
Demonic contactor: Rise of an abomination

Marcus your regular young human adult, you will think but most who know who he truly his had been sent to the after life. After all it wasn't easy to survive after learning the secret of a reincarnated devil especially one who wanted to be left alone after his betrayal, Lossing a large portion of his memory of his past he survived in the body of a human toddler harmless but sinisterly dangerous after all Devil or human the body is but a shell that is to be nurtured into a weapon of war. In a world where power is synonymous to authority what would he strive for, will he regain his memory, how will his revenge be served. If you are curious then you are welcome to join the ride though this is my first novel so bear with me please.

THE_BLOOD · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: End of another circle

Countless years ago in somewhere unknown to mankind, soil soaked red like pigment, blood could be seen flowing like a stream, corpse littered around like plants in a garden, weapons like decorations in a palace. Men and women whose body were in pieces like statues in a museum, any whose corpse was torn in two died a decent death, it could be deduced that this was not the realm of man, eminent from the corpses pieces bat-like wings and other variation, claws and hooves, curved hind legs or overly long ones, long fangs in place of canine or for all teeth's entirely. Any one who knew a thing or two of other species would know that these was a battle field in use by demon yet the blue colored sun and eight moons in the sky would tell you these was not the any planet in the demon solar system. Under these unique looking environment a group of 21 devils could be seen surrounded by about 89 other devils while forming a larger circle around the two groups were an army of 3,854 demons. All participants of this war were tired and worn out after battling for about a week with little to no breaks in between after all, war waited for no one let's not talk about an ambush. At the beginning of these fight it was 21 devils and 1000 demons against 147 devils and 6000 demons all because of the wanted death of the leader of the 21 devils.

Many would ask what was the difference between a devil and a demon, but if a devil ever heard such a question the inquirer should just pray he was stronger than the devil so he could kill him or run away or else his soul and bloodline would not find peace after his death. After all demons were the bastard child and half-breed of devils whose bloodline had not even obtain stability not to talk about them being purified, it is only when a demon stabilize their bloodline through all kind of modification, masters the seven sins and their strength able to bring fear and respect to them in the demon solar system would they have the right to be called devils. It was a known fact that in the demon solar system or realm depending on what you wish to call it, during ancient times demons were treated no different from beast used as slave and lab rats for their experiment all terrifying demon species that would bring terror to other species when they are seen or heard about were the results of these experiment. In those days it was a great honor to be the lab rat of the devils and these was not uncalled for because demon were actually lower species who could not master the seven sin. Just imagine when a devils is consumed by rage he loses all emotion with only the intention to kill his target becoming a cold and rational killing machine (Target annihilation mode) it is called, while a demon would be consumed by rage and lose 90% of his sanity, such a disappointment. A devil would lose control of his envy and would protect the object of envy only when his life is at stake would he withdraw (Protective fortress mode) while a demon would go insane until destroy or obtain the object of their envy (Untamed mode) and so for all the sins, which are the pride of devils. this is why the demon were cubed with fear in the old days until a demon scientist Douglas sterling, who was tired of his brothers suffering decided to twist their personalities with arrogance as the base so they would never be consumed by any sin but rage only special demons like succubus had access to sins that resonates with their species. These was the only reason that the demons were lifted to vassals of devils instead of slaves but these also came at a price all demons that had no access to sins that resonates with them turn out to be dullard any that was intelligent was a genius though these had been corrected most demon intelligence put shame to the name higher races so they were ranked above lower races like beasts but below higher races so on rank they were only a bit above races like humans.

In the midst of the 21 devils, a white haired devil could be seen covered in blood that was mostly not his own but any which dared to land on his white hair was instantly devoured by it, 4 short horns on his forehead elegant and beautiful like a crown, crimson red iris like blood condensed to the peak, a loving and gentle smile but the coldness and indifference in his eyes would creep anyone out,his aura vast as the starry sky, four hands each armed with vastly unique looking sabers all different in length and breath that you would not believe they were a set, yet each one was enough to be the life long battle partner of most true devil yet he had four and they were a set, life was so unfair yet it never said it wasn't. This devil was no other than Marcus Azaroth as he called himself since a devils true name was his greatest secret, many knew him with other name, the great contractor, the conqueror, the greedy one, the crimson wraith, the greatest scammer, bastard thief,and so many other, the centuries he spent alive was not in vain after all. The white hair devil looked around him at what was left of his army now nothing more than pieces of corpse littered around him for as far as his eyes could see, the devils he had raised and trained with his power, resources even his heart blood from when they were weak demons which he now called his children and descendants since no female could enter his heart already refined by his experiences of slaughter and betrayal. His children were all still alive yet were in no shape to continue this fight some had already lost function of their arms or leg while others like Mordred had lost function of half of her body not that they were weak but they had cause enough death that a six to one gang up was not enough to deal with them anymore and the number of their opponent was increased while his daughter Elena was spotless due to her weak attacking power compared to the rest not because she is weak but because her all roundness was terrifying. Seeing what had become of his children yet their aura, blood lust and battle intent was only a rank below his. He looked at what what left of his opponents of six he had began with, only two were in good shape the other one still alive had already lost his right hand and left leg. his waist was supposed to have been separated from his body but unfortunately he only lost his leg, yet their aura was on the same rank as him yet the intensity was below him by a large amount. This was one of the reason he was wanted dead since they were all almost the same when battle began, yet his Devourers physique had made him superior to them at the end of the battle which should be now, devouring the cultivation of others and devouring mana to cultivate while fighting was so unfair it could be called cheating. One of the opponent In good shape, fiery red hair, slender physique endowment approved for a devil, some do wonder how she is balanced with the size of her chest, face sculpted to make man sin and women were not beyond her reach; Anna a certified succubus said "Marcus please stop this mindless slaughter, even if you survive this, the devil monarch and Deities would not let you live for long, why don't we come to a deal we would take care of your descendants, when you have gone to the afterlife since all the spy's of the devils monarch in our midst are all dead and we will fulfill our mission to kill you. This way we will all win, I can swear by my true name that nothing would happen to your descendants as long as I live i would treat them like mine."

[A deal has been offered to you, do you want to establish a contract.]

Marcus ignored the notification infront of him and then looked at all his children's opponent whose had reduced from 140 to 86 non of them were in good shape "I see my children winning this battle at the cost of their brothers and sisters death. I see my children surviving as long as I can take you and the other two with me to the afterlife. So tell me Anna, Beersheba and Fin. why should I accept your proposal, any way I would be dead isn't bringing more friends to join me what am suppose to do as a gentleman,why would I do otherwise" Marcus replied. Fin, as a devil with the wrathful demon bloodline,buffed and muscular body, dark tone skin, would have made a good example for an able warrior unfortunately an arm and a leg were missing, couldn't take it anymore and spoke. with one hand and leg gone he was already on death door in this battle "Don't you care for your so called children there is a way for none of them to die in this wicked place, we are not even sure we will survive and you still wish to reduce our numbers after all the destruction you have caused don't you care for the demon race" Marcus laughed while he replied "I care not for the demon race since it has turn it's back on me, I care not my children deaths for none of them has the will to surrender. Look into their eyes and see my children fearless in the face of death while your descendants shiver, surely you must have gone rusty and your training method gentle. So it is not me you should bargain with but those behind me who has no fear of death." It was at this point Beersheba, a demon covered in a blue and black battle suit, her figure was obscured by it that except knowing she was a lady you wouldn't be able to determine any other thing, surely she was one with the demon mechanic bloodline opened the helmet of her war suit then spoke "Elena, you are the eyes of your father and heart of your siblings. Make the decision so we may all know when death take us. I have no hope that we all will survive this accursed place so at least let me die enjoying my fight with Marcus" immediately she said these she closed her helmet while taking a battle stance, opening her helmet was only a sign of respect to her opponent, Marcus seeing this also took his stance and all his descendants followed, only Elena, a slim and beautiful young lady obsidian black eyes and hair with streaks of white at the front which indicated she carries Marcus blood, body gifted by the devils to make men to sin, a appealing figure that rivalled even Anna.she was the center of attention of all their enemy, she didn't take a stance instead she catwalked to their father then came behind his ear and whisper "I have foreseen this day coming father so I have made preparation for all my brother and sisters to continue to live after their death, only your did I have issues with since it is not yet complete but I am sure it can still contain a soul, father so go as wild as you can, kill as many as you want, we your children have decided to follow you in life and in death,for we are but an extension of you and nothing more" any who had hope for a surrender was looking down on Elena Azaroth, the black deceiver. Looking at his daughter with a satisfied smile, while she happy about her fathers smile and her siblings filled with joy and bloodthirst their opponent knew the bargain had gone wrong. Fin at this point had madness hidden in his very being 'Since I will die any way let me bring you all with me' the moment they all clashed their blades he implode his demonic core creating a humongous explosion by the time it would subside Marcus corpse was no where to be found not even ashes of his opponent survived let's not talk of him, the only surviving object was a wrecked excuse for a Mecha about 12 meter in size yet if it moved at this point then it would be a miracle equivalent of the summoning of the holy grail. A mecha not a war suit.

In the realm of souls where there exist only darkness Marcus soul could be seen even if he lost his body such an explosion was no where enough to Destroy his soul it was only harmed. the same could not be said about his children though it could be seen that his soul was being pulled in more than one direction but he followed the one that was the strongest, the others were just decoys. Arriving at a point in the darkness where there was a little hole the attraction was coming from the other side entering he found the body of a white hair male being nurtured in a flower. This was the vessel prepared for him, wasting no time he began the possession unfortunately his vessel could not handle his soul so he did what any sane person would never do, he began to expell all memories he find of lesser important to the flower while he used what was left to continue his possession.

[Warning: content of soul is being lost if not regained unexpected damage may be incurred]

any time his vessel could not go on he expelled memories to the flowers until he succeeded then he manipulated the flower to Release him.

[Warning: physical body is heavily flawed. Half of the mana circuit has not been created while the other half requires strengthing.]

[Warning: your physical body requires nourishing. At this point less-than half of the standard capability can be utilized]

[vitality would have to be consumed permanently for all repairs]

[Amount of vitality consumed will leave system offline after repairs are made]

It was at this point that he found the issues he was warned of by someone he had forgotten the body was to weak while the mana circuit was not completed, he had no choice but to sacrifice his vitality to correct this but looking at the flower behind him, he had to cultivate it first since all his deleted memories were stored in there, and it was his only way of regaining them, not to mention that it was very likely to become a sinister plant type beast if left alone, after all part of the memory of a true devil is enough to corrupt even an angel. Drawing a formation around the flower while using the mana crystal hidden beside the root for power source. The flower was refined into a small grey flower with little spots of black and red, la foliae was it name. Now that the flower is done, looking at his two meter tall body with strength less than of a nine years old he sat in a lotus position.while he consumed vitality to correct the flaws in his body thankfully this body had not been unsealed or else it would have been grave. When he was done the white haired man was no more only a white haired toddler with a rumbling belly remain left to fend for himself in an unfair world. Would he be devour in the currents of time of will he devour others.

sorry guys, it's my first novel so please bear with me. Just for the notice punctuation is not my thing

THE_BLOODcreators' thoughts