
Miss Emilie

I was standing, leaning against the wall, whilst surveying the room. Dark and gloomy, just like usual. A large black oval table was situated in the middle of the room, a dim blue light shone down on it from the ceiling.

Around the table sat six grown men and a young girl. Although she'd probably prefer to be referred to as a young lady. At least she definitely made an effort to try to dress and act like one, but just like any kid she only served to humiliate herself. It would've been rather amusing if not for the fact that I was, more often than not, on the receiving end of her endless temper tantrums.

"I can't stand this anymore!" Her hysterical high pitched voice rang out through the room. "Why do I have to be followed around by such a useless subordinate? Why? All she does is make bad jokes, at the worst possible times and get in the way of the missions!" Finally she stopped her little rant after realizing, from the grumpy and unamused expressions of the six sect elders across from her, that it was rather inappropriate.

"Miss Emilie, I hope you realize that we did not call you here to discuss your dissatisfaction with your subordinate." The oldest looking "elder" took the lead. He was a large, muscular man of about fifty or so years old. Although the title elder seems a bit insulting for that kind of guy, it was in actual fact a high honor indicating his status of an accomplished hunter. The surprising part is that he hadn't already died at that age! After all, our kind of prey tend to be rather dangerous.

"The reason behind the meeting is in actuality about your recent missions..." the same elder continued, "... and the rather worrisome reports that you've been handing in."

"What's wrong with my reports?" Asked Emilie, worried about the serious tone of the elder. I couldn't help but smile, my eyes easily piercing through the gloom to see her pretty face furrowed in worry.

"I'm sure that they're comprehensive enough, including all observations made, and the plans we used to eliminate the target." She seemed to be thinking aloud, whilst cutely stroking her chin.

The elder sighed, "it's because of how comprehensive your reports are, that we were able to realize how invalid you methods are! In fact, next to none of these kills could possibly be contributed to your efforts." My smile broadened as her gentle blue eyes began to well up with tears, 'please do start wailing like the little brat that you are! Please, please just get sent back to the training camp already so that I can be free of you...' my thoughts began to trail off as hope filled me. This girl had brought me endless torment for the last three months. I tend to dislike people, but she was one of the very few that I had truly begun to despise. 'It's my own fault though, signing that good for nothing contract!'

"I... l don't... sorry but I don't think I understand..." Emilie turned her tearful eyes toward the elders. Looks of sympathy appeared on a couple, but most remained indifferent.

"The matter is actually quite simple, if not for someone continuously interfering in your missions for the last three months, then you and your team would have already died several times over." The same elder seemed to be leading the meeting, not that I minded, he was clearly well aware of that manipulative brat's incompetence. "Since this the case, we have no other choice than to lower your hunter status within the sect, to the lowest possible rank. If the current trend continues, you'll be forced back to the training camp. Genius or not, if you don't start to learn from your mistakes and more experienced hunters, no matter what your father does, you will be sent back to the camp!" The elder was harsh, but not harsh enough! 'Dude! You're supposed to make her break down crying in misery! Not just this teary eyed nonsense!' However I kept silent while silently cursing my luck, her father had clearly interfered, otherwise she'd be long gone.

'Fuck me! Seems like I still have to work my ass off trying to protect that little shit...' I stared sullenly at the black haired little girl that was currently fighting to hold back her tears. She stared aggressively at the elder who had been talking.

"It's not my fault that someone is interfering with my missions! It's not like I asked anyone to do that!" Emilie indignantly protested to the indifferent elder.

"You didn't, but you're father did. More precisely, he made a deal to keep you safe." Replied the elder coldly, before glancing at me. "You should appreciate your subordinate over there more, after all, from what I can see from the reports, your life has already been in her hands several times already."

"What! Her? All she does is prance around disappearing and reappearing at random!" Emilie was completely hysterical, and I almost felt like face palming on her behalf, 'just what do you think I do while I'm gone? It's not like I'm holding of swarms of demons on your behalf or anything like that! Not to mention all the times I had to find and destroy secret alters that would revive any of the demons you killed!'

"Hmph! You don't find that that those disappearances are little too coincidental? Like that time you faced greater demon Androginoff?" The elder seemed to be getting rather annoyed, as he snorted, viciously retorting in response to her ignorance.

Emilie seemed at a loss, she looked around before turning her crystal blue eyes towards me. "Is this the truth?" She asked me aggressively, I nodded. "Why the hell didn't you say anything!?" She demanded with a spiteful expression.

I sighed before answering, "because your father didn't want you to know that he didn't have full faith in your abilities. Also, would you really have believed me if I told you?" I looked at her with a pitying expression that I knew would piss her off. Her reaction this time though was rather dull, as all she did was glare at me.

She then looked at everyone else and seemed to come to some sort of realization, "your not really a silver ranked demon hunter called Charlie are you?" She asked uncertainly.

I chuckled and replied, "of course not! I'm demon hunter Luka!"

Emilie's eyes widened in shock.

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