
Devil Absorption

Vent is a wanderer..

Salisbury_Steak · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Prologue - Lost Soul

'I have always been walking this path alone.. but what is there left in this realm? I've already slain all demons within this spiritual space, I need to move on. '

A 6 foot male wearing a black and gold overcoat with two large katanas sheathed on his back roamed the area of a white void, the only darkness was his long black hair that partially covered his emerald eyes. His sharp jawline looked as if it could be a weapon of its own.

"Void portal" The man spoke as he cut the space in front of him, creating a fracture in the space.

Without a single thought he threw himself through the portal with a smile.

'That demon god or whatever really has some interesting skills..'

What awaited the man beyond the portal was a fascinating world full of technological advancements, the strange man was used to magic, martial arts, things of the occult, etc.. But this world.. it truly astonished him..

"What.. is this place?"

In front of him was a black ground with yellow dashes.. faint sounds of something like sword slashes could be heard.. and as he was stuck in his head, an enemy was approaching!

Instinctively he slashed his katanas forward cutting the opponent in half, the body of the beast flew above his head and struck similar monsters, the man smiled at his work seemingly grading himself highly.

On what was a white looking road next to where he was were people screaming out loud..



(A/N: if this is semi popular releases will be bountiful, otherwise this short chapter will be like all the other future chapters, short.)