
Detective from The Future

Police Constable Han Bin accidentally obtained a future police badge. Learned future criminal investigation skills, repeatedly solved strange cases, maintained justice, and became a generation of police legend…

GSM1777 · Urban
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41 Chs

Detective from The Future Chapter 39: The second letter

The next morning.

Because of the case, Han Bin and Li Hui came earlier and ate in the branch cafeteria.

Li Hui asked while peeling the eggs, "Binzi, you said Yu Hefeng, who looks like a dog, why do you do such a nasty thing."

"This world is bigger and there are everyone." Han Bin said.

"You said his wife and daughter knew, how should you look at him?" Li Hui asked curiously.

"When the interrogation is in progress, you can ask him yourself." Han Bin was too lazy to talk to him, knowing to say something inconsequential.

Li Hui didn't know what he thought of, hehe smirked twice, bit off half of an egg, and lost his mouth.

After eating, the two went to the second group office. Generally, when there is a case, Zeng Ping will hold a morning meeting as usual to adjust the direction of investigation and arrange tasks in a targeted manner.

When he arrived at the office, Han Bin made a pot of water, made a cup of green tea, and sat in a chair with his eyes closed.

He relies on his brain to eat, and rest more when he is fine, in order to maintain the best mental state when handling the case.

Tian Li, Zhao Ming, Zeng Ping and others also arrived at the office.

Zeng Ping yawned and poured a cup of tea.

"Team Zeng, didn't Team Zheng say that we are going to increase manpower for our team? Why is there no news yet?" Han Bin said.

"There are only five people in our team. Normal cases are okay. We definitely don't have enough staff in big cases," Li Hui said.

"This is what I have been staring at, and Team Zheng is also worried about this person, it is better to find a suitable candidate." Zeng Ping said.

"Team Zeng, what kind of person do you think is suitable for our team?" Tian Li said.

"A complete team must perform their duties and have a clear division of labor. Our team was established not long ago. Although there are few people, it is fully in line with this structure." Zeng Ping said.

At this time, Lu Wen entered the office: "Team Zeng, the test report is out."

"Lu Wen, why are you holding two panda eyes?" Zhao Ming smiled.

Lu Wen took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes: "It wasn't for your group's case. I worked overtime to finish the test."

"The glasses have worked hard, I will invite you to dinner another day and make up for it." Zeng Ping smiled.

"I'm very happy to have these words from you." Lu Wen took out a stack of documents and handed them to Zeng Ping.

"This thing looks strenuous, just pick up the main one and say." Zeng Ping said.

"No video of the victim was found on the phone." Lu Wen said.

"Could it be deleted?" Han Bin said.

Ruben shook his head: "I have tried to recover."

"Are there any clues about the envelope and the USB flash drive?" Zeng Ping said.

"No fingerprints, no DNA, very clean." Lu Wen said.

"Is there a way to check the source of the envelope and U disk?" Tian Li said.

"That's your job." Ruben shrugged, got up and left the office.

"Envelopes and USB flash drives are common types. It is difficult to find the source." Zeng Ping said.

"Let me say that Yu Hefeng is still being interrogated. The video was secretly filmed by him. The suspicion of his extortion is also the biggest." Zhao Mingdao.

"I agree with Zhao Ming." Tian Li said.

"Or, Han Bin and I will be responsible for the interrogation this time?" Li Hui suggested.

"Han Bin, what do you think?" Zeng Ping asked.

Han Bin frowned and thought, and the secret shooting case was resolved, but the blackmail case was deadlocked.

"Tingling bell..." A cell phone ringing broke the silence.

Tian Li took out her phone and took a look: "Chen Luyan's phone."


Tian Li answered the phone, her face becoming more ugly.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Ming couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Is there a new clue?"

Tian Li sighed, "I'm afraid Han Bin guessed it right."

"What do you mean?" Li Hui said.

"Chen Luyan received a blackmail letter again."


After half an hour.

The second group of the criminal investigation team and the technical team rushed to the Anyang apartment again.

Han Bin and others rushed to the fourth floor, the door of Room 408 was open.

The group put on shoe covers and walked into the room.

There were two people in the room. Chen Luyan was sitting on the bed, her expression a little ugly.

There is also a man sitting on the sofa next to him.

"Captain Zeng, you can be regarded as coming." Chen Luyan got up, as if seeing the backbone.

"When we received the call, we rushed over immediately." Zeng Ping said.

"This is my boyfriend Xiang Shaoming." Chen Luyan introduced.

Zeng Ping observed for a while, the young man was tall and thin, and he looked quite energetic.

"What about the blackmail letter?"

"On the table, I remember you said not to be touched, I picked it up with chopsticks." Chen Luyan said.

Zeng Ping walked over and checked the envelope. It was exactly the same as the one from the previous time. After opening it, it also contained a USB flash drive.

"When did you find the envelope?" Han Bin said.

"I didn't live in the apartment last night. Shao Ming accompanied me this morning. He wanted to get some change of clothes. Just opened the door of the room, he found an envelope at the door." Chen Luyan said.

"It seems that it was the same technique as yesterday, it was stuffed through the crack in the door." Li Hui said.

"Captain Zeng, haven't you arrested the landlord? Why are there still blackmail letters?" Chen Luyan asked.

"Cough..." Zeng Ping gave a light cough, a little embarrassed.

"According to the evidence we currently have, it is not one person who took pictures and extortion, but two cases." Han Bin said.

"That means Luyan's photo might be posted online?" Xiang Shaoming asked.

"Our police will solve the case as soon as possible and catch the suspect." Han Bin said.

In order to relieve the embarrassment, Zeng Ping directly arranged the task:

"Tian Li, plug the U disk into the computer and see what's there."

"it is good."

"Li Hui, go to the monitoring room to check the monitoring and see if there are any suspicious persons."


Although it is unlikely that the suspect will be photographed, there is still something to be done.

"Han Bin, go to the door to see if there are any clues." Zeng Ping said.


Han Bin wore the toe and walked to the door of the room and observed carefully. The floor tiles are covered on it. If the sole is not dirty, there will be almost no obvious shoe print.

Han Bin turned around and found no obvious traces.

"Team Zeng, the contents of the USB flash drive are the same as yesterday, still the few shower photos and a blackmail letter." Tian Li shouted.

"Believe in the blackmail." Zeng Ping said.

"At seven o'clock tonight, prepare 50,000 yuan and put it in the third trash can on the east side of People's Square and the third trash can on the north side; I borrowed the money from you, and I will pay you back if I find it. If I don't receive the money tonight, or If you call the police and catch me, you will post your picture online."

After hearing the blackmail letter, Chen Luyan collapsed a little: "Fifty thousand, where did I get so much money all at once."

"Luyan, don't worry, let's find a way together." Xiang Shaoming reached out and patted his girlfriend on the shoulder.

"Miss Chen, I received the extortion letter again, indicating that the suspect did not know that the police had intervened. As long as we deployed the charges in advance, we would definitely be able to catch the suspect tonight." Zeng Ping comforted.