
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Fantasie
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42 Chs

There are not many second chances in life

As the gentle morning light caressed my face, I slowly opened my eyes and rose from my slumber. A new day had begun, and with it, a sense of purpose filled my being. After a refreshing bath, the soft sound of my footsteps echoing through the grand hallway.

Making my way downstairs, I noticed Agnes's surprise as she saw me. "Up and about already, young master?" she exclaimed. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction and replied, "Yep, got a busy day ahead, so figured I'd get an early start."

"The breakfast will be prepared shortly,young master ".

"Nah,why don't we have our breakfast at the city centre, Agnes It will be sort of a small celebration for yesterday's efforts ".

Hearing me say that Matilda immediately stopped working and said "Yeah let us go out,Agnes"

Seeing my request and Matilda's excitement Agnes relented to our demands.

"Please wait a moment young master, we can leave after I wrap this up"Saying that Agnes started putting back everything back to where it belonged.

As she was arranging the shelves I called out to the little bird and left it with a note to deliver to Jeffrey.In just few minutes everyone was ready to go out.

When we approached the castle gates we saw Jeffrey talking to Peter "Peter you don't need to bother to send the guards today with the young lord"

"We from the from the knight's unit will guard the young lord starting today on his outing" Peter wanted to say something but Jeffrey hurriedly claimed"I have already talked to George,Peter"

"The head butler won't bother you on this"

Seeing Jeffrey's being so adamant about it Peter relented.

As usual we boarded a carriage and went to the city centre but this time instead of Harold and their gang Jeffrey and his unit came with us.

After arriving at the bustling city centre, I decided to try a different restaurant for breakfast, hoping to discover new flavors to tantalize my taste buds. As I was having my breakfast the door to my private room swung open, and in walked Jeffrey.He held a sealed letter in his hands."Ah, Jeffrey," I greeted him with a nod. "What news do you bring today?"

A smile played upon his lips as he handed me the letter. "Young lord, I have received a confirmatory letter from the Adventurer's Guild regarding the task you assigned to me.

"I handed it over to Agnes and asked" what is your friends reply,Agnes"

After reading the letter Agnes said"Young master she is already here in Wintercrest and asked us to meet her at blue sky inn room no 13"

"You heard her Jeffrey you know what to do right?"

"Yes young lord"

With that Jeffrey left the room

Jeffrey's pov

After giving the young lord his letter I came to blue sky inn.There I asked one of the waitress "Hi,I have a friend staying with in this inn,she asked me to meet her here"

"Which room sir "

"Room no 13"

"wait for a minute sir as I inform her of your arrival"

After waiting for five minutes the waitress came to me with a pink haired woman wearing traditional mage robe and a conical hat at top,one look at her people could tell that she is a mage.

Arriving before me,The lady observed me for a while and asked"Who are you and Where is Agnes?"

"I am Jeffrey miss Sophia,due to certain circumstances lady Agnes was not able to come instead she asked me to take you to her"Hearing that Sophia frowned,rubbing her eyebrows a little she said"Okay Jeffrey,take me to her".

"please follow me miss" saying that I took her towards the restaurant young lord and the others were having their breakfast.As we were some distance from the restaurant I said to her pointing towards the restaurant"Lady Agnes is waiting in there miss Sophia,it's the second room on the first floor"

Seeing the confusion on her face I replied"I can't take you directly to meet her as there are always eyes and ears on her and her surroundings".

Sophia as if understanding something left Jeffrey and went to the restaurant on her own.

Arthur's Pov

As I was finishing my breakfast, a sudden knock on the door startled me. To my surprise,a voice accompanied the sound, calling out, "It's me, Sophia."Excited and curious, Agnes quickly got up from her seat and hurriedly made her way to the door. With anticipation in her heart, she opened it to reveal a pink haired woman standing there.

Agnes gesturing Sophia with her hand said "Come in, Sophia" and quickly locked the door.

After entering the room, Sophia took a moment to observe everyone present. Then, with a smile, she turned her attention to Agnes and said, "Agnes, why don't you introduce everyone to me?"

Upon hearing Sophia's request, Agnes took the initiative to introduce the rest of us. "The red-haired one over there is Matilda. She's a skilled warrior," Agnes began, gesturing towards Matilda. "And the elegant dark elf beside her is Beatrice. Finally, the person wielding the sword is Eleanor."

Pointing towards me, she continued, "And this is our young master, Arthur. Previously, we served Lady Lucia Scarlett faithfully, but after her tragic passing, we have devoted ourselves to serving her child."

Hearing the introductions from Agnes, Sophia's sudden action caught me completely off guard. Before I could react, she leaped towards me, enveloping me in a tight embrace that pressed my face against her bountiful breasts.Gasping for air, I struggled to breathe, unable to comprehend the situation.Amidst the overwhelming sensation, Sophia's words resonated in my ears. "What an adorable child! How cute! So cute!"

"why don't you call me big sis from now on you will be my little brother."Seeing Sophia's action something snapped inside Agnes and she immediately separated me from Sophia and said to her voice as cold as freezing hell.

"What are you doing, Sophia?" I could sense a tense energy in the air, as Agnes placed her hand on Sophia's shoulder which was crackling due to thunder, causing a small electric current to pass through her.

Sophia, realizing her mistake, immediately apologized, clasping her hands together and asking for forgiveness.

"Ahhhh Agnes I am so sorry I will never do this again"

Witnessing the interaction between the two, I sighed with a mixture of confusion and resignation it seems as Agnes has said the two really has a close relationship.

After their antics was over I decided to have some serious talks with Sophia for our upcoming plans.