
Demon Slayer - The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Reincarnated... Wait, What?! Kendo champion, physics enthusiast, and hardcore otaku Akio is living his best life until a sudden twist of fate throws him headfirst into the world of Demon Slayer. Now stuck in the body of a young boy with a tragic past, Akio's got to figure out how to survive in a world filled with flesh-eating demons. Armed with his past life's knowledge, a Demon Slayer Mark, and a "Walmart Byakugan," Akio's ready to face this new challenge with his signature blend of humor, wit, and surprisingly effective kendo skills. Join him as he navigates this demon-infested world, one hilarious mishap at a time, all while trying to figure out if Tanjiro's crow is yellow or black. Copyright Notice: I do not own Demon Slayer or any of its characters. All rights belong to Koyoharu Gotouge and their respective publishers. (Seriously, guys, come up with better names for your abilities. "Transparent World"? C'mon, that's so basic. I mean, I'd call it something cooler, like... "Superhuman X-Ray Vision" or "The All-Seeing Eye of Awesomeness." But hey, what do I know? I'm just a lowly reincarnated kendo nerd trying to survive in a demon-infested world.) Published by: Over9000words (Note to self: Find a better pen name. This one's starting to feel a bit... cringe. Maybe something like "The Reincarnated Otaku" or "The Kendo Kid with X-Ray Vision." I'll workshop it.) Book Title: Demon Slayer: The Man, The Myth, The Legend (Okay, even I have to admit that title is a bit much. But hey, it's catchy, right? ...Right? Besides, Over9000words is the one writing this thing, not me. Blame him for the cheesy title.) p.s. Akio doesn't know shit about kendo, he is just making it up to look cool - Over9000words. *Knock* *Knock*

Over9000Words · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 10: Exam Days

"Alright, Akio," I said to myself, squinting at the crudely drawn map Nakamura-san had sketched out for me. "Time to put those legendary navigational skills to the test."

Famous last words.

Three days. Three. Freaking. Days. That's how long it took me to reach Mount Fujikasane. And let me tell you, it wasn't exactly a leisurely stroll through the park.

Turns out, "a long walk" is equals to "a grueling trek through dense forests, treacherous mountain passes, and suspiciously demon-infested caves."

I swear, if I hadn't unlocked Kinetic Breathing, I'd probably be a bear's afternoon snack by now.

But hey, at least the scenery was nice. Okay, "nice" is an understatement. It was freakin' breathtaking. Towering mountains, cascading waterfalls, fields of wildflowers...

And then there was Mount Fujikasane itself. Even in the daylight, it was a sight to behold. The peak was shrouded in mist, giving it an air of mystery and grandeur. And the entire mountainside was covered in wisteria blossoms, their sweet scent filling the air.

"Okay, this is officially the most beautiful place I've ever seen," I muttered, my jaw practically on the ground. "I'm almost tempted to forget about the whole demon-slaying thing and just become a nature photographer."


But duty called, and my stomach was still grumbling from the last batch of questionable berries I'd eaten. So, I pushed on, following the winding path towards the summit.

Finally, I reached a clearing, where a traditional Japanese house stood nestled amidst the wisteria trees. A wooden sign hanging above the entrance read "Wisteria Crest" in elegant calligraphy. Bingo.

I knocked on the shoji door, feeling a nervous flutter in my stomach. This was it. The first step towards becoming a real Demon Slayer.

A gentle voice called out from inside, "Come in."

I slid the door open, revealing a spacious tatami room filled with nervous-looking teenagers. They all wore similar outfits to mine, their faces a mix of anticipation and fear.

An elderly woman, her hair pulled back in a tight bun, greeted me with a warm smile. "Welcome, young man," she said. "You must be here for the Final Selection."

I nodded, trying to keep my voice steady. "Yes, ma'am. Asakura Akio, at your service."

The woman gestured towards the other occupants of the room. "These are your fellow candidates. The Final Selection begins tonight. Until then, please rest and prepare yourselves."

I bowed politely, then found a quiet corner to settle down. As I looked around the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with these other aspiring demon slayers. We were all here for the same reason, driven by the same desire to protect humanity from the darkness.

But then, a mischievous grin spread across my face. Let's be real, folks. We're also here for the cool swords and the awesome uniforms.

As the sun began to set, the wisteria-covered mountainside took on an ethereal glow. It was beautiful, but also kinda spooky. The air was thick with anticipation, like everyone was holding their breath, waiting for something big to happen.

And then it did.

The elderly woman who'd greeted us earlier led us out of the house and into the deepening twilight. The wisteria blossoms seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor.

"Whoa," I whispered, my eyes wide with wonder. "This place is even more breathtaking at night." It was like stepping into a fairytale, but with a hint of impending doom lurking in the shadows.

We followed the winding path up the mountain, the trees growing denser with every step. Soon, the moonlight was barely filtering through the canopy, and the air felt heavy with an unspoken threat.

Finally, we emerged into a large clearing, bathed in the eerie glow of the moon. At the center of the clearing stood a group of figures, their silhouettes outlined against the pale light.

In the middle, a woman with long, flowing hair and a serene expression stood motionless. But her eyes... man, those eyes were something else. They were wide and unblinking, like a doll's eyes, staring right through you.

"What's with her eyes?..." I muttered to myself. "... Freakin' creepy."

The woman stepped forward, her voice soft but carrying an undeniable authority.

"Welcome, aspiring demon slayers," she began. "I am Ubuyashiki Amane, and I oversee the Final Selection."

Her gaze swept over us, taking in our nervous faces and trembling hands. A small smile played on her lips, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"For the next seven days, you will be trapped within this forest," she continued. "Demons of varying strength and cunning have been captured and released here. Your task is simple: survive."

A collective gasp rippled through the group. Survive for seven days? Against a horde of demons? This is gonna be fun... I thought, trying to suppress a nervous chuckle.

"Those who emerge from the forest alive will be deemed worthy of joining the Demon Slayer Corps," Ubuyashiki-sama concluded. "May the wisteria guide your path and protect you from the darkness."

With that, she stepped back, and the figures behind her parted, revealing a narrow path leading into the depths of the wisteria forest.

The Final Selection had begun.

With a final nod to Ubuyashiki-sama and a silent prayer to any deity that might be listening, I plunged into the wisteria-draped forest. The air was thick with the scent of the blossoms, a bittersweet reminder of both safety and the lurking danger.

The silence was broken only by the rustling of leaves and the occasional snap of a twig under my foot. I moved cautiously, my senses heightened, every nerve on edge.

It wasn't long before I encountered my first opponent. A grotesque figure emerged from the shadows, its skin a sickly green, its limbs twisted and gnarled. It had more eyes than I could count, each one staring at me with a hunger that chilled me to the bone.

"Well, hello there, ugly," I muttered, trying to keep my voice steady despite the knot of fear in my stomach. "Looks like it's time for a makeover. And by makeover, I mean decapitation."

The demon let out a guttural roar, its multiple eyes narrowing in rage. It lunged at me, its claws outstretched like rusty daggers.

Time to put my training to the test, I thought, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Ichi no Kata: Kasoku Geki / First Form: Accelerated Impact!

I dashed forward, leaving a trail of shimmering energy in my wake. The demon swung its claws, but I was already gone, my movements a blur.

I reappeared behind it, my katana poised for a strike. All the momentum from my dash, all the kinetic energy I had built up, flowed into the blade.

With a shout, I unleashed the attack. The katana sliced through the demon's neck, a flash of light marking the point of impact. The beast's head flew off, its body dissolving into ash.

"One down," I panted, my heart still racing. "Hopefully, the rest are a bit more... aesthetically pleasing."

I continued deeper into the forest, the scent of wisteria growing fainter with each step. The air grew heavier, the shadows deeper. I could feel the presence of other demons lurking nearby, their malevolent energy sending shivers down my spine.

Suddenly, I heard a commotion ahead. Three demons, each one more hideous than the last, were locked in a vicious struggle. They snarled and snapped at each other, their claws clashing and fangs bared.

"He's mine!" one screeched, its voice a grating shriek.

"No, he's my prey!" another roared, its massive bulk shaking the ground.

"You're both idiots!" the third hissed. "I saw him first!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the scene. Here I was, surrounded by bloodthirsty demons, and they were too busy fighting each other to notice me.

"Well, this is convenient," I muttered, a mischievous grin spreading across my face. "Time to crash this party."

San no Kata: Ikioi no Gekidō / Third Form: Momentum Surge,

my body buzzing with kinetic energy.

With a burst of speed, I launched myself into the fray. My katana became a blur, each strike building upon the last, a symphony of motion and power. The demons, caught off guard, barely had time to react.

One moment they were snarling at each other, the next they were disintegrating into ash, their bodies unable to withstand the relentless onslaught of my attacks.

I stood amidst the fading remnants of the demons, my chest heaving, my katana dripping with their foul blood.

"Three more down," I said, a satisfied smirk playing on my lips. "And that's how you settle an argument, demon-style."

(To be continued...)

Over9000words leans back in their chair, a mischievous glint in their eye. "So, Akio, how about we spice things up a bit? Maybe throw in a surprise boss battle? Should I drop Douma or Akaza here? Or perhaps... Muzan himself?"

Akio raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Muzan? The dollar-store Michael Jackson wannabe? I'm not sure if I'm ready to face the ultimate villain just yet. Besides, wouldn't that kinda end the whole Demon Slayer story prematurely?"

Over9000words shrugs. "Eh, details, details. We could always say you accidentally stumbled into his lair and took him out with a lucky shot. Muzan dead, you're a hero, humans are safe! The end!"

Akio's mouth twitches, clearly amused but also slightly disturbed. "Uh... I don't know about that. Sounds a bit... anticlimactic, don't you think?"

AI-sensei clears their throat, a hint of disapproval in their voice. "While I appreciate the creative suggestion, I must concur with Akio. Prematurely ending the overarching narrative would be a disservice to the story's potential and the readers' expectations."

Over9000words pouts. "Fine, fine. No Muzan for now. But I'm still keeping my options open. Who knows, maybe he'll show up later for a surprise cameo. Or maybe Akio will develop a sudden allergy to sunlight and become a demon himself. The possibilities are endless!"

Akio laughs. "Okay, now you're just messing with me. But seriously, let's keep things focused on the Final Selection for now. I'm having way too much fun slicing and dicing these lower-level demons."

Over9000words grins. "That's the spirit, Akio! Keep up the good work, and don't forget to entertain our lovely readers along the way."

End of Chapter 10