
Chapter 2 Train and Train!

When some of the digimon saw what he was doing on their second day they let him be because they think he was crazy! I mean who doesn't? A baby stage? Training?? in the second day where they got out of the digi eggs?? Does that make sense? NO! Any way after their little rant and not so convincing talk

Our hero found a good wood and rocks to be the target practice for his destruction that he will create HAHAHAH 'Not really-- i mean he will create mud than destruction anyway he trained until it was night and slept for the day, he remarked himself as pathetic and weak Totally not going to survive out of this safe heaven where he is because every hour he could shoot mostly 2 attacks!! then he will tire out and that is still considering not hitting the target which leads to the conclusion

That he must train really hard so he could have enough endurance to last his training regimen because he wants to improve himself and be a little bit better than the others, while he rest he talked to other digimon so he won't feel lonely and get information from some things that was basically useless from the current him but maybe useful from the future?

A month has passed and most of the digimon stage I started to digivolve and of course our hero digivolved too, which he turned into yarmon but slightly bigger than the others which made him look more frightening than the other yarmon digimon

The keemon line is not a rare digimon but not common as a line which basically means he wasn't the only keemon in this kinder garden because he saw atleast 8 keemon in this month! Some of the digimon that evolved started to form groups and those groups composed of mostly 3 baby stage II with 8-12 baby stage I there was 4 groups of those largest groups and the middle kind of group was 2 baby stage II and 7-9 baby stage I which has 2 of that kind of group and finally the least that is grouped, was… mine

Which composed of 1 baby stage II which is me and 5 baby stage I which composed of 2 zurumon and 3 dokimon ughm this is pathetic but still a good start considering that they are stonger than their counterpart, funny thing is, this 5 joined him because they were one of the last digimon that got out of their digitama's basically a defect from the place also its because they were considered weak by the others

because of that they were somehow shunned from the rest of the digimons but that didn't became a problem because once they saw me doing what i was doing (Training) they ask me if they could join me which i invited them to do so because it was fun that way, and because he was getting lonelier *ooof deep…

anywaaay now that he have his small buddies he was going to train again with them, now which by the way was a little bit of adjusting... for the reason he got stronger though a little bit, but still powerful than his baby stage I, A week past by and he was already good at his last based attack

Now though he was going to train his attack which was rolling black (Doesn't have any description in any sites that I know) it was just him painted in black and rolling to the target... pretty weak and his other attack was Paint splash which was good for playing pranks to others and stunning them with splashing painted water on their face, any way back to training!

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