
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Life is a race part 3

This is what her status window looked like.

Name:Helena Fox(Poisoned)(Lightning)

Class: Warrior King Merchant lord

Job: Armament Warrior









Talent: Charming body(S),Ice Fire body(S),Mana affinity (S), Superhuman strength (A)

Bloodline:Nine Tails Fox


Passive:Charm(S),Mana control (S),Mana hardening(A),Keen smell (A),Sharp eyesight (B),Wild instinct (S), Management (S), Bargaining (B),Seduction(B)

Active: Fire guard (C),Fire Shield (C),Fire punch(C),Firestorm (B),Icy gauntlets (A), Mana burning (A),Flame halberd (S#), Frozen Armament (S#), Blizzard Punch(S#), Nefelheim(SS#),Throne of Ice (SS#),Breath of frost(SS#),Glacial Fire(SS#)

Divine Protection: Goddess of Love and Beauty (A), Divine beast Nine tails (C),Spirit of fire(B), Spirit of Ice (B)

Title: A Dangerous Beauty

It was truly an amazing status window.I wanted her to work for me as she could ease our urgent requirement for king class professionals if treated successfully.

I started to reel the conversation in that direction.

"Miss Helena instead of Alice would you like to work for me."

"I am sorry young Arthur but due to condition of my body I can't be of any use to you."

Before further conversation can happen I asked Jeffrey to leave the room with Agnes and the others.After they went outside the room.Following my cue Helena asked Alice"Alice while I talk to Arthur why don't you prepare the medicines for me."

"Okay mama,wait for me here." Saying that Alice left the room.When only Helena and myself were present I once again started the conversation.

"What if your condition can be treated."

Hearing my suggestion her dead eyes immediately lightened up and she grabbed my hands and said"Young Arthur is that true."

"Calm down Miss Helena."

Seeing her tight grip hurting me she immediately let go her hand and apologized.

"I am sorry for my sudden outburst."

"Listening about my chance for a successful therapy seemed to have agitated me a little bit."

"So how will you treat me Arthur and what are your conditions."

"My conditions are simple Miss Helena I give you back a second chance at your life,an another chance to watch your daughter grow up before your eyes and soar to the skies and you give me your loyalty."

"But what if you ask me to do something against my will little Arthur like killing the innocent and harming me or people that I hold close to my heart."

"You don't have to worry about that Miss Helena."

"We will make a clear contract about the terms and conditions of your loyalty to me."

"If you want we both can go to a merchant shop and prepare a contract that you are satisfied with."

Listening to my explanation Helena thought for a while and replied.

"Please take care of me from now own little Arthur."

"You are welcome aboard Miss Helena."

"Please call me by Helena,Little Arthur."

"Okay in return you will call me young master from now on Helena."

"So how are you gonna treat me young master."

"Okay but first you need to sign a contract if wanna get the treatment."

"So when are you free Helena."

"I am free right now young master."

"Okay we will visit a Merchant with contract skill after you have taken your medicine Helena and after that we will start your treatment."

Ending the talk at that point I left the room and waited for Helena to come outside after taking her medicines.

"What were you talking young master."Agnes asked seeing me exiting the room.

"She is going to be your new college starting today Agnes."

"Young master,are you sure about this."

"I am sure about it Agnes and she is ready to sign a contract to show her loyalty."

"If that's the case then I will trust your judgement young master."


"What are you talking about young master.How can I be jealous.Please don't speak such nonsense."

Even though she was denying it her cheeks were red from embarassment from having her jealous side caught by me.

As we were bickering Helena came before us with Alice appearing less sickly than before.

"I am ready for departure young master."

Coming out of Alice's home we rented a carriage and went towards the nearest Merchant store that dealt with contracts and such items.

As we entered the merchant store the bell attached to the door ringed and from within came a sweet voice"Welcome to Winding canyon merchants and general stores."

"How can we serve you dear customers."

There she was standing a cute girl in a clerk uniform with generic sales man smile on her face.

"We would like to purchase some magic contracts do you have them in your store."

"Certainly young Master which grade contract do you want."

"Over there are D grade contract it will cost you 1 silver coin,The C grade contracts are on the top shelves they are generally sold for 10 silver coins.The B grades one are on the right shelves they cost about 1gold coin."

"If you want A grade contract sorry young master we don't have any of that left."

"If you urgently need it young master.Then you can ask our Manager for help since she has contract mastery(A) skill."

"Thanks for your advice miss.Please take us to your manager."

"Please follow me young master."

Walking behind the waitress we were lead to the manager's room on the upper floor.

She knocked on the door and says"Some customers want to meet you Miss Manager."

"Okay,Let them in."came a voice from inside.

"Please go in dear customers."

After entering the room we were greeted with a simple room with rough furnishings and behind the desk sat a middle aged woman.

"What would like my help with dear customers."

"I would like to purchase some magic contracts from your shop."

"Our magic contract scrolls are downstairs dear customers."

"I know that Miss Manager but I wanted to buy a large number of contracts hence thought it would be better to directly talk to you."

"Exactly how many contracts would you need customer."

"I want one hundred D class and 10 C class contracts as well as five B class ones."

"Please wait for a while in this room they will soon be ready." saying that manager leaves the room to prepare for our orders.

Fifteen minutes later he comes up with three bundles of contract scrolls of different grades packaged in a box and he presented them towards me and says

"All the requested items are in there customers.Anything else you might need."

"No we don't need anything else.It's nice doing business with you."

I presented my hand towards the manager for a handshake.During Our handshake I silently copied the Contract Mastery(A) skill from her.

"Can I ask you something about contracts Miss Manager."

"Sure,dear customers."

"What is the difference between contracts done via the scrolls and the one done through the skills."

"There is a big difference.In case of magic scroll contracts they are mainly used by merchants and nobles to hire workforce and services.These type of contracts consider both the parties as equal hence they only come in effect when one of the parties breaks the contract.

The contract made by using the skill is different,In it you can change the dynamics of relationship making one of the parties standing superior to the other one.Not only that it comes into effect even before any of the parties breaky the contract. It gets activated just by having the intention of breaking it.

The master-servant contracts as well as most slave contracts are also done through the contract mastery skill.It allows the master to check the location of their slaves and even feel their emotions if they are in close proximity."

"These are the main differences dear customer."

"Due have any other questions to ask."

"Nothing and thanks for your explanation.It was helpful."

After Agnes paid the bill we left the store.

As the time for lunch neared we went to our usual place for lunch the golden wheat restaurant.After giving the orders we made our way towards the usual room we always uses for our lunch.

Once Inside the room I said to Jeffrey"Jeffrey why don't you go and check on the other guards and their whereabouts.Leaving them alone for a long time may create some problems for us in the future.You can take your time to enjoy the remaining day as today I would not require any further help from you."

"Thanks for your generosity young lord."Saying that Jeffrey left the restaurant.

Soon our orders arrived,while eating I opened

my status panel to check the newly acquired contract mastery(A)skill.

Name: Arthur stormwind(Poisoned)

Level: 1


HP: 28(16+12**)/60

MP: 580(500+80**)/600

Strength: 4

Defense: 3

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 18


Talents: Mind's Eye(Ex),Mana affinity (B), Blessings of Mana(A),

Comprehension(A*),Wild instinct(B),Sword heart(C),Martial prodigy(B),


Mental immunity(SS*)

Serene Mind(A*)

Unhealthy body(S)

Observation (B)

Trap detection (B)

Leadership (B)

Planning (A)

Heart's Gaze


Heavenly vision (A)

Karmic insight(SSS)

Mana view(A)

Appraisal (S)

[Due to influence of skill Karmic insight the skill Contract Mastery (A) has changed into skill Vow(SS) and skill Pledge (SS)][Beware as Vows and Pledges have always been connected to karma.With every new Pledge and new Vow taken it is always accompanied by new karma. The creation of new karmas results in creation new causes and with each new cause new consequences are born.]

Vow(SS)[Allows user to tie unbreakable Vows with other people.This skill allows the linked two individuals to share one of their talent or a skill with each other.It also provides the connected individuals to gauge each other's safety and emotions as well as proximate location][Vow once taken can't be broken hence must be used carefully]

Pledge (SS)[Allows User to receive pledge of loyalty from other people.The user can transfer one of his talents to the people who have pledged their loyalty to him but only a degraded version and it can't be above A grade][User can feel the subjects loyalty towards itself with this skill and can perceive their safety and whereabouts] [Pledge can be cancelled if both the parties agree to cancel it]

Nature's calling(B)

Skill copying (SSS*)


Divine protection:None


Child prodigy


Universal Adoration

Keeper of Divine Relics

I was once again stunned by my abyssal stats but my skill were able to put a smile on my face.After finishing the lunch with everyone I soon started to talk with Helena once again this time the topic revolving around the contract she was supposed to sign today.

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