
Die For You Tommorow

In a parallel world to a Star Crossed in Time. Nova works at a world-leading company known for its cutting edge video games. He and his team have been working on a new virtual reality video game that's going to take the world by storm. One late night he steps into the device and starts it up. Before he realizes it, he's in a new world standing in front of the most attractive woman he's ever laid eyes on. Unfortunately for him, he thinks this is just part of the game... he reaches out and touches the woman all over... "Wow... it feels so real!" Follow Nova on his journey to surviving this new world and the crazy powerful woman he "molested" _________________________________ Original Story: A Star Crossed in Time https://www.webnovel.com/book/15175928206400805/Star-Crossed-In-Time Check it out

ldoronoco · Bücher und Literatur
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9 Chs

This is tedious

"You sure are fearless for a little boy" The female said in a low voice, whilst staring at me with an expressionless face.

Her stare sent multiple shivers down my spine for some reason, ' Did I suddenly stumbled into a mission, Should I just apologize? Wait! Apologize for what! This is just a game, our game'

" Look, If you want something from me, say it now, don't waste my time, I am a busy person " The female in white looked at me like I was insane, while the man glared at me with cold eyes.

Suddenly there was a loud crash from one of the surrounding buildings as several men dressed in black barged into the open courtyard. Their faces were covered by black veils, only their eyes were visible. ' Hmm,I was right, definitely a mission' I watched the men advanced towards us with a calm detachment.

The female looked at the approaching men and frowned as she turned her attention to me. A black clothed man, sprung towards the woman with a long sword. Whilst looking at me, she blocked the blade with her bare hand and kicked the man away into a stone fence.

"You're highness!" Yelled the females friend.

I signed whilst pinching the brow of my nose.

"Does this bore you little one?" 'Her highness' asked me with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes " This is tedious, I've got things to do, so enjoy" I turned to find my way out but I felt my bag being pulled again ' How could I forget' I turned around to see the woman smirking at me again as she walked closer to me.

"I've caught something interesting, why would I let it go away"

I scrunched up my face in irritation at her words ' Caught something interesting? What! The cheek of it' From the corner of my eye, I saw two more men about to attack us.

I ducked backwards missing a swinging sword aimed towards me and the woman's head, I sent a knee towards the woman's arm as I fell onto my back, freeing my bag as she dealt with the other attacker.

Wasting no time on the ground, I turned around and bolted out of there and ran hard, not looking back. Only after I had noticed that the environment around me had transitioned from forests, to rock terrains did I finally stop with my hands on my knees gasping for air " Ah! That's my exercise for the month!"

I was thankful my character was bias towards endurance and stamina. I slowly stood up feeling the burn in my muscles and started making my towards the mountain range " See the mountain, leave, file tons of bugs!.... Let's do this!"


My stomach started growling as I made my way up the mountains " I need to get more shin-cups when I get back" Only after an hour, did I find the large mountain I was looking for " Is this my mountain! Where's the ice tip?" I mumbled to myself as I stared at it.

"Hahh...muttering about a mountain belonging to you, kids these days are certainly getting stranger and stranger.."

I looked to my left to see an old man, which me made jump. I patted my chest, calming down my heart as I took a closer look at him. He was an L shaped old man carrying a straw basket on back ' he must have been an herb collector ' "Old man, Im twenty five, who are you calling a kid?"

The old man just stared at me before laughing " Kid, anyone younger than me is a kid " The old man said with a smile as he bent down picking at the grass.

' The cheek of people in this game, I really need to have words with Edwards and the Dev team' I took a seat on a nearby boulder and took out my pad and started noted down my thoughts so far.