
Dimensional Game Maker

Elyxian Nexus, an ordinary but brilliant inventor, spent centuries bringing peace to a chaotic universe filled with beings possessing extraordinary abilities. Fearing the dark force within him, he ultimately ends his life, only to awaken in a mysterious void. Given a second chance by a powerful entity, Elyxian is reborn in a fantastical realm where he can control his new world and explore other dimensions. Guided by Lumos, an ethereal being in the form of a system, he embraces his fresh start. Unbeknownst to him, his death sets in motion events of cosmic significance, leading to a destiny beyond his wildest imaginings and a path to greatness. --------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: Due to my studies, I won't be able to follow any release schedule. It means that I won't be able to tell when a new chapter will come out. Will it be 1 day or 1 week or 1 month? Can't tell. But you can rest assured that I won't drop this novel. I will finish it. Join my Discord Server for discussion & other stuff- https://discord.gg/cTDCNc9WAr

ShadowOrigin · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Getting Some Sleep

Stretching and yawning, Nexus says, "I don't know. For some reason, I am feeling quite tired today. I think I should get some rest for now. Lumos, lead me to my dwelling."

Lumos promptly replies, "Right away, master."

Immediately, Lumos began his explanation, "To reach your dwelling, you simply need to wish for it. As the absolute master of this realm, anything is possible. Your dwelling place is within this floating island, which also serves as the heart of your realm. Just as you tailored the features of the tree on the mountain below, now known as the Garden Grounds per your instructions."

Upon hearing Lumos's explanation, Nexus paused to consider. "What would happen if the medium containing these spaces were to collapse?"

Lumos responded, "Anything contained within would simply appear outside."

Seeking further clarity, Nexus asked, "How durable are these mediums? Can they be damaged or broken?"

Lumos reassured him, "Rest assured, Master. They are indestructible. However, if you so desire, you have the power to alter or even destroy them. However, the island upon which you stand is an exception. Its core structure remains constant, but you can modify its appearance to your liking."

With this newfound understanding, Nexus wished to go to his resting place and a doorway-shaped portal materialized before him.

Before stepping through, he instructed Lumos, "Ensure it rains every second dawn from now on."

Lumos acknowledged with a nod, "As you wish, Master."

Upon entering the portal, Nexus was met with an endless white expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction.

Puzzled by the vast emptiness, Nexus turned to Lumos, "Why is it so barren here?"

Lumos replied, "My creator designed this realm to align with your preferences. However, this particular area has not yet been molded. It awaits your vision and touch."

Taking a moment to process this, Nexus remarked, "I see. So, the canvas is mine to paint. But at this moment, I'm overwhelmed with exhaustion. I just need some rest. Let's begin by manifesting the exterior of a house with just a bedroom space inside for now."

As Nexus focused his thoughts, the blank void around him burst into a riot of colors. Azure swirls, gilded streaks, emerald drizzles, and countless other shades wove a celestial masterpiece.

From this vibrant tableau, a unique floating island emerged, its foundation not earthen but a gleaming blue lake reflecting the myriad hues above. Dominating the island's center stood a radiant castle, its alabaster walls contrasting starkly with deep blue towers and spires. The lustrous blue slate roofs shimmered under the cosmic glow, reflecting hues ranging from deep indigo to brilliant sapphire.

The castle grounds were adorned with trees bearing silver-white trunks and azure foliage. At its entrance, framed by white pillars, a bed of vibrant flowers in varying colors bloomed. The walls featured ornate windows, capturing the boundless cosmos and casting entrancing blue and purple reflections.

Beside the castle, a stone staircase with intertwined vines and blossoms in diverse shades spiraled up to a tower. The gentle lapping of the lake's waters provided a soothing soundtrack to this ethereal landscape.

{Pic - The Castle}

Lumos, in awe of the breathtaking structure, remarked, "Master Nexus, your vision has brought forth a castle that exudes both serenity and sovereignty, a perfect reflection of your mastery over this realm."

Nexus nodded contentedly and replied, "Indeed, it is a creation of my imagination."

He continued, "However, its external appearance is only the beginning. Inside, for now, there's just one bedroom and nothing more. I plan to add more in the future, but for now, let's step inside and get some rest."

Lumos acknowledged, "Of course, Master."

Stepping into the castle, Nexus's attention was captivated by a room awash in a gentle white glow. Dominating the space was an opulent bed, its soft pillows beckoning invitingly. To its side, a minimalist white chair stood, and subtle decorative elements like a mirror and a vase embellished the room. Overhead, soft lighting radiated warmth, further augmented by daylight streaming through a window. Contrasting the room's tranquil palette, a distinct blue door caught his eye, adjacent to which sat an enigmatic white-and-blue artifact.

{Pic - The Bedroom}

Absorbing the serene ambiance, Nexus felt an inner satisfaction. Although he could modify this environment further in time, for now, it offered perfect solace.

Yielding to weariness, Nexus settled on the cushioned bed, the strains of the day ebbing away. Its comforting embrace soon carried him into profound rest, the murmurs of the realm distant echoes. In this slumber, all concerns faded, and he wandered in serene dreamscapes.

After what felt like an eternity Nexus finally woke up. He stretched leisurely and yawned. Blinking awake, the dream fragments dispersed, and the room's calm enveloped him.

"Lumos," he queried, voice tinged with sleep, "What time is it?"

Lumos promptly replied, "Master, we're approaching the close of the 5th dawn."

Nexus's brows lifted in surprise. "Five full dawns? How did I sleep that long?" He paused, reflecting briefly. "Perhaps it's linked to my former life? Maybe a kind of mental fatigue?" Pushing the thought aside, he decided, "Regardless of the reason, I shouldn't overthink it now. Lumos, prepare a simple bathroom for me."

Immediately, a door appeared, revealing a pristine bathroom. After a brisk wash and donning his perpetually fresh-feeling attire, a modest breakfast awaited. Savoring his meal, Nexus felt an urge to venture outside. On finishing, he instructed, "Lumos, lead the way."

A door-shaped portal materialized, guiding him to the heart of his realm - the floating island. Drawn to an imposing tree, he nestled against it, its trunk a supportive rest. Above, the indigo expanse sprawled infinitely, and Nexus sipped coffee prepared by Lumos.

Soon, rain began its gentle descent, crafting a calming melody. The tree's broad leaves kept Nexus dry as he reveled in the moment.

Surveying his surroundings, Nexus observed, "Lumos, this island seems rather extensive, doesn't it?"

Lumos concurred, "Indeed, Master. It's quite spacious."

Considering, Nexus suggested, "Let's modify it. I envision an island, roughly circular and around a kilometer in diameter."

Lumos responded, "As you wish, Master," and began the transformation, reshaping the island in line with Nexus's concept.