
Demon King In Naruto

A Demon King is Born in the Naruto World, He just wants peace but it doesn't seem to be so easy after all. He who controls the seven deadly sin shall change the Naruto World, or maybe not?

MarSus · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

The Day

In the early morning light, as the first rays of the sun painted the sky with colors of gold and pink, Kai stirred from his slumber. The events of the previous day played in his mind, and he slightly smiled.

Stretching his limbs with a contented sigh, Kai rose from his bed and made his way outside. The bustling activity of the ramen shop greeted him, everyone was preparing in anticipation for the day ahead.

Teuchi caught sight of Kai and approached with a friendly grin. "Good morning! How would you like to lend a hand here at the ramen store today?"

Kai's own smile matched Teuchi's enthusiasm. "Sounds like a blast! Count me in."

And so, the day began, marked by a flurry of activity as Kai threw himself into the tasks at hand. From prepping ingredients to setting up tables, he embraced the rhythm of the ramen shop and helped Teuchi in his preparations.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting warm light over the village, the first customer of the day arrived. A swirl of leaves announced their presence, and behold, it was none other than Naruto and Kakashi.

Naruto's excitement was clear, his stomach rumbling in eager anticipation of the meal to come. "Hey, Teuchi, I'm ready to eat like a ninja king!"

Beside him, Kakashi's single visible eye crinkled at the corners in amusement. "Naruto, remember what I told you about pacing yourself."

Teuchi gestured toward the bustling ramen shop, his pride evident in his voice. "Well, you're in for a treat today, Naruto. We've got some extra hands helping out."

Naruto's eyes lit up as he looked around, his gaze finally settling on Kai. "Oh, hey there!"

Kai extended a hand with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you!"

Naruto's response was swift—he nodded in Kai's direction before his attention was promptly diverted by the delicious aroma of freshly cooked ramen. His enthusiasm was unmistakable as he settled into a seat, ready to pounce at the ramen.

Kakashi, meanwhile, observed the scene with amusement. His single visible eye shifted between Kai and Naruto, his mind processing the dynamics at play. He couldn't help but notice the efficiency with which Kai moved around the ramen shop—a precision that seemed reminiscent of someone who had seen combat.

His curiosity piqued, Kakashi's gaze lingered for a moment longer. However, with a small shake of his head, he decided to let it go, chalking it up to a mere coincidence. After all, in a village teeming with ninja, it wasn't uncommon to encounter individuals with diverse backgrounds and skills.

As Naruto dug into his ramen with gusto, savoring each bite with an almost childlike enthusiasm, Kai continued to assist in the bustling atmosphere of the ramen shop. The day was in full swing as more customers entered.

Kai adeptly moved about, engaging in tasks that ranged from ingredient preparation to ensuring the perfect seating arrangement, he found himself at the heart of the vibrant atmosphere.

Amidst the laughter and anticipation, the ramen shop became a hub of not only culinary delights but also fascinating interactions.

One such encounter took place as Kai glanced over at the energetic duo of Rock Lee and Might Guy. Their dynamic was nothing short of captivating, a lively exchange of determination that seemed to light up the very air around them. As Lee fervently proclaimed the power of youth and the splendor of hard work, Might Guy's agreement echoed through the ramen shop like a rallying cry. Kai couldn't help but be drawn into the whirlwind of their enthusiasm.

And then, a different scene unfolded—one that showcased a quieter but equally touching connection. Shikamaru, stood by a table where a noticeably pregnant Kurenai was seated. Their conversation seemed to carry a sense of comfort, where a warm smile could be seen by Kurenai.

His attention then shifted once again, this time to the entrance where a familiar figure stood—Hinata Hyuga, her demeanor a mix of hope and uncertainty. Her gaze swept across the ramen shop in search of someone, her lavender eyes flickering with a delicate blend of hope and anticipation as she scanned the store. Kai watched as Hinata's gaze lingered on each face, her emotions woven into every glance. It was a silent plea in hopes of seeing someone.

With each interaction, Kai caught glimpses of the intricate lives and connections that shaped Konoha of today. It was rather interesting for him who had lived a blend life for a long time.

As night settled over Konoha, casting darkness punctuated by the soft glow of lanterns, the bustling activity of the Ichiraku Ramen Store began to quiet down. It was finally closing time, and Kai's attention turned to the task at hand—prepping to close down the store as Teuchi had instructed.

Kai went ahead, tidying up and organizing the outdoor seating area. Yet, amid the peaceful ambiance, an undercurrent of tension began to pulse through the night. Kai's instincts flared. Turning his gaze toward the shadows, his senses honed in on figures approaching—a group of men accompanied by a single Anbu operative. The night seemed to hold its breath as Kai observed their approach.

As they drew closer, Kai stood his ground. It was evident that their intentions were far from kind, but Kai's chose to remain calm.

"How can I help you?" he inquired.

The Anbu operative, a figure of mystery concealed behind a mask, regarded Kai with an unsettling intensity. Without a word, he attempted to shove Kai aside, expecting an easy compliance.

To his surprise, Kai barely budged—standing still despite the force exerted. The moment seemed to stretch as Kai held his ground, his gaze steady upon the Anbu's mask.

Frustration crept into the Anbu's demeanor as he raised his voice. "Move."

Kai's eyebrow quirked, his patience thinning. The crimson color of his eye rekindled as annoyance seeped into his voice. "Go back," he stated firmly, his words a clear command.

In an instant, the atmosphere shifted from tense to electric. The Anbu's hand darted to his side, drawing forth a gleaming sword with a swift, fluid motion. The blade's arc cut through the night, aimed at Kai with deadly intent.

Kai's reaction was equally swift. He sidestepped the oncoming strike with a fluid motion that seemed to defy the laws of physics. The blade sliced through empty air, missing its target by a hair's breadth.

Kai's gaze locked onto the Anbu, his crimson eye flaring with an intensity that mirrored the tension of the moment. "Is this really necessary?" he quipped, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance.

As the tense encounter with the Anbu continued to unfold, a sudden surge of energy coursed through Kai's veins—a burst of primal power that illuminated the darkness around him. His features contorted as the aura of Wrath (Anger) enveloped him, manifesting as an uncontrollable fury that crackled in the air.

The men who had approached with ill intentions found themselves in the presence of a force beyond their comprehension. Before they could react, Kai's blade aura swept through the space, a lethal torrent of rage that cut through their defenses like a scythe through wheat. Their movements were reduced to futile gestures, their forms shattered as though they were made of glass.

Amidst the chaos, the Anbu operative's attempts to flee were thwarted with chilling precision. Kai's blade aura encircled him like a vice, leaving him immobilized and helpless. It was then that the allure of Lust (Temptation's Touch) was invoked, its seductive tendrils ensnaring the Anbu's mind. The operative's resistance crumbled, his consciousness veiled by an irresistible compulsion.

Kai's crimson gaze bore into the hypnotized Anbu, his voice laced with an intensity that mirrored his abilities. "Who ordered you here?"

The words hung in the air, The Anbu's lips parted, and on the brink of revealing the truth, a sudden disturbance shattered the moment.

A seal materialized with abrupt swiftness on the Anbu's tongue, its appearance accompanied by a swift, painful strike—a small blade that cleaved through the Anbu's tongue with merciless efficiency. The operative's voice was silenced in cry of agony, his body convulsing as he collapsed to the ground, with his life slipping away.

"Enough," Kakashi stated, his voice carrying a weight of authority that seemed to quell the lingering tension in the air.

The energy that had surged within Kai began to lower down, the aura of Wrath gradually receding. The once chaotic scene transformed into one of stillness, save for the ominous presence of the fallen Anbu operative.

Kai regarded Kakashi as someone still reasonable. his own gaze unwavering. "I had no choice but to defend myself."

Kakashi's gaze held a blend of scrutiny but also acknowledgment. "I can see that."

As the silence stretched between them, the weight of the moment was palpable—a collision of conflicting intentions and the sudden, violent end to a confrontation that had escalated beyond control.

Finally, Kakashi spoke, his voice still controleld. "Answers might have been found through different means."

Kai's expression remained solemn, his understanding evident. "Sometimes, the urgency of the situation necessitates a more direct approach."