In the heart of New York City, Jamie and Carrie navigated the bustling streets, hand in hand, their steps synchronized with the rhythm of the city that never sleeps. The success of Hearts Unbound had propelled them into a whirlwind of events, but amidst the chaos, their connection remained steadfast.
One evening, as the city lights sparkled like a constellation beneath them, Jamie suggested a visit to the rooftop garden of his towering penthouse. It was a secluded haven, a retreat from the demands of their thriving movement.
As they ascended in the private elevator, anticipation hung in the air. The rooftop garden unfolded before them like a secret oasis, bathed in the soft glow of string lights and the luminous cityscape. In the center, a celestial-themed setup awaited, complete with a telescope pointing towards the stars.
"Welcome to our sanctuary above the world," Jamie said, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of love and excitement.