shocking. Joe knew Henry and Nora for years and never NEVER would've expected something like this to happen, but it comes with the job he knew that sometimes it's the people that you would least expect to do the crime and this is just another one. Looking across at the young boy he takes a small sip of his coffee while taking a deep breath getting lost in thought.

How, how could a whole family just abandon these two boys? Family is supposed to come together in a time of crisis yet this one fell apart leaving these two young boys alone to go into foster care and be separated but he wouldn't let that happen. He and Nora were close and he knew that she would be turning in her grave if he let that happen and besides the boys were good kids sure he and Iris would have to make room for them but it's the least they could do. These kids already lost so much giving them a place to stay and as close to a family he and Iris would be was the least he could do, but for now he had a job to do. The doctors had said that it was a miracle alone that Theo survived and would take months of recovery but miraculously within a week he'd recovered and the only thing left to do now was to wake him up from his medically induced coma and he'd get to ask him the questions he needed. There was two victims and one witness in this case one of the victims was already dead and the witness was just a scared boy who didn't want his father to go to prison making an illusion in his mind as to what happened which means that the only other person who can help with this case is an eight year old boy who was stabbed by his father although they already had everything they needed to put Henry away a witness account from a victim would be concrete. 

Hearing the door open a doctor walks in and begins to examine Theo marking his blood pressure heart rate and how well the wound is healing.

"Anything new doctor?" Joe asks the concern clearly in his voice as he stands next to the bed. 

"Yes and no, this boy's healing is incredible unlike anything I've ever seen! It's as if his body went into overdrive working to heal itself. The hole in his heart is gone and the only thing that may be left is a scar but even that will more than likely go away at this rate." The doctor says while staring at the boy with a face filled with complete and utter shock and fascination. "But that does not take into account any psychological trauma he endured. This child has been through a tragedy that many couldn't even imagine happening to them. He'll need a close support group to help him through this. Whether it's family, friends, or therapy. Children have very resilient minds and as his doctor I'm saying that if he has these things he should be able to get through this."

"Yes-yes I'll make sure he has these things but does that mean you'll wake him up?" Joe questions feeling a mix of happiness and worry. Within one week of Theo's medical coma Joe was able to gain custody of Barry and Theo becoming their legal guardians making it his job to take care of them which is what made it so difficult to also do his job now but he had to do it. Theo was an eye witness to a murder hell he was a victim which made his testimony so important. 

"Yes I will later tonight but detective I must warn you now that it is not uncommon for someone to have a small bit of amnesia and confusion after waking up." The young dark haired doctor says while glancing away from his clipboard to look Joe in his eyes.

"Yes but it's still important to get a statement as soon as possible and there is always the off chance that he isn't confused."

"Well we'll see later tonight then." The doctor says while leaving the room with a small chuckle letting Joe be alone with his thoughts.

Everything was happening so fast, one day Joe was a single father to a young girl and now he's a single father with a young girl and two boys. Taking a deep breath Joe looks at Theo one last time before leaving as well. Theo isn't Joe's sole responsibility both Iris and Barry are at home for now he'll leave but he'll come back with them when Theo wakes up for now he has a kid at home to comfort.


Eobard Thawne POV

Looking through the glass at the young boy Eobard could practically feel his curiosity sky rocket, it's been a single week since he failed in his ultimate task in killing The Flash and losing one of the most vital things in his life… his speed. That doesn't matter right now right now his attention was focused on this boy Theodore Allen the younger brother of Barry Allen The Flash, but that's not the reason he was so fascinated with this boy what was so fascinated about him was two things one was the fact that this boy was still alive and the second was the fact that this boy shouldn't exist. Theodore Allen was stabbed in the chest he made sure of that but even then with a puncture wound to the chest it would make sense if he got to the hospital quick enough that he would survive but it was at least ten minutes until the paramedics got there and with this times medical capabilities there would be no possibility of survival except he did, this eight year old boy survived a stab to the heart and recovered in a week. He had looked through his files and from what it looked like all of the child's red blood cells went into overdrive healing him at a rate ten times that of a normal humans allowing the granulation tissue form and the new skin begins to form over it at an inhuman speed a speed that he isn't sure his own regeneration could do as it is right now. 

Not only that but Theodore Allen shouldn't even exist, Eobard made sure that when he found out The Flash's name he learned everything he could about him and Theodore Allen doesn't exist no birth certificate, no social security, nothing. Either this boy would erase everything about himself in the future or Eobard fucked up and isn't in the past… well his past to be exact and he preferred to think it was the former rather than the latter. If this child does erase his identity then he would have to weigh all the options for the reason why the first and maybe the most probable reason why is to protect his identity in being The Flash's sibling and the second and maybe the least probable outcome reason is that he needed to disappear for a non so legal reason, but that doesn't matter. This is a different time and he still needs to put a wedge in the door because if he does ever want to get back to his own time he will have to make the flash preferably sooner then later and if he does want to do that then he will have to impersonate someone who would do that and he already has someone in mind but he'll keep an eye on this Theodore Allen either for a potential threat, bargaining chip, and maybe even an ally. Giving one last look at the mystery child Eobard gives a small smile before speeding away with a short burst of speed. 


Theo POV

Conciseness I've decided that conciseness is one of the most taken for granted things in my life. I had always wondered what it would be like to be in a coma. I had read many articles about different people's experiences but let me tell you mine. Darkness and pain as soon as I was concise again… well as concise as I could be all of my senses immediately got bombarded, my nose smelling the sterilization of the hospital, my eyes stinging and most importantly the pain in my chest shooting through my body as an annoying beeping rings in my ear and the dryness of my mouth feels like rough sandpaper yet I wasn't able to move as if a fog was lowered around me and a cage trapping me within it. I was able to listen and feel everything, the excruciating  pain and the astonished conversations that the doctors had while I was "sleeping" it was as if I was listening to a radio that had a synched nervous system letting me feel everything that the main character did. I was surprised at how fast Joe gained custody of us but I guess that comes as a perk of being a detective. All of this time has also given me time to think and make decisions about my future and now that future is coming faster than I could ever imagine letting me make some very tough decisions like the first and foremost being holding off on my less than legal tendencies. This world is filled with hero's and I've yet to be able to power scale them and I'm not going to get put in jail because I can't have a little self restraint. I'll keep it low key and maybe even play hero if I have to but one thing is for certain and that's that I will not be trapped in this world waiting for the system to bail me out giving me an option to leave so I'll do whatever I have to too survive.

Listening to the doctors speak around me I prepare myself for my coming awakening knowing what I have to do and mentally preparing myself for doing it this family that I had is gone and will not be salvageable for what I have planned but I'll still need Joe, Iris, and Barry if just for the protection it will increase my survival to have a speedster on my side. 

"The medicine has been given. He should be awake any moment now." Feeling the fog slowly lift from my mind I weakly open my eyes my senses suddenly going into overdrive everything that I had noticed before becoming that much stronger the beeping of the heart monitor hurting my ears the shining light of the sun blinding my eyes the potent scent of the hospital burning my nose. As my vision clears I stare at Joe West my legal guardian staring at me with a look of concern, worry and pity I hate that look that look of pity I don't need his pity what's done is done if you aren't able to change the past you should not dwell on it instead focus on the future on bettering yourself but I have a part to play now and I'll play it until it's no longer needed. Ignoring the doctors as they rush around me gathering my vitals and other things I focus on my main concern Joe West.

"Theo? Theo are you ok do you remember me my name is Joe I'm a friend of your mother and Iris's dad. Theo you've been in an accident do you remember what happened?" Joe asks carefully while watching my facial expressions as I sit up giving Joe a look of confusion that quickly morphs into one of shock and pain as I clutch my chest looking down at the white sheets.

"I-I remember…" I say weakly my voice cracking as I look up at Joe with tears in my eyes and rolling down my face. "Da-daddy stabbed mommy then stabbed me!" I shout at the top of my lungs as I begin to hyperventilate my vision getting blurry as the heart monitor begins to scream as I ignore the nurses trying to calm me down instead still focusing on the shocked look on Joe's face. "Why?! WHY?! WHY DID DADDY KILL ME?! WHY WHY WHY WHY DID DADDY KILL ME AND MOMMY?!" I scream as I feel my heartbeat pound against my chest collapsing back onto the bed only now paying any attention to the lady nurse who has a look of horror on her face as she sticks a needle into my arm to calm me down allowing me to close my eyes and finally rest my consciousness.

I deserve an Oscar for that performance. The decision was difficult to decide but it was either that sayinging that I saw two balls of lightning battle and stab me or saying I don't remember anything which would've been completely logical but I'm not looking at the here and now and I'm looking towards the future. If Barry is not only battling against the evidence of our mothers case but also an eye witness account he might be forced to become even faster which for me will only help because if he is the flash I remember then he'll do anything to protect his family even if they do have different views. Henry Allen would've already gotten life in prison so it doesn't matter what I say anyways but I will do anything for power and protection even if it does mean throwing my father from this earth in prison.


Waking up again Joe wasn't there and the doctors were running multiple tests on me trying to figure out what stage of Post-Traumatic Amnesia which only seemed to confuse them more because all of the questions they asked I got right proving that I wasn't in any sport of PTA. Sitting back on the bed I stare up at the T-V watching Buffy The Vampire slayer until I hear a knock on the door making me lower the volume on the T-V as a nurse opens the door giving me a smile.

"Theo you have a visitor who I'm sure you'll be happy to see." She says as Barry shoots through the door as Joe and Iris pickle in after him.

"Theo! Theo! Are you ok? They-they took dad, tell them tell them about the men in the lightning! They did it, they killed mom not dad!" Barry shouts desperately looking at me with a look of pure desperation, his child mind still unable to grasp how hopeless the situation our father is in because even if I did agree and told them about the speedsters they wouldn't believe me. 

"Shut up…" I whisper looking down at my sheets. "How would you know what happened? You left, you left mom and me at the mercy of that monster… so how would you know what happened?" I say while looking up my face painted with rage as I stare at the shocked face of Barry. 

"Wha-what are you talking about?! You were right next to me you saw the lightning too didn't you?" He asks, his voice beginning to waver.

"What we saw was our father stabbing our mother, you being able to escape but I wasn't so lucky. I don't want to talk about this anymore ok?" This could get sticky if I continue making such an in depth untrue story like I am now so I'd rather wait until I get formally questioned by the police and sort out my story. My goal with telling Barry these things isn't to discourage him if anything it is to encourage him into finding the truth about what happened and proving me wrong.

"I'll prove it!" Barry shouts while running to the door looking back at us. "I'll prove it to all of you! The lightning man is real and I'll find him!" He shouts before bolting out of the room. 

"Barry!" Joe shouts standing up from his chair. "You two stay here I'll go get him." The tiredness from his voice is audible as he lets out a sigh before tiredly walking out of the room to get Barry leaving Iris and I alone. As we sit in an awkward silence at the situation Iris looks at me, the nervousness gone from her face, her hand shooting out for a hand shake.

"So I don't think we've met yet. I'm Iris Barry's talks a lot about you so it's nice to finally meet you."  She says as I gently shake her hand the rage from earlier getting replaced with a small smile.

"It's nice to meet you too." 

As Iris and I talk she explains to me how Joe has gained guardianship and that we'll be living with them for the foreseeable future overall a fairly awkward first introduction but she seems like a nice girl. It's time to start again. My hero\villain introduction is over and now it's time to begin my next life, my life that will lead to my future and will decide what will happen next. It's an exciting time for me, so many options, so many opportunities. All I need to do is capitalize on them and I'll gain the power I so desire until then I'll live my life.

Thanks for all the support next chapter will be out asap.

Stevemehcreators' thoughts
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