
Seraphine Decided to Surrender!

Wang Xiao's focus narrowed on a particularly striking title associated with Asmodeous —

"Demon king of lust? Could it be connected...?" he mused under his breath, the words hanging in the air like a mysterious clue.

Could it be, he pondered, that there was a literal connection, a direct line that tied the essence of Asmodeous to his own situation?

Was it possible that Yin Yue's assessment held merit, framing Asmodeous as merely a man overwhelmed by lust, or did the title hold a deeper, more symbolic meaning?

The room was heavy with the weight of his thoughts, the silence punctuated only by the quiet tapping of his fingers against the screen of his phone.

Seraphine, still wrapped in her quilt, caught the murmur of his voice, and it was as if a spark had ignited the gunpowder of her emotions.

"Yes! You are the demon king of Lust! The very embodiment—!!"

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