
Developing My Little World

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/420690/fictions Jay was a man who had lost it all. His loving wife and adorable daughter ripped away from him one after the other. However he continues living performing acts of pure good for the people around him. He is recognized as worthy by the God of his current world and is transported to a godly room. Jay is now a God and it is his mission to create the planet beneath him. To breath life untoward its majestic surface. Join Jay in the fantastic journey of creation! Watch as he revives his family, creates Gods, and creates humans, elves and so many more creatures. Learn from the beginning how this planet develops as mythology, evolution, and the advancement of society is captured in breathtaking lore and backstory. Hello to anyone reading this, my name is Ani, and this is a passion project of mine that has no definite end. I really want this series to heavily involve characters submitted by the viewers to achieve great things and progress the story. There is an auxiliary chapter Titled Character Creation. That chapter had every main race currently in the story. In the future as more people suggest things, hybridization and mixing of DNA and genes to create new, unique creatures will be possible. The first example of this is a viewers request for a 'Naga', which I had forgotten about upon coming up with the list. I spoke to the viewer in the comments and we agreed on a background where a dragon and a mermaid mate and create the Naga. As for the rest, you have to wait for his story! To qualify for Character creation, simply be a donor of some Monetary value (real money, coins, gifts, etc) or the person will be In the top 20 of powerstone donor for the novel. Thank you for reading, and if you meet these criteria, please submit your character! Happy reading. My Patreon with advanced chapters for members! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103227460&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

AniMine · Fantasie
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70 Chs


Jay opened his eyes to his planet once more, except this time he noticed that instead of being a hologram it was like a real world and he was simply bigger than it. Jay looked at the world as he realized that with just a thought he could zoom in and out, turn the globe, speed up time by 100x at no charge, and use his tools to make the land.

[Welcome, New Ultima God, this is the terraforming mode. You can choose from a few pre-made creations or you can completely terraform it by yourself.]

[Premade will cost a set amount of gp per area, while terraforming will cost gp but at a much lower price]

Jay looked over the pre-made content that was available for him to choose from. There were things such as volcanoes, valleys, aether-esk stone and groundwork, and even the Mariana trench was available. Jay mused to himself as he looked over his options.

"System, can I place some of these assets and then terraform the rest?" Jay questioned.


Jay smiled and started to look at where he would start. Jay first selected [Super Volcano (10 gp)] and placed two of them down on opposite sides of the globe. He then figured out he could set a timer on it?

Jay, confused, asked,"System, what is the timer function?"

[As a God you can personally set specific or random times that these volcanoes are supposed to go off.]

Jay whistled and set a timer for both volcanoes to randomly go off sometime every 400 to 2600 years. Then Jay bought 6 [Regular Volcano (2 gp)] and placed them in already elevated areas. Jay set the timers on these to randomly go off every 80 to 700 years.

Jay smiled and looked at what else he had available to him. Jay smiled as he bought 3 [Extreme Cave (4 gp)].

These caves were massively expanded and were specifically created to promote the production of the highest quality ores.

Jay decided to make these caves "gods gift to humanity", however he also wanted them to struggle for it. So he placed 1 under each of the super volcanoes. Then he saved the last one for later as he had an idea for it.

Jay searched the list but could not find what it was he was searching for. An extreme depth trench. Something only a demigod could even hope to traverse.

Seeing as he had no premade options, Jay selected a fairly deep area where water would collect and focused his mind and his intent to work on the land in from of him.

In that instant, Jay felt like both of his hands currently held a tool. Jay was holding nothing but his senses were telling him otherwise! Jay nodded and acknowledged the odd feeling as he got accustomed to it.

Jay looked down at the land below him and made a stroke with the tool in his hand, creating a giant slice across the ground!

Jay didn't even admire his handiwork, as his designing and architecture skills from his previous life started influencing his focus. Jay was now hardwired into making his creation.

A stroke here, 3 vertical slats there, and chip this section for a cooler effect. Jack hammer this side wall for a hint on where the cave will start. Next, indent the ground in "runes", which were actually just english letters. Jay thought it was really funny in his head and just went with it. He slowly chipped, molded, and crafted a beautiful art piece and grand entrance chamber for whoever discovered this.

Jay finally "stepped" out of the extremely deep cavern and smiled as he looked at his deep, menacing, terror-inducing casm.

Jay then zoomed in once more and placed the last extreme cave all the way at the bottom of the deepest ravine.

Jay then let the world start and let it speed up by 100x as his volcanoes all erupted more than they normally would (reset the timers). The highlands and the low basins of the future seas started to take shape in front of Jay's eyes.

After a while Jay stopped the planet once more, satisfied with how the world turned out. He would be working with 5 continents that were separated from each other. Some of the volcanoes were close enough to form larger, more consolidated land rather than just 1 Volcano. This couldn't be more true for the main continent, at least in Jay's eyes as it was the biggest by far and was combined through 2 regular volcanoes and 1 super volcano!

Jay was also pleased with his trench as with the passing of time, the basin it was in was now much farther down comparatively.

Jay then recognized the final borders to which the volcanoes could expand the land. Jay finalized the 5 massive continents permanently in place.

Jay then went to the next, which was selecting the zones, such as jungle, desert, grasslands etc. Jay didn't know much in this area and selected to just let the system auto fill it in based on pre-existing conditions.

Jay then went back to his zones and went to different areas and put mountains and hills across different stretches of the 5 continents. He dotted the plains and large stretches of land with lakes, pond areas, and small seas.

After Jay was satisfied with this he took a step back and payed 100 GP for the system to take his creation and perfect all the details.

[Planet optimization is in progress, process will take approximately 2 minutes]

Jay watched in real time as everything on the planet seemed to gain more depth. Nothing was growing yet and it was still just rock and magma, but even now, Jay could tell that the system was going over the entire planet with a fine toothed comb!

Jay then looked at the finished creation and was satisfied, having complicated and deep emotions with the founding of his new earth.