
Demon Like No Other

Reborn in DC as a Demon.

Charlie_Sowern · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs



There was plenty of wars to punish a sinner biblically, but I had never thought that making that sinner into a demon was one of them. Provided I got sent to the DC universe was quite a punishment, the fact that whoever sent me here gave me the powers of a pre-retcon Beyonder just showed me that perhaps I was not here as a form of punishment. Perhaps I was just entertainment to the being, or beings, something to alleviate their eternal boredom.

Now, Hell was everything it has ever been described but multiplied by infinite. This was a place for suffrage and every being in here is meant to suffer for all eternity. Yes, that included demons too. Even with all their power, no demon was sane enough to believe Hell is really their home. That's why they take every chance to escape into Earth or other dimensions, because this really was their prison as much as everybody else's. Even with my newfound power, I could feel the dimension was already trying to claw its way into my mind and start dishing out its penance for my existence. It was scary, feeling that, but what would you expect when this place was built by an Omnipotent being.

So, like all demons, I wanted out of this place as fast as possible. But I wanted it to just be me and nobody else because what's the point of letting every one get out only to be hunted down by Arch-Angel Gabriel or Presence forbid, Micheal. Yeah, I was planning a jailbreak for one.

As I walked down the dungeons where souls were being punished sadistically, I couldn't help but shudder. I would be one of the lost souls in here, being punished for eternity because I just loved stealing. The demons were venting their own suffering onto them and boy it was gruesome! They loved the repeat your own death routine for the weak willed while other received their personal attention which was the worst thing you want. Demons were creative as fuck! I reached the dungeon in which I was supposed to torture the #*rist out of a serial rapist. Honestly, I was feeling pretty sadistic ever since I became a demon and I was looking forward for this. The screams of agony and pain were soothing to demons, lets them get high a temporarily forget their own suffering. I opened the door and got in to see the rapist had tried to hang himself only he was already dead so he was just kicking and struggling, growling in pain while dangling in the air.

"Heh, that's amusing," I chuckled mirthfully in spite of myself. The man looked at my eight-foot tall, four armed, red skinned, pointed tailed, red eyed, horned, leathery winged self and his eyes widened in fear. My cosmic awareness, even while limiting it to almost nonexistent, let me know his entire life with just a look and I was eager to start right away.

"GRRAWWRGH!" the man struggled even harder up in the air and I chuckled looking at his futile attempt at breaking his neck. Okay, maybe wait for a while.


"Now that we are done with the comedic routine, it's time we start the main act," I said when my amusement was over. The man's eyes widened in shock when he found himself standing on the floor when just a second ago, he was dangling from the cage's roof. "So, Mr. Albert, I see you like raping and torturing women, huh?"

"Please, whatever you want, I can give it to you. Just…Please, let me go," Albert begged, going to his knees. He then looked at between my legs and gulped. "I…will even suck you off."

I was shocked, not at his attempt to please me but the fact that I was almost considering it! As a demon, it did not matter where I get pleasure, pleasure was pleasure; whether from a woman or a man. Now, I was a straight as a ruler man so the fact that the offer made me hesitate made me realize that I really needed principles in this new life.

"Well, as tantalizing as that thought it, it's only reserved for the pretty ones. Give them a break here and then before they start screaming again. You on the other hand, have been reserved for a much different, but similar, purpose," I said before the entire dungeon changed. We were standing in an alleyway, an alleyway that made Albert's eyes widen in shock.

"What…This…" He could not find the words in his mouth.

"Yes, this is the very first time you acted on your sexual fantasies. The very first time you caught and brutally raped a sixteen years old girl called Stacy," I answered him as a cold smirk started forming on my lips. It was at this moment we heard footsteps coming towards us from behind, making him turn and his eyes widen in shock. I already knew what he saw; himself. Or rather, the nineteen years old version of himself in a black trench coat which hid his white tighty-whities and sneakers. The young one stopped, staring at the old one and then a feral grin pasted his face. The old version took steps back in fear only to realize something was wrong. Looking down, he found out he had boobs, or rather, he could remember those boobs vividly. They belonged to Stacy; he could never forget his first.

"You better run, he looks extra horny," I whispered into his mind. Albert did not need to be told twice, he took off, only to fall down. He was used to running as a man but he was now in the body of a sixteen-year-old girl wearing heels and a miniskirt. Suffice to say, he was caught before he could even stand. Trying to fend himself was also useless, I had given him the strength of a teenage girl while his younger self I had given him twice the strength he had then. What came next was something I NEVER thought I would enjoy but was surprisingly entertained.


"See you later, player. Wonder what kind of sounds you will make," I chuckled at the man who was sprawled on the floor, a thousand-yard stare present on his face. He was broken and this was only the first session, my demon heart was beating in anticipation at what I would achieve with more sessions. In hell, there was no break, infinity of suffering was just, infinite for even as I was walking out, another demon was heading my way, anticipation on his face.

"This one's a bitch," I told it and its grin went from ear to ear, the prep in its step becoming springy and the anticipation in it bubbling past boiling point. It almost ran into the dungeon and start harvesting Albert's misery but kept its dignity, gave me a thankful nod and continued on. Yeah, I just screwed Albert big time.

How it worked here was that a demon could project its thought to the dimension once its inside the dungeon and as long as it involved the torturing of the soul, the dimension would make those thoughts a reality, restricted minor reality warping. Of course, I could bypass that and make the soul just breakdown completely but that would alert the big wigs and they would investigate. I was not afraid of the princes of hell but if Mazekeen, Lillith or even Lucifer decide to poke in, I was in for a rough ride. That was why I did not just break my way out of hell even though I had the power to do so but bid my time because Lucifer would be alerted and it was not worth it. As for the reason I was still in this dimension of suffering was because I was waiting for something.

It was then that I felt it, or rather all demons felt it. It was a summoning into Earth, a group of humans were foolish enough to summon us. Honestly, it amazes me just how self-sabotage humans were; demons were made to be nothing but pure evilness yet human think they can use us for their nefarious things. For now, this aligned with my goals and I smirked when I saw demons go into an all-out battle royal as a blood red Ouroboros Contract floated from the fiery skies towards them. This was their chance, a chance to temporarily take a break from all the suffering and chase their own goals.

Demons were very ambitious; they say tough times make tough men and Hell was as tough as it got. I watched as the demons tore into each other mercilessly, order and ranks all forgotten for the chance to get out of here. Blood was spilled, limbs were torn off, friends became enemies and I just watched. It was cruel really; they were fighting so hard while the prize was already in my possession. I looked at the blood red Ouroboros Contract in my hand and shook my head in amusement. They stood no chance!