
The First Option Part 8

The moment the doctor told us, his heart cannot be stressed, until he has an operation, mine gave out.

Maybe I was causing him to have a heart attack or a stroke. My decision will not be easy in the end.

Letting him go, to live. Or keeping him, and he might not make it.

My days without a message from Carl, is slow, a mighty wave of sadness covered my day to day activities. His mother constantly updates me, but I am still worried. His lungs is giving out, and he is still not recovered after a week in the hospital. I tried to visit him in the hospital, but when I get to the hospital entrance, I look up at his window where his room is at the 3rd floor. When I see him what will I tell him, Sorry I hadn't returned by your side. I wasn't very helpful, by crying and crying. I just sat there waiting for any news. I texted his Mom, "Aunty I'm here at the ground floor nurses station, how is Carl?, don't want to wake him up, can we talk here instead?

Aunty Yoli, met me down at the cafe near the Hospital. Hello Dear how are you?, I hope you're doing okay. Tears slowly rolling down my face, I have something to tell you Aunty. I can't help but ask, if you could try to look at the situation in my point of view. What if we break up?, will he be more in danger, or will he be relieved?, Will he live longer if I'm not by his side?, Or will it cause him to die sooner?. My voice breaks as I cry harder, Aunty Yoli, please tell me what to do....😭😣

She held my hand, for the first time we were crying together, I know it's as much hard for you as it is hard for me, I'm his Mother, but He loves you too. Whatever is good for him, is good for You. Breaking up will not make it easier to accept. What if you stay with him until he gets better, then you both can decide if the future is good for the both of you, together or not at least you were there when he needs you the most. The cafe staff served us our tea and coffee and we both cried and hugged each other. The crew said excuse me, sorry for disturbing your food is here. As much as the food is enticing, it's the first time I was crying in front of my favorite latte and Pastries, cinnamon buns covered with cream cheese icing and chocolate covered donuts. 🍵🍮🍩☕

The next day, I returned to the hospital, I asked the doctor if I can see Carl, he permitted me to visit him.

There was Aunty Yoli, Uncle Carlo, and his Sisters, Ann, and Sheri. Hello, I bowed and greeted them, I hope to help everyone look after Carl if you will let me. They all smiled we went in his room. He was covered in air humidifiers, and tubes in his nose to help him breathe. He was awake, and the first thing I noticed is his eye bags, and he lost a bit of weight, he smiled and said why didn't you visit me for the last 7 days?, I was teary eyed I hugged him, "Ouch", not too tightly, I might have a rib broken from lying in this hospital bed all day. I laughed and let him loose. Okay now don't start crying over my weak heart, It's still beating, and it says "I Love You", he whispered in my ear.

We were left in the room to talk for an hour before the nurse came in and she took his vital statistics, and drew blood from him. Is it necessary to get blood from him? I asked. She just told me Doctors orders.

Don't worry Sweetness, You don't have to think about it. Stay with me, let me hold you. I sat beside him, caressing his hair, it's so greasy, from not bathing for a week, I told him "When you get out of here, I will scrub you and give you a bubble bath", He told me is that all?, I kissed him, until he said, "Goodness Sweetness, are you trying to kill me with your hot lips?

I asked his Mom if I can visit him again when he's feeling better, and fortunately there's a go signal from the doctor that Carl can go home two days from today. He will need an oxygen tank and lots of anti biotics, but he is cleared to be discharged from his Pneumonia. He also reminded Carl's Mom to get him back for his check up a week later on his possible heart operation. I was elated to hear it, I thanked her, and gave my regards to her son. I was going to tell my Mom of the good news, when a text came in and popped up on my screen. Hey Sweetness, can you meet me at the cafe where we had our first date?, I need to tell you something. I replied "Okay, I'll be there", He said "I Love You Jill", I was quiet, and then I said with the sweetest tone, "I love you Carl Denz", my King. ❤❤❤

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