
Chapter 2

{Kusakabe Mansion}

Over the next two years, my education took on a demanding routine. From the break of dawn to the final traces of twilight, every moment was meticulously planned to extract the utmost from my learning journey.

Mornings were dedicated to scholarly pursuits. I delved into a wide range of subjects, absorbing knowledge like a sponge under the vigilant gaze of seasoned tutors. Mathematics, literature, history, and science became my daily companions, expanding my understanding of the world.

As the sun climbed higher, the focus shifted to physical training. Swordsmanship, an integral facet of Kusakabe heritage, was cultivated with precision. Guided by the expertise of Grandfather Yamato and Grandmother Aki, I learned not just the art of combat, but also the values of discipline, focus, and strategic thinking.

After the arduous training sessions, afternoons seamlessly transitioned into lessons on diplomacy and politics with my father. These discussions aimed to equip me with the ability to navigate the intricate web of alliances and rivalries that defined our world.

Evenings were reserved for the refined instruction of my mother, who guided me through the intricacies of etiquette and social graces befitting a member of our esteemed clan. These skills were indispensable for navigating the complexities of high society and conducting business with influential patrons.

On weekends, we ventured into the bustling markets, serene temples, and artisan workshops. These excursions provided a practical education in commerce and craftsmanship. I immersed myself in the lives of the people and places that had shaped our clan's legacy.

Over these two years, my dedication and hard work manifested palpable progress. The once uncertain scholar had blossomed into a well-rounded and capable individual. My knowledge was now complemented by physical prowess, diplomatic finesse, and a heightened appreciation for our cultural heritage.

Grandpa Hajime POV

Over the past two years, observing Hoshi's educational journey has been a profoundly gratifying experience for me. It's as though Hoshi possesses an innate thirst for knowledge, absorbing every teaching and lesson I've offered like a sponge. This inherent intelligence was evident even from the moment of Hoshi's birth, but what they have achieved in these past two years is nothing short of extraordinary.

I've had the privilege of witnessing the growth of Hoshi's mind, and it's a testament to his exceptional abilities. Even Takashi, Hoshi's father and a brilliant mind in his own right, didn't demonstrate this level of rapid and comprehensive learning. Takashi's accomplishments elevated the status of our clan, leaving an indelible mark on our legacy. Now, with Hoshi's emergence, it's as if he embodied all of Takashi's brilliance, but with an added layer of potential and capability.

Hoshi's aptitude seems boundless. There is no subject or skill that appears beyond his grasp. In fact, at times, it feels as though Hoshi approaches each lesson not as a new concept to be learned, but as a familiar territory being revisited. It's as if he has already mastered these subjects and is now simply deepening his understanding.As a teacher and as a grandfather, there is a profound sense of pride and hope that swells within me when I look at him.

Grandma Kaoru POV

Over the past two years, witnessing Hoshi's journey through the art of swordsmanship has been an immensely fulfilling experience for me. My love for this ancient discipline runs deep; it's what initially drew me to Yamato, the man who would become my life partner. His mastery of the blade was nothing short of awe-inspiring, and it forged a connection between us that went beyond words.

When the time came to pass on our knowledge to Hoshi, I couldn't help but feel a surge of joy and pride. It was evident from the first lesson that Hoshi possessed a rare and innate talent, much like his mother and grandfather before him. This family lineage of exceptional swordsmanship was now carried on through Hoshi, and it filled me with a sense of purpose and continuity.

In each training session, I endeavored to instill not only the technical aspects of wielding a sword but also the profound discipline and respect that accompanies it.

Hoshi's progress was nothing short of extraordinary. His dedication, focus, and innate understanding of the art surpassed even my highest expectations. It was as if he was born to wield a sword, his movements becoming an elegant dance of steel and precision.

As the years unfolded, I could sense a powerful legacy taking shape. Hoshi was not only inheriting the physical skills but also the spiritual essence of the Mononobe swordsmanship. He was going to become a guardian, a protector, and a beacon of hope in these uncertain times.

Grandpa Yamato POV

Swordsmanship coursed through the veins of the Mononobe family, and in Hoshi, I saw a reflection of my own youthful passion for the art. I hoped to train him into a demon slayer, like so many in our lineage before him. With each day, I shared not just techniques, but the wisdom of generations. Hoshi's progress was impressive, a testament to his dedication. I looked ahead with pride and anticipation, knowing he had the potential to become a true guardian of our clan and land. The legacy of the Mononobe family's swordsmanship was in capable hands, and I had no doubt Hoshi would carry it forward with honor.

Kusakabe Aki POV

My son has always been exceptional, displaying a maturity and intelligence beyond his years. His education in the past two years, particularly in manners, revealed his quiet determination. I recall his initial outburst at the dinner table years ago, a testament to his spirited curiosity.

While his gaze still yearns for the stars, there's a newfound groundedness. This evolution, though bittersweet, speaks volumes about his growth.As a mother, I feel a mix of nostalgia and pride. Watching him absorb lessons on manners and societal norms has been a journey. It's clear he's internalized these teachings, integrating them into his character.

I find solace in knowing he retains wonder and respect for the world. In the years ahead, he will forge a unique path, blending wisdom with boundless potential. His journey, woven with threads of growth and love, defines him.

Kusakabe Takashi POV

My son has always been the crowning achievement of my life. No amount of wealth or connections could surpass the pride he brought me. Over the past two years, his dedication to learning the theoretical aspects of our family business has surpassed even my highest expectations. Thanks to his mother's tutelage, he navigates conversations with owners with a confidence beyond his years.

Yet, there's one concern that lingers. Despite my efforts to foster connections, he hasn't formed any meaningful bonds or engaged with children his own age. It's the only aspect that gives me pause in my otherwise boundless pride for him.


I had just finished a hearty family dinner, and my usual plan was to head to the backyard for some stargazing. However, an inexplicable feeling washed over me, redirecting my steps towards the dojo. Once there, I instinctively reached for a polished steel katana, its cool weight familiar in my grip. In a trance-like state, I made my way back to the backyard.

My eyes remained fixed on the night sky, the stars twinkling with an unusual intensity. The twelve primary constellations seemed to stir, taking on new forms and patterns. My focus sharpened on the Aries constellation, and with a sense of purpose, I began to replicate its celestial dance. Each movement flowed with an uncanny ease, as if guided by an unseen force.

When I completed the intricate form, a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over me. The grass beneath me felt inviting, and before I knew it, I had succumbed to slumber under the vast expanse of the night sky. It was a surreal experience, one that left me with a sense of wonder and a multitude of questions swirling in my mind. What had triggered this strange sequence of events, and what did it mean for my path ahead?

Welp third chapter down can you guess what Truth gave him find out in the next chapter of Demon Slayer: I love Stars. hope you enjoyed it.

Joanjudocreators' thoughts
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