
Chapter 47: Understandable Mistake!

Chapter 47: Understandable Mistake!


Ace entered the room with slow steps, carefully taking in its interior. The spacious room was adorned with decorations covering the walls.

On the left, a window allowed silvery rays of the moon to enter, casting a gentle glow on the room.

In the centre, a large and luxurious bed with a royal-like structure caught his attention, a surprise considering the less common use of beds in Japanese culture.

Beside the bed, a low wooden table held a meticulously arranged flower vase with a beautiful rose. However, the rose was yet to bloom, adding a touch of anticipation to the atmosphere.

Ace couldn't help but appreciate the meticulous design of the room, where every element seemed to harmonize with the next.

Daki looked at the boy who had come to her room at her invitation. 'He looks charmed, heh. Quite naive, he is. I'll enjoy eating him.'

Upon closer inspection, she entertained the thought of enjoying his body once. Usually she would never allow a human to touch even a bit of her skin. But he could be an exception. Maybe it would be his last bit of happiness in his life.

Gesturing for him to come closer, she patted the bed beside her, indicating for him to sit.

Ace observed her actions, thinking, 'Is she trying to invite a wolf into her den! Does she still not understand who I am? Quite a disappointment she is for a demon.'

Deciding to play along and see what she would do, Ace asked, "What did the esteemed Oiran call me for this late at night?" Adopting a polite tone, he sat beside her..

"Well... I saw a handsome boy and wanted to talk with him. Do you not want to talk with me?"

"No-no, how can I not be excited talking with such a beautiful and famous Oiran? Rather, I am honoured," Ace said, faking an excited expression.

"*Giggle* I knew you were a gentleman, and it seems you know your way with sweet words and pleasing women," Daki smiled sweetly, hearing his praise.

"A man has to know of the three gems of life if he wants to live a fulfilling life. So, of course, I am good at it."

"Oh! What are those three gems of life? Tell me," Daki said in amusement and curiosity.

"They are food, water, and pleasing words. These three things take you a long way in life," Ace said.

"Oh! You are even quite wise for your age.!" Daki remarked, thinking his word might have some truth to it. As upon hearing his pleasing words, she might entertain the idea of keeping him alive for a bit longer.

Suddenly changing the topic, she looked into his eyes as if trying to intimidate him and said, "And you are quite ruthless too, taking out a Shogun relative so easily without fear, or is it just your idiocy?" Daki said slowly, putting her hand on his shoulders.

Looking at Daki trying to intimidate him, Ace thought, 'What are you playing, girl! Shouldn't you try to kill me as soon as you came close to me? What's with all this acting?'

"You have quite a sharp eye for a mere Oiran," Ace said.

"Oh! Reduced to a mere Oiran so quickly. What happened to the esteemed Oiran?" Daki said, feigning hurt.

"Well, I decided to stop playing when you did." Ace said, looking straight into her eyes.

"Hmm, you know an Oiran needs to be good at many things; you never know when you need them."

"Including killing?"


"Why not come straight to the point instead of going roundways?" Ace said, confused why she is acting so different from her original personality in the manga.

She was never patient enough to engage in even this much conversation, often acting snobbish like a child or throwing a tantrum.

"Tch, you are no fun. Do you know how many men would kill to just meet me and talk?"

'And get eaten right after that! Heh!' Ace thought.

"Well, you can't compare me to such men. You wouldn't have invited me personally if I were, right?" Ace said.

"Well said." Daki smiled.

"He got what he deserved. He should have kept his hands to himself and not tried to stretch his legs beyond his cover," Ace answered her previous question.

'Tengen should better show some appreciation that I saved his wife. Hmph!' Ace thought inwardly.

"Oh! Quite righteous! Did he try to lay hands on someone you care?" Daki asked.

"Something like that," Ace said.

"Are you going to admit it just like that? You know, I can easily report you to the Shogun and you will be put to death. " She said all while her hand slowly started rubbing his shoulder.

"How would you even prove it?" Ace countered.

"Why would I even need to prove it? Shogun would just want a scapegoat to put blame on and show off his authority. Do you think he cares about that dead guy? And I have enough social standing that no one will try to deny my words," Daki stated in confidence as if her intimidation were successful.

"Do you think I care about a Shogun?"

"Well, you should care. Living while running is not really a good life," Daki said.

Ace held her hand, which had already started caressing his hand, and said, "Are you trying to intimidate me or give me some form of solace by offering help?"

"You can take it however you want," Daki said, letting go of his hand.

"And what do you want in return for this so-called help of yours?" Ace questioned her intentions.

She didn't say anything, only looked at him meaningfully, licking her rosy lips with her long tongue as her hand slowly reached his thighs and caressed it.

Ace looked at her hand for a second before a light bulb lit up in his mind. He thought, 'So, this demon girl is craving sex all the time, and here I thought this was some elaborate plan of Muzan's to trap me. Hmm… No, it can still be that. I will still need to be careful of her.'

'Still, I have to say she is good at whatever she is doing. Her seduction is quite effective with a perfect amount of subtlety and teasing.'

Seeing him not answering, Daki got a little bolder and directly held his manhood in her hand, which surprised her as she thought, 'Big!! and it is soft.'

It only excited her more as he perfectly suited her tastes. She didn't know why she felt like that, as even from Muzan-sama, she didn't feel any such attraction.

But it didn't matter now as the fish was already in her net, hehe. As she leaned on him to get a taste of his delicious lips.

Ace sweated, feeling caught off when she suddenly grabbed his little brother while he was lost in his thoughts. 'Don't tell me I will get raped by a demon!'

And when he saw her leaning to kiss him, he panicked a little, 'Will she crush my little brother if I don't kiss her now?'

Ace couldn't do anything as Daki had tightened her hold on his manhood while also slowly pistoning it, as both of their lips collided in a heated kiss. And it didn't help at all that somehow, this Daki had a Mommy figure instead of teenage one.





- x - X - x -

{Few Hours Later}

'Yeah, I am definitely....regretting it.' Ace thought while looking at the world upside down.

- x - X - x -

If you want the R18 chapter, you can find it on Patreon. And Don't worry guys; I will still post the other R18 chapters here. It's just that this is a kind of exclusive demand from a Patreon user, so I didn't post it here.

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