
Die For You Tommorow

In a parallel world to a Star Crossed in Time. Nova works at a world-leading company known for its cutting edge video games. He and his team have been working on a new virtual reality video game that's going to take the world by storm. One late night he steps into the device and starts it up. Before he realizes it, he's in a new world standing in front of the most attractive woman he's ever laid eyes on. Unfortunately for him, he thinks this is just part of the game... he reaches out and touches the woman all over... "Wow... it feels so real!" Follow Nova on his journey to surviving this new world and the crazy powerful woman he "molested" _________________________________ Original Story: A Star Crossed in Time https://www.webnovel.com/book/15175928206400805/Star-Crossed-In-Time Check it out

ldoronoco · Bücher und Literatur
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9 Chs

I’m not supposed to feel

'He just a character Nova...just don't listen....don't worry about it'

The old man's grunts and groans had broken my concentration, I could only sigh as I glared at him "Old man, do you need some help?"

The old man looked up giving me a look that read ' You? Really?'

I stepped off the boulder and walked up to him " By the looks of it, you are collecting chives right?" ' HaHa! I made these plants old man! Praise me!'

He merely nodded, "If you don't mind kid… my back and knees don't work like they used to" he gave me a smile and continued to pick the chives.

' Ah what about praising my greatness!' After an hour or so, we had filled the man's basket and it was strapped onto my back as we descended down the mountain. " I haven't been able to collect this much in a long time! Thanks little kid! " He patted my back with a smile.

'Kid this,kid that!' I gave him a smile, whilst my eyebrow was twitching.

My stomach growled like a wild bear as we went further down the mountain, nearing a small village.

The old man looked back at me " Haha you've worked hard kid, you must eat dinner with my wife and I as thanks! It won't be much but it's the least I can do" The man said with a cheery voice.

'Oh I could probably test out the food mechanics' " Thanks for the offer, I would love to have dinner with you two"

The old man laughed " Then pick up the pace, we'll reach the village before sunset! Our house is right on the outskirts of the village …. oh whats your name boy?"


The old man looked me up and down " Nova? Odd name for an oddly dressed man…...just call me Grandpa Ling! … I take it your not from around here?" He patted my back again as we continued walking.

'I'm dressed for comfort old man' Before I could answer, I heard a voice shouting " You're back early!" Standing in front of a cute little thatched house was an older lady smiling and waving at us.

Grandpa Ling smiled widely as he looked at the lady "This young lad here helped me out today, so I was wanting to repay him with a meal" he said while pointing at me.

The lady nodded her head and smiled at me "I'm Grandma Ling, what's your name dear"

"Nova, my name is just Nova….."

Grandma Ling frowned and looked slightly weary " You must not be from around here, where are you from my dear?"

I chuckled whilst answering her question " I am from a place pretty far away from these lands"

Grandpa and Grandpa Ling shared a quick look but continued to smile " Well Nova, come in, I've nearly finished cooking"

The smell that came from house-made my stomach growl like a wild horse, making me lick my lips. They both laughed and dragged me inside into their small, cozy house. " Have a seat you two" Grandma Ling said as she pointed to a small table while I was looking around the house. ' The environment team are just killing it with these sets'

Grandma Ling came back with a bowl of soup and mixed seeded bread, which made my mouth water. 'Let's see how this goes' I gave her a small nod as I picked up the spoon. '

I shoved the spoon into my mouth, only to immediately spit it out 'It's hot!'

"Oh! Careful dear! You have to blow on it first, it just came off the fire" Grandma Ling said to me, whilst passing a cup of water to me

My eyes opened wide as I drank the water and felt my tongue throb 'Pain? I just felt Pain! I'm shouldn't feel ANY PAIN!"