
Chapter 2: Supernatural beings exists..

It was a chilly morning in early wee hours of Sarnath City life. The temperature was nearing 10 degree in the end of October. Still, you will find group of people rising early doing their daily activities. Normally, you expect people to lie inside their houses enjoying heaters and sleeping soundly in their blankets in such weather. However, situations will be different around this time in city as everybody is getting ready for one of the biggest festival celebrated in India.

"Diwali.. festival of light"

Sarnath looked like a city donning the clothes made up of electric lamp and LED nights. Though it was a city with a history spanning over thousands of years, modernisation was making its presence known to people living in the city. Roads were glittering with banners and holograms wishing locals a happy and prosperous festival.

There was a big crowd who were gathered around "Sweet Temptation". Shop was famous for its famous Indian sweets and desserts. It was common incident of long queue of people standing outside the shop to buy sweets. The owner was a young entrepreneur who came back to city after studying French cuisine in Paris for three years. Shop became instant hit due to its creative and tasty desserts.

It was a really good business. However, today reason for people gathering around shop was not for its desserts. Shop was surrounded by police cars. Entire vicinity was declared as no entry zone. However, people can't stop their curiosity in control and we're trying to catch the glimpse of what's happening inside the shop.

Detective Burman was aghast by looking at scenario inside the shop. There was no sign of robbery or shop breaking. All the cakes and sweets were lying inside the glass cabinet perfectly. However, if you look closely you will find blood spreading over the cakes placed inside the cabinet. Human skin was sprinkled on top of the cake as icing in form of flakes. Their was signs of puke around the shop. It was obvious some policemen could not control their urge of puking after watching the scene. Human body was lying on the floor with whole skin of person was pilled off from body. Neck was twisted in 180 degree way. Body's hand and legs had burn mark which indicated that person was killed slowly. It was grotesque scene to look at. It was evident that killer enjoyed killing his target slowly making them go through hell and pain thousand times. Dimly closed had fried tears around it which showed person begged for his faster death. But his plea was denied in cruelest way.

Burman looked around crime scene looking for possible clues which can link murder to someone he may know. At the end, he could not understand why someone will kill person in such cruel way and not take a single penny from millions of money lying inside lockers. It was evident that killer was not interested in money.

Looking at the dead body, Burman was sure that it was work of professional. Not only killer was skilled in torcher techniques. He was also skilled biology of human body. Skinning person alive was not a job any rookie can handle. It was done so perfectly that even Burman who was biology expert could not find any mistake in it. He moved his eyesight to neck which was twisted perfectly to other way round. It's not possible for normal humans to perform this feet. It's was clearly work of someone who has surpassed the limits of super humans. They were also know as Metahumans who surpassed the limits of human body. Some had acute listening power, some had super strength, some could talk many languages and some had psychic powers. World was not astonished hearing about them. They were like dragon amongst humans dictating way of world with their powers. Nobody knew from where this people came. However, arrival of this people made people to look around themselves with new sight.

In the shop, Burman could not help to feel shocked. This was not something a normal human could. It was work of Metahuman. Burman always wanted to confirm his theory of alternative space or world. The increasing number of murder confirmed his hypothesis that Supernatural beings exist.

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